These are the voyages of the user known as jexsamx. His continuing mission - explore strange new threads, to see out "slap-in-the-face" comments, to boldly post a gif of Shatner slapping himself in reply to each and every one.

This is a harmless fun thread in which you, the users, post quotes of and links to posts where people claim they've been slapped in the face, and I will reply in the source thread with the above gif. No other comment will be provided. This is not a flame thread, I am not seeking to belittle or harass anyone. I merely wish to bring some levity to some souls who seem to feel as though they've been personally slighted.
I am the captain, but without a crew, I am nothing. Be my crew. Help me complete my mission.
Thing is about your request, I've seen plenty of people make comments like that, but I tend to skim over and forget them. But next time I see one...
His pimp-hand is NOT strong.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010