The zen sale this weekend has me wanting to buy my first ship, perhaps the Alita Heavy Escort Carrier. My question arises due to my level, currently 52. Can I purchase this ship and fly it or do I wait till I'm at level 60. Because I'm not level 60 is my only option to purchase the T5 for 2500 zen and upgrade it when I'm at 60? T5, T5-U, and T6 so very confusing.
I'm pretty sure I want the Heavy Escort Carrier because I had a lot of fun with the mission Influence of the Sphere, where I opened all those gates. But level 60 looks like it will take forever for me because I don't so much enjoy the leveling missions, just pure space battles. I haven't been getting much exp out of those and since mirror universe has opened, no other queues seem to be active any more.
Thanks for all the advice. This is a very supportive community as far as my experience goes.
Note, I'm a Fed Engineeer Captain
Once you reach 50 you can fly/use everything, the only thing that's left after that is admiratly which unlocks at 52. After that there are only spec points left and nothing else.
The attila is very good especially if you have some of the set bonus. And all T6 ships can be used at LV50 but get increased Hull at LV60
I took a look at the Chronos and gave it low rating, on looks alone. The Tac Battlecruiser doesn't strike me as ship I need to master. The carrier will definitely keep me busy for the next 6 months of my subscription, trying to rock this boat.
The torpedo point defense looks most interesting to me. How do I get it since I am going to skip the T5 version of the HEC?
Affraid if you want the torpedo point defence console you will have to buy the T5 ship.