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Extreme lag & rubber-banding - game almost unplayable.

rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
Just came back to the game after a year and a half of not having access to a PC, only to find the game is almost unplayable due to server not responding issues and extreme rubber-banding. Whether in sector space, missions, pve, pvp I periodically receive 'server not responding' messages, and/or terrible rubber-banding.

There's nothing wrong with my computer, as it's brand new and far superior to the last rig I played the game on, and there's nothing wrong with my connection as I can play plenty of other games through Steam with no lag at all.

Can anyone help, please?


  • jonathan#1031 jonathan Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    I seem to have issues with game play myself... although if I am not near weapons fire I have good performance. Not sure if it is the same for you. Anyhow, if I get out of range of the action I have no problem, where as in battle I have poor performance and I will have like 1 frame for ever 10 or worse... Crystalline Entity is, basically, only do-able if I get in range and hit beam fire at will... what benefit that is for other players, I kind of think is negible.
    <|>< . . . <z^>< . . . <zX^>< <( (..) )> oO(There's always a bigger Fish in the sea.)
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    I will say this JUST once. Just because you can connect just fine to OTHER games does not mean it is not a connection issue. It just means it is not an issue with YOUR ISP. Just because you can path to star wars fine does not mean you can path to STO fine. Just like if you need to take freeway 80 to get to your job and it is clear and you can get to it fine, it does not mean that freeway 20 to go the hospital that day will be fine. As soon as you say it's not your connection because you can connect to other games, you basically lose ALL credibilty as far as technical aspects goes because it shows you have none. So yeah it is probably a connection issue...on your end...ish. That is to say there is something wrong between you and STO...it is neither the fault of you or STO however that there is a problem. If it was an issue with STO, we'd all have it...like a few nights back.

    Cool story, bro. I didn't realize my 'street cred' was in peril by making a thread asking for help because I don't know why I'm getting these issues with STO.

    Unless you actually have anything useful to contribute, check your attitude at the door.
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