Is there any chance in future to get these ships as fleet ships?? I think it is pissing on fanbase, paying so much money for one ship from lockboxes where is low chance for drop is useless, yes ok for unique ships like tholians ships but Connie and vengeance class?? it was in film, just let us play with it wihout spendig hundreds of dollars to get them. Some of us just cant pay for these ships over 100 dollars. I love design of vengeace but i cant get it because of useless lockbox and make over 250mil ECs... its too much
maybe i dont know how to make them, so give me some tips because i really want this beautifull ship. Ive got avenger class but it is boring, i want some inovations but lockbox system is throwing moneys from window and paying in exchange is too expensive.
Ah week of grinding, i saw some consoles just went rly down on price but these new ships, 280mil for vengeace, i rly dont know where i can make thes ECs. In some kind of view, all is free, you can make zens on exchange and buy "everything" on exchange but if you need to make enought ECs, you are must pay for it with real money, rly much money, i spend about 30 dollars on upgrading my equipment to MK XIV and only 1 beam bank is epic, and now iam so pissed off when i must pay much much more for getting one TRIBBLE ship, this "microtransaction" system is worst ive ever seen and ive seen alot of this. I have paid for 2 tier 5 ships and after that comes tier 6 only for zens ( P2W ). Fleet system is rly good, you can pay with real money for ship modules or so much ecs, i think it is the best way between making money and making happy players.
yeah, i know that but it will still cost over 200mil. I dont know how to make these ECs fast, yeah, i can do it but in months, is there any way to do it really fast??
Fastest way to make ECs...sell a lockbox ship. Not helpful, but truth.
Spend zen, buy keys, sell keys for ECs.
and we are again on it, i dont have thousands of dollars to do this, is there any way to buy some for dilithium and sell it for some big value of ECs??
I pity anyone that thinks that Cryptic would go without monetizing the Kelvin ships, I mean I wonder how strong of a bold faced lie Cryptic needs to tell for the fanboys to wake up and smell the coffee.
AoY is basically a season but it is called a *expansion* so they had a excuse to sell a huge ship pack.
ummm no. the event ships are very good. the ferengi warship is an 11 console monster that does it all, and in my humble opinion one of the best in the game.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You did it wrong. You take that $200 and just buy zen. Then buy keys. Then sell keys. Then when you have enough EC, you buy the ship box from the exchange. That way you aren't gambling, you're just buying the ship you want. The only reason to use keys is for stocking up on Lobi and if you want the OTHER stuff in the boxes. That way on the off chance you do get the super rare reward, it's just a bonus.