Hmm, on the subject of retrofitting a fleet of obsolete ships? Yeah, it would be far to costly in terms of time and manpower. In some cases it might be feasable to update the technology on a few of those ships to keep them in service, but completely overhauling the whole fleet from the ground up? Not likely.
However, it wouldn't take much effort at all to update the blueprints of ye ole connie to 25th century standards and build new ships based on the updated schematic.
Same end result, we'd have 25th century connies and Starfleet wouldn't have to invest in updating an aging fleet.
But this is all theories for a fictional game based on a fictional universe... In reality Cryptic can use whatever technobabble excuse they want and release a T6 connie anyway.
Hmm, on the subject of retrofitting a fleet of obsolete ships? Yeah, it would be far to costly in terms of time and manpower. In some cases it might be feasable to update the technology on a few of those ships to keep them in service, but completely overhauling the whole fleet from the ground up? Not likely.
However, it wouldn't take much effort at all to update the blueprints of ye ole connie to 25th century standards and build new ships based on the updated schematic.
Same end result, we'd have 25th century connies and Starfleet wouldn't have to invest in updating an aging fleet.
But this is all theories for a fictional game based on a fictional universe... In reality Cryptic can use whatever technobabble excuse they want and release a T6 connie anyway.
Exactly! But chances are...don't scream at me...they wouldn't look like the ST:TMP era one too much.
Hmm, on the subject of retrofitting a fleet of obsolete ships? Yeah, it would be far to costly in terms of time and manpower. In some cases it might be feasable to update the technology on a few of those ships to keep them in service, but completely overhauling the whole fleet from the ground up? Not likely.
However, it wouldn't take much effort at all to update the blueprints of ye ole connie to 25th century standards and build new ships based on the updated schematic.
Same end result, we'd have 25th century connies and Starfleet wouldn't have to invest in updating an aging fleet.
But this is all theories for a fictional game based on a fictional universe... In reality Cryptic can use whatever technobabble excuse they want and release a T6 connie anyway.
Exactly! But chances are...don't scream at me...they wouldn't look like the ST:TMP era one too much.
BY the way...I'm hoping for a T6 K'tinga! Ha ha!
Hehe, yeah some wouldn't like it much. But the connie has had a long successful service record, I'd wager that Starfleet would want to use a successful design, even if it would require some updating.
They wouldn't need a in-game reason for it, they just have to put it in. It's just a ship skin, you can slot epic mark 14 stuff on a class f shuttle. And I think with the two recent lockboxes tthey even removed the "lobi consortium" from the fluff texts. Which is good.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
LOL @ people still trying the "its too old" argument... That guy in his t6 Daedalus just took a dump on your argument so hard.
IF they could do this, the costume of an actual TMP Connie at tier 6 would not look good. HOWEVER, this is what I would do.
Make a Tier 3 TMP Connie and place that in store, it would have the TMP Connie costume.
Make a Tier 6 Exeter Class ship and have it support the TMP costume.
The TMP Costume is to old to be on a Tier 6 as something you get right out of the box, but it should be supported. It's like the Excelisor. The T6 version doesn't have the skin, but supports Excelisor Skins.
I would also then, if it was up to me, Put the T2 Exeter, T3 TMP Connie, and T6 Exeter Class into a cross tier bundle that would be quite useful for those who are leveling up, with the obvious curb apeal to us end-gamers who want the tier 6.
Just because it is too old to be a stand alone Costume on a ship doesn't mean it is to old to have one done in general.
Support the movement! Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Nope, the KTC is significantly more advanced as well as larger.
They wont make that tiny old ship t6, that's just silly.
It's larger by a few metres due to the nacelles but it's not that more advanced. It's faster sure but it has no shields to speak of and its weapons only fire faster than the original. It's just shiny and not cardboard.
Based on its overall proportions and shuttlebays the "real" estimated size is 725m (762m for Into Darkness...) and has a crew complement of 1100. It is longer than the Galaxy-Class and more than twice the length of the TOS Connie (289m). It is larger than the Kelvin (655m) that had a crew complement of 800. Even in game it is more than twice the size of the refit (I was parked next to one a few minutes ago ) Nothing makes sense about the KT Connie.
