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Official Feedback Thread for "In the Shadow of Cestus"



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    kel1rest wrote: »
    Very good mission. Thanks especially to the writing staff who gave Tarsi and Skavrin some fun dialogue.

    All of the bugs I noted have been reported earlier:
    - placeholder ships
    - x2 warp animations when revealing the Romulans
    - Gorn who just stand there

    But has anyone else had a problem with the "V"/scan on ground? When I try to scan there is no animation or glow of light towards where you need to go. For a new player, this could cause some confusion. (The icon next to the mini-map does grey-out as if scanning is taking place but nothing actually happens.)
    That seems to be EVERY map. Also, scanning normally adds a message to the chat log with the number of anomalies detected. I'm not seeing those even on maps where there ARE anomalies. I actually found an anomaly the hard way by bumping into it. Attempting to scan did nothing at all.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    [*]5. Tarsi BOFF has the Leadership trait, but is not Human. Skavrin has the Corrosive Blood trait but is not Andorian (et al), and does not have the Pig Headed trait like many/most Terrarites. Its almost as though Tarsi is actually a re-skinned Flores rather than a new BOFF from the ground up. Unless leadership was a deliberate trait choice given it would be useful to help keep new players alive in early space battle (at least, better than Corrosive Blood does).
    Corrosive Blood isn't Andorian, it's Bolian. I forget the name but the Andorian trait gives a ground combat damage boost.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    Tarsi and the Medic from Painful Omens both seem to be clones of Elisa Flores and T'vrell respectively. In fact, the Vulcan medic is even named "T'Vrell" on claim which is a bug in of itself.

    I wouldn't be surprsied if Skavrin is actually Zarva too due to that Bolian trait :P
  • horgahnhorgahn Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    If you continue killing Gorn without first hailing your ship, mission progression breaks and you have to beam up and start the ground portion over.

    2409 Gorn ships are present in the first map, and 2409 Romulan ships appear in the cutscene. The 23rd Century Romulan ships drop 25th century loot, the 23rd century Gorn drop 23rd Century loot.
    Go Team Venture!
    Wʬ  g+  f  t

  • catsmeatcatsmeat Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    I was able to jam this up consistently by not stopping after the first engagement to clear 'contact the ship' and fighting all the way to the vista area, which would not register my presence after clearing 'contact ship' at that spot thus hanging up the whole mission and requiring a total restart. This is easy to do if one is moving fast from contact to contact as the window for 'contact ship' doesn't pop until all combat has ended (clearing combat can seemingly take forever).

    Was quite enjoyable.

    Cheers :)
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    I was able to play through this mission, yesterday... thankfully, no show-stopping bugs.

    I did notice, however, little cosmetic things... 2409 tricorder sounds while on ground, NPCs seemingly not having TOS character features (the Tellarite looks like the 2409 version, and "science officer" is a 2409 alien in the Odyssey uniform).

    I will also note, too, that I hope the TOS ESD will lose the "modern" Phasers offered in the space & ground equipment stores, for era/faction-appropriate weapons.
  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    Hey guys

    A few items of feedback.

    1. Scanning doesn't work. Hitting 'v' does nothing except grey out the Scan Area icon. This happens when you click the icon too.
    2. My character appeared on the planet, then dissapeared and the beamdown effect occured. I've noticed this on Holodeck a few times too, so it's probably not unique to this mission.


  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    Even though crewman Hunter was with us, I note this was not a temporal mission. Nice false flag there.
    Mogai decloaking for cutscene but proper romulan ships in combat.
    Exposing romulans by emitting something was going to warp twice? As intended or did an effect glitch.
    Otherwise nicely done.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • polstarukpolstaruk Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    As others have pointed out there are issues with Gorn NPCs just standing there, modern Romulan ships in cut scene, and warping twice before Romulan cutscene but then sat in front of them.

    Didn't think much to the comedy "bonk" sounds when the Gorn 'fake' rocks hit either my character or the away team.

