I saw a Vengeance in the Badlands with the White Hull. I assume it's the hull material from the AR Connie.
My question is, is the white hull available if you don't own the AR Connie, only the Vengeance?
I'm not lucky enough to own the Vengeance, but might pick it up. I have no interest in the AR Connie, but I kinda liked the White Vengeance. Just curious if it would be available to me.
Insert witty signature line here.
However, you may have seen it wearing the Veteran or Type 6 materials, which are also rather bright white.
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.
Just thought it was a cool option, thanks again for the info.
More options are always a good thing. Now to figure out if I want to pick up enough keys to get a couple hundred million EC. lol
Pics or it didn't happen