By TNG time they were still using the Excelsior, Oberth and Miranda class, but no Connie. Why? That's how inferior and obsolete that design is as legendary as it is. Hell, the Enterprise was nearly destroyed by a Miranda class in TWOK, how could it be a T6 if it could barely hold its own against that?
People are saying, "Well, size shouldn't be the issue, look at the Defiant and Bird of Prey." Uh, yeah, their small size works in their favor, they are fast moving escort type ships. The TOS/TMP Connie is a slow cruiser, it's size works against it.
By TNG time they were still using the Excelsior, Oberth and Miranda class, but no Connie. Why? That's how inferior and obsolete that design is as legendary as it is. Hell, the Enterprise was nearly destroyed by a Miranda class in TWOK, how could it be a T6 if it could barely hold its own against that?
They are still using Constitution Class ships in 2409 in-game, so deal with it.
Support the movement! Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
By TNG time they were still using the Excelsior, Oberth and Miranda class, but no Connie. Why? That's how inferior and obsolete that design is as legendary as it is. Hell, the Enterprise was nearly destroyed by a Miranda class in TWOK, how could it be a T6 if it could barely hold its own against that?
They are still using Constitution Class ships in 2409 in-game, so deal with it.
I'm dealing with it just fine, so you deal with that. Did you even read before commenting? I never said I have an issue with it in game, I was talking about why it can never be a T6. I've owned it since the beginning and flown it on all my alts looooong before you came along lol.
They may be using them in game, but its so obsolete it can only be lower tier. My point was, it was so outdated by TNG era that we never saw it. It can't ever be T6 unless there was some weird story behind it which is unlikely.
LOL @ people still trying the "its too old" argument... That guy in his t6 Daedalus just took a dump on your argument so hard.
My arrival has been heralded! (That's a pun as you'll see in a sec) ...
So I'm that guy in the T6 Daedalus. I'm rocking a Daedalus on the outside with my Daedalus skin. And on the inside with my 23 century interiors. I look the part inside and out.
And my tiny tiny TINY ship is one bad mama-jama when it comes to melting faces in this game's PvE. I've even been seeing builds posted on the reddit for both Torps and Beams that crack 100k Deeps on this very ship. I'm not there yet, but this ship is too much fun for me to not keep trying.
But it's so old right? I mean this golfball of doom and destruction pre-dates the Constitution by enough time that it was out of service by the time Kirk sat in the captain's chair.
Oh and get this (here comes the pun) ... it's soooo tiny that when I was chilling outside spacedock this weekend just admiring the classic beauty of my favorite ship, a fellow STO player in a HERALD ship sidled up next to me and struck up a conversation. The focus of the convo being how tiny this ship model is. Compared to that Herald monstrosity (A cool looking ship, just you know it's massive) ... the size of the T6-Deedz is really under the spotlight.
So once again, to the STO Forum community at large ... The idea that a T6 Constitution is both too old and too small to be effective at end-game is ludicrous.
I'm effective in a T6 Daedalus, both much older and much smaller! The tricks Cryptic pulled to make my dream of flying an End-Game Daedalus come true can be applied to any ship of the line, including a Constitution class ship.
If we get this ship, or if we don't get this ship ... it has absolutely NOTHING to do with size and age. And it never has had anything to do with that.
Except you don't have a T6 Daedalus, you have a T6 Temporal Science Ship that looks like a Daedalus. :P
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
I was so disappointed that they made the butt ugly clown shoe nacelled Kittyprise T-6 and the only love to the TOS Connie was an upgrade to the graphics. So wrong Cryptic doing that. Sorry Kittyverse fans the Kittyprise aint the Enterprise and I don't care if you could swap skins it's just not the Enterprise. As Scotty says no bloody A B C or D!
Except you don't have a T6 Daedalus, you have a T6 Temporal Science Ship that looks like a Daedalus. :P
Like I said: The tricks Cryptic pulled to make my dream of flying an End-Game Daedalus come true can be applied to any ship of the line, including a Constitution class ship.
You see, this is the thing right, and this is why this is such a ludicrous discussion to be involved in ...
There were a ton of mental gymnastics that had to be executed to get that ship I fly in the game. But, that's done. It's there. It's in the game.
The amount of mental gymnastics that the "too old, too small" crowd needs to engage in to continue making that argument? Aren't plausible anymore. For whatever reason that I can now appear to fly a T6 Daedalus in this game ... all of that can be done to make it appear to fly ANY ship in Star Trek in this game.
