Hello everyone! I've got a question regarding playing Star Trek Online in 4K... and about 4K in general for those who have been brave enough to venture into that realm.
I know that the graphics engine in Star Trek Online is a bit tricky as in you can get low frame rates regardless of your hardware specifications. Aside from this, how does Star Trek Online look and behave in 4K? Does the current HUD in terms of size work well in 4K? Let's say the scaling is for a larger 3440 x 1440 / 3840 x 2160 monitor in the range of 32++ inches. I am currently playing at 1080p but I sometimes find this resolution too small for all the things going on the HUD. I find it quite cluttered to be honest. I wonder if 4K is well suited for MMO games with all the HUDs and boxes.
And here is an unrelated STO question, though still 4K related. For those of you who play 4K in other perhaps more demanding games, is 8 GB of video memory enough to sustain 4K? Do you have a general inclination to offer as in how much of a memory usage increase there is jumping from 1080p to 1440p/2160p in the same game with identical or similar settings? Some games use 4-6 GB of memory with the highest texture resolution at 1080p. What would this do for 4K?
I know that 4K is a relatively uncharted territory among many players but hopefully someone will be able to offer their insight. Even if you do not have 4K you may still offer your insight. Some of you may have done a lot of research into this area.
For those of you who may wonder what graphics card I have you will find a GTX 1070 at the heart of my computer. I am aware that one single GTX 1070 may not be sufficient for sustainable 4K but I am open to the idea of more powerful solutions.
What "label text?" As far as I can tell all text is rescaled with the interface scale on my computer.
Does STO use 40-50% video memory at 4K? What about more memory intensive games? Do you consider 8 GB a bottleneck for 4K? I've been wondering how the memory usage scale from 1080p to 4K resolutions.
Not quite 4k; but I run at 3/4 of 4k by pixels (5760x1080), and I can renderscale2 that on my 3.5g of VRAM (GTX 970), so I can't imagine 8g of vram being an issue at 4k.
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I take some of them with renderscale set to 2 for better edge smoothing.
So I take it that antialiasing uses a lot of video memory when applied? That means I might be in a good position then because I rarely use antialiasing. While it does remove the jagged edges I personally also think it makes the image somewhat blurry.