My TOS captain Blake@davefenestrator can interact with the Requisition Officers NPC, but all choices are grayed out. My captain was level 54.
Besides not being able to buy bridge officers with dil, this also means veterans and lifers are unable to claim the free Android boff.
Reported in-game as # 4,024,114
Hmm, I just had a thought -- I have a bunch of officers in the holding pen ( U > stations > whatever ). Maybe the bug is that you can't buy officers if that is "full" even if you have open active boff slots.
Similar to how you can't claim a doff mission R&D mat reward when your main inventory is full, since the game's logic wants to put it in your main tab first before moving it to the R&D tab.
That is indeed the case. If your reserve roster is full, you can't buy new BOFFs from any stores. I'm pretty sure that's considered "working as intended" though.
(Pay no mind to the rust-colored stains on the floor, or the pile of comm badges.)