Any ship.
Pandora's box is open. The ship has sailed. The cat is out of the bag. Prometheus gave us fire. And I have a T6 Daedalus.
If you want a T6 Constitution that looks like the one from The Motion Picture, there's a way to make that happen now.
If we get it, cool. If we don't get it, though, and here's the thing ... it's not because of its age or its size. It's just not. Because older, smaller ships are totally rocking the end-game of STO. For whatever reasoning it took to make that happen, it happened.
By TNG time they were still using the Excelsior, Oberth and Miranda class, but no Connie. Why? That's how inferior and obsolete that design is as legendary as it is. Hell, the Enterprise was nearly destroyed by a Miranda class in TWOK, how could it be a T6 if it could barely hold its own against that?
People are saying, "Well, size shouldn't be the issue, look at the Defiant and Bird of Prey." Uh, yeah, their small size works in their favor, they are fast moving escort type ships. The TOS/TMP Connie is a slow cruiser, it's size works against it.
Yeah sorry to pop your bubble but the only reason Khan was able to tear her up was because Kirk screwed the pooch and didn't have the shields up. Or did you miss that tiny little fact in the film?
I'm one who likes the Daedelas/Oberth-type ships. I'm glad they made it T6.
This is why I've always supported the suggestion. Some of my favorite ships in all of Trek (Sovereign, Intrepid and Daedalus) are available in game to be flown at the end-game (which is where we spend our most time in the game). So I'm all for everyone else getting a chance to fly their favorite ships!
My Romulans have T'Varos and laugh at your pathetic notions of "outdated".
If you're gonna cram the JJ Balloon Animal down our throats, at least give us this real iconic (not related to Iconian, which we also have for some absurd reason) Star Trek ship as compensation for the insult.
If you look at the shows, you see that they build these ships to last...and that's all the races, not just Federation. Look at the D7 Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant...episode was 'Prophecy' I think. Those Klingons were tooling around in a D7 for a long time...generational ship. How often did they encounter an old ship and get it running again? Scotty's little ship that crashed on the Dyson Sphere...He and LaForge got that old ship running again. They are built to last and take a beating. So I don't think it's too farfetched to see older models flying around in game. Every ship has a Scotty or a LaForge or a Torres or a Chief O'brien aboard that can keep it going and even improve and upgrade it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
However, it wouldn't take much effort at all to update the blueprints of ye ole connie to 25th century standards and build new ships based on the updated schematic.
Same end result, we'd have 25th century connies and Starfleet wouldn't have to invest in updating an aging fleet.
But this is all theories for a fictional game based on a fictional universe... In reality Cryptic can use whatever technobabble excuse they want and release a T6 connie anyway.
Exactly! But chances are...don't scream at me...they wouldn't look like the ST:TMP era one too much.
BY the way...I'm hoping for a T6 K'tinga! Ha ha!
Hehe, yeah some wouldn't like it much. But the connie has had a long successful service record, I'd wager that Starfleet would want to use a successful design, even if it would require some updating.
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We need zen store t6 connie with TOS/TMP Skins, t6 D7 and its Romulan "Khenn" counterpart.
IF they could do this, the costume of an actual TMP Connie at tier 6 would not look good. HOWEVER, this is what I would do.
Make a Tier 3 TMP Connie and place that in store, it would have the TMP Connie costume.
Make a Tier 6 Exeter Class ship and have it support the TMP costume.
The TMP Costume is to old to be on a Tier 6 as something you get right out of the box, but it should be supported. It's like the Excelisor. The T6 version doesn't have the skin, but supports Excelisor Skins.
I would also then, if it was up to me, Put the T2 Exeter, T3 TMP Connie, and T6 Exeter Class into a cross tier bundle that would be quite useful for those who are leveling up, with the obvious curb apeal to us end-gamers who want the tier 6.
Just because it is too old to be a stand alone Costume on a ship doesn't mean it is to old to have one done in general.
Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
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Based on its overall proportions and shuttlebays the "real" estimated size is 725m (762m for Into Darkness...) and has a crew complement of 1100. It is longer than the Galaxy-Class and more than twice the length of the TOS Connie (289m). It is larger than the Kelvin (655m) that had a crew complement of 800. Even in game it is more than twice the size of the refit (I was parked next to one a few minutes ago
People are saying, "Well, size shouldn't be the issue, look at the Defiant and Bird of Prey." Uh, yeah, their small size works in their favor, they are fast moving escort type ships. The TOS/TMP Connie is a slow cruiser, it's size works against it.
They are still using Constitution Class ships in 2409 in-game, so deal with it.
Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I'm dealing with it just fine, so you deal with that.
They may be using them in game, but its so obsolete it can only be lower tier. My point was, it was so outdated by TNG era that we never saw it. It can't ever be T6 unless there was some weird story behind it which is unlikely.
My arrival has been heralded! (That's a pun as you'll see in a sec) ...
So I'm that guy in the T6 Daedalus. I'm rocking a Daedalus on the outside with my Daedalus skin. And on the inside with my 23 century interiors. I look the part inside and out.
And my tiny tiny TINY ship is one bad mama-jama when it comes to melting faces in this game's PvE. I've even been seeing builds posted on the reddit for both Torps and Beams that crack 100k Deeps on this very ship. I'm not there yet, but this ship is too much fun for me to not keep trying.
But it's so old right? I mean this golfball of doom and destruction pre-dates the Constitution by enough time that it was out of service by the time Kirk sat in the captain's chair.
Oh and get this (here comes the pun) ... it's soooo tiny that when I was chilling outside spacedock this weekend just admiring the classic beauty of my favorite ship, a fellow STO player in a HERALD ship sidled up next to me and struck up a conversation. The focus of the convo being how tiny this ship model is. Compared to that Herald monstrosity (A cool looking ship, just you know it's massive) ... the size of the T6-Deedz is really under the spotlight.
So once again, to the STO Forum community at large ... The idea that a T6 Constitution is both too old and too small to be effective at end-game is ludicrous.
I'm effective in a T6 Daedalus, both much older and much smaller! The tricks Cryptic pulled to make my dream of flying an End-Game Daedalus come true can be applied to any ship of the line, including a Constitution class ship.
If we get this ship, or if we don't get this ship ... it has absolutely NOTHING to do with size and age. And it never has had anything to do with that.
T6 Daedalus ... IN YO FACE!
Like I said: The tricks Cryptic pulled to make my dream of flying an End-Game Daedalus come true can be applied to any ship of the line, including a Constitution class ship.
You see, this is the thing right, and this is why this is such a ludicrous discussion to be involved in ...
There were a ton of mental gymnastics that had to be executed to get that ship I fly in the game. But, that's done. It's there. It's in the game.
The amount of mental gymnastics that the "too old, too small" crowd needs to engage in to continue making that argument? Aren't plausible anymore. For whatever reason that I can now appear to fly a T6 Daedalus in this game ... all of that can be done to make it appear to fly ANY ship in Star Trek in this game.
Any ship.
Pandora's box is open. The ship has sailed. The cat is out of the bag. Prometheus gave us fire. And I have a T6 Daedalus.
If you want a T6 Constitution that looks like the one from The Motion Picture, there's a way to make that happen now.
If we get it, cool. If we don't get it, though, and here's the thing ... it's not because of its age or its size. It's just not. Because older, smaller ships are totally rocking the end-game of STO. For whatever reasoning it took to make that happen, it happened.
T6 Daedalus! Still all up in peoples' grills yo!
Yeah sorry to pop your bubble but the only reason Khan was able to tear her up was because Kirk screwed the pooch and didn't have the shields up. Or did you miss that tiny little fact in the film?
They made it happen for the Daedelas, they can do it for TMP Connie.
I'm one who likes the Daedelas/Oberth-type ships. I'm glad they made it T6.
This is why I've always supported the suggestion. Some of my favorite ships in all of Trek (Sovereign, Intrepid and Daedalus) are available in game to be flown at the end-game (which is where we spend our most time in the game). So I'm all for everyone else getting a chance to fly their favorite ships!
If you're gonna cram the JJ Balloon Animal down our throats, at least give us this real iconic (not related to Iconian, which we also have for some absurd reason) Star Trek ship as compensation for the insult.
And yes... yes... I definitely want a teacup and saucer with my ship registration on it too.
And a marshmallow maker device for when I go camping.