I think he'll pop up ever time you login until you finish the AoY missions, my mains have finished the Procyon V battle and I don;t think they've been bothered by him since.
I've noticed this happening with other quest givers as well. The deferi ambassador kept bugging my first AoY toon from when he became eligible for the defera arc until he had finished the defera arc. you will just have to put up with it, unfortunately.
My AOY toon has done all the arc assignments, He still pops up?
Same here. Completed all episodes on my AoY character and he still pops up, but only the first time I log into that character. I can go to a dozen maps and play all day long and not have him pop up again. But if I exit the game, or even just go to the character select screen and back, he pops up.
They should change it so he only pops up if he actually has something for you. I think he did have something, but only once when I got to the second or third episode in the Yesterday's War story arc, and it was just to give me the mission.
Philip Crey: the new "Kurland here" for the new season.
On the other hand, what about updating his message as a quick way to replay AoY-specific missions?
I wanted to shoot Kurland when was doing that DS9 mission!!!
Crey is irritating to hellI have completed all the episodes on my AoY toon and he just wont let up!!
I am also getting the same problem with my Starfleet Temporal Agent. It keeps doing so every time I login or switch to my temporal character. I've completed all missions. I still yet to complete the duty officer, admirality and reputation (although reputation is almost complete).
yes, Philip Crey is annoying
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
I've noticed this happening with other quest givers as well. The deferi ambassador kept bugging my first AoY toon from when he became eligible for the defera arc until he had finished the defera arc. you will just have to put up with it, unfortunately.
Same here. Completed all episodes on my AoY character and he still pops up, but only the first time I log into that character. I can go to a dozen maps and play all day long and not have him pop up again. But if I exit the game, or even just go to the character select screen and back, he pops up.
They should change it so he only pops up if he actually has something for you. I think he did have something, but only once when I got to the second or third episode in the Yesterday's War story arc, and it was just to give me the mission.
On the other hand, what about updating his message as a quick way to replay AoY-specific missions?
Crey is irritating to hellI have completed all the episodes on my AoY toon and he just wont let up!!
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)