    Transporter effects take that long to start they are cut short.

    The 60s sound effects for tricorder play for too long.

    Really need to be able to disable the grain effect.

    The episode captured the 60s feel and really enjoyed it, just a few niggles that need sorting.
    Anything that happens, happens. Anything that in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again.
    It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order though.
  • jabofneurospinejabofneurospine Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Alright, just completed this mission and quite enjoyed it aside from a some minor issues.

    Firstly, the tricorder sounds when scanning the rubble and such last for a much longer time than the interaction does. At a few points in the mission this resulted in the sound overlapping it's previous instance.

    Second, In the cutscene where you reveal the romulan vessels two mogai where shown before the cutscene ended and I was able to battle the suddenly era appropriate romulan vessels.

    And finally, after leaving the mission and attempting to leave for the next episode I discovered that I am now stuck within the collision hull of the local star and am unable to escape. (normally this would be solved with a transwarp back to ESD but for obvious reasons that's not possible)

    Aside from this last one the issues are quite minor and don't diminish the mission much.

    Edit: managed to escape from the star by replaying the mission. Getting stuck somewhere is sector space is pretty rare, but it has happened to me on holodeck. Escaping from such a situation is as simple as transwarping back to ESD. Here however you're unable to transwarp, making it a far more substantial issue. (if one that only persists until level 10)
    Post edited by jabofneurospine on
  • moshpet02moshpet02 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Hi all
    6-20 patched

    Everything seemed to go as plotted/etc.

    Gorns in ground combat, they don't do the die animation all the time, or they don't do the orange glow fade out.. they just fade out.

    Everything otherwise, went pretty much without a need for comment....

    Except after the cutscene for decloaking the Roms, where we were shown 3 warbirds, there were 3 Khennen Cruisers. IIRC the Roms and Klingons were not pally-pally enough for the Klingons to loan them Roms ships in that era.

  • barricaderbarricader Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    7/18 - 7/ 20 have been unable to warp or transwarp to the Edren mission at all, which is pretty much keeping my new character from going any further, outside of leaping ahead to the main STO era. I keep getting the traffic control pop-up that tells me its off-limits. Anytime I ignore it to get closer, I'm booted back to the Orion system.

    I thought it was made available to everyone after Agents of Yesterday launched?

    EDIT: Finally had to drop the mission, restart, and transwarp directly to the system (20,000cr isn't much to a veteran character, but to a newbie character, that's a huge chunk of change).
  • declarent#1536 declarent Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I have the same issue. Anyone able to reach Edren IV from sector space?
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    blitzy4 wrote: »
    I found it odd that when you're to defend the bomb builders the gorn just sat there until you actually shot at them. Of course the segment doesn't complete till the gorn are defeated, but it felt odd.

    This is problem with a lot of the content that was originally named away team content but then got labeled as ground lol. Very boring when you don't need tactics to kill something that just stands there until it gets shot rofl.
    nepsthen wrote: »
    gpgtx wrote: »
    only real major bug i noticed was the gorn on the ground do not attack and wait to be attacked

    Those were innocent Gorn scientists that didn't do nothing. Congratulations. You're on your way to becoming the TOS version of Admiral Warcrimes. :)

    Nothing really else to note other than what's been mentioned before. Best mission in the campaign so far. Was the named Gorn at the end of any importance? I might have missed something in the earlier mission texts.

    Look at content under any faction and you the player can pretty much be charged with war crimes on any faction on any arc in this game rofl. Although this game isn't about star trek anymore even then this game has gone from stale, outdated, to now just milk it and make anything as long as someone will pay for it. Gene Roddenberry would be spinning in his grave right now if he saw this game or the way people handle his creation.
  • maddermax#2744 maddermax Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi there. i cant find a relevant thread anywhere else. I'm right at the start on Edren iv and its saying to take mineral scans.How do you do that? I'm on xbone btw and really need some help with this before I launch the controller lol
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