A Civil War!
Setup: The Iconians are defeated, but the High Council sits in tatters, deprived of it’s most powerful stabilizing members, and new voices are rising, demanding to be heard.
For all things, there is a season. The season of external wars is over, and now, it is time for the Klingon people, a people deprived of their Emperor, their Leaders, and to an extent, their very dignity as a result of having been invaded not once, but thrice in the last five years, to demand a change.
In the Federation, they debate with soft words and formal negotiators, quietly contemplating their own moral perfection.
The Romulans debate with hidden blades, negotiate with poisoned drinks and false smiles.
These are not the Klingon way.
The time has come for the Klingon People to determine their future, to demand their rights, to decide their own fate.
Klingons debate with words, yes, but also with fists, and blades, and Disruptors and explosives and starships and blood, and fire.
Klingon Warriors do not merely discuss right and left, they decide what is right, and battle to see what is left.
Factions in the Empire:
The Isolationist Faction: nov moH lajQo'
“We need to close our borders and attend to matters at hand, rebuild the existing Empire, and establish a new Emperor.”
-Kolen, Son of K’lek
The Isolationists consider the last decade’s repeated wars, and the rapid-fire invasions of Qo’noS to be the direct effect of contact with the outside and the acceptance of Gorn, Orion, and other races into Imperial service. Their position is that the Empire needs, at minimum, a period to ‘breathe’ and rebuild, before once again pursuing or continuing alliances with the Romulan Republic and the Federation.
The Isolationist faction includes several minor houses, and is led by Kolen, son of K’lek and the House of K’lek.
The Expansionists: ghob'e' Sach wo'!
“This is a Klingon Empire, but The Empire must grow and adapt, or shrivel and die...”
-Ja’Rod, son of Duras.
The Expansionist faction believes “Grow the Empire or it will die.” Their position favours expansion at any cost (except honor), including pushing for exploration, new conquests, and a more direct influence on non-Klingon client states such as the Romulan Republic, Deferi, and others. The Expansionist faction also favours looser travel and trade restrictions with foreign states, and increased presence in diplomatic and intelligence gathering areas.
This faction has a broad base of support across most of the Great Houses, but that support is relatively shallow.
The Assimilationists:DuD 'Iw!
“The Gorn serve in our fleets, as do Orions and Nausicaans. They have served with great honour in many of our battles, and fought beside full blooded Klingon warriors to defend Qo’noS not once, but twice in the last ten years. We must add their strengths to our own, and should welcome them as both brothers, and a hedge against further Federation encroachment…”
-Gogh, Son of Kriton
The Assimilationist faction wants to expand the number of true Klingon warriors by conversion of other races the Klingon way of life, ideals, and underlying political and cultural system. Much of this is driven by a view that the Federation is ‘beating’ the Empire and may soon gobble them up.
The House of Kriton is the primary backer of this faction, but it has support from House Woldan and House Methos, (though those houses’ support is contingent on specific conditions)
Anti-Assimilationist: nIt puqloD
“Only by purity of our Empire will we triumph. Non-Klingons should be sequestered to both preserve Klingon culture, and their own…”
B’retal, Daughter to Terrath
The Anti-Assimilationist stance is, predictably, that as the Empire’s forces have grown more diverse, the Empire’s ability to survive, particularly on a cultural level, has been imperiled, they are the polar opposite of the Assimilationist philosophy, and also oppose the Expansionists’ view that “The Empire Must Grow at any cost”.
Pro-Federation: DIvI' jupwI'
“The alliance with the Federation has been a boon to all Klingons, and deeper ties should be pursued, especially with the end of the recent, poorly thought out war. They are the winds of the future, and only a fool stands against the wind.”
Kon’jah, son of Ja’mal
The Pro-Federation camp advocates closer ties to the United Federation of Planets, and endorses a policy of ‘emulation’, open borders, and deeper alliance, with an eventual (and avowed) goal of merging the two states.
The Pro-Federation camp also has broad, but shallow support among a great many of the Great Houses, but it’s strongest advocates are among the House of Cha’lak.
Independence: HoS vegh tlhab
“...it is foolish to rely on outsiders for the Empire’s security, it is doubly foolish to let the laws of outside nations dictate Klingon priorities. To be strong, the empire must be strong in it’s independence. Kahless did not buy his sword from a ferengi dealer...nor ask permission from a human before driving out the H’urq!”
-Ja’rut, son of S’kopa
Less a faction than a philosophy, the “independence” faction holds deep roots in the Empire’s industrial and agricultural areas, particularly among the working and middle classes, this group advocates for investment in production and infrastructure, education, and investment into domestic production inside the Empire with preferential bias toward research and development of new technologies to counter the Federation’s technological superiority. They favour a protectionist position on trade, and reinforcement of border areas, as well as linking with the Expansionists on the issues of Exploration and foreign conquest.
Restorationist: wa' nuv, wa' voDleH!
“This, is the Klingon Empire, we must have an Emperor, and only the best candidate should be chosen. For too long, the Empire has wallowed under rule by committee, with Chancellors more interested in lining their coffers, than serving their people…”
The Restorationists are a group of mostly-nobles among the Great Houses that feel that the High Council has betrayed the empire in various ways. They favour strong, centralized leadership, a purge of the civil service and military, and a restoration of Class privileges and status for Great Houses. This group is closely allied with the lower-caste agitators among the Traditionalist faction.
Traditionalist: lurDech mIw!
“Look to the words of Kahless and it all becomes clear. Our leaders have become corrupt, like unto Moloch...we are KLINGONS, not herd-animals to be shepherded from one crisis to the next, then slaughtered for our meat when the day is done!”
-B’Sanos, Son of Klir
Populist anger has seethed on Qo’noS since the Fek’lhri invasion, bolstered by the Iconian Herald assaults on Qo’noS and the blatant inability of the KDF to prevent the near-destruction of the homeworld by the Undine. This has found a focus in part with agitators stating that the rapid-fire disasters were the fault of modernist leaders and social chaos, and that the real solution is to reaffirm neglected traditions, including social and caste roles that have become blurred over the decades. A lightning rod of sorts among the Traditionalists is B’Sanos, son of Klir, one of the youngest and most recently elevated survivors of the Iconian attack on the High Council, B’Sanos was born to a working-class family and won his position through merit and hard work. As a member of the High Council he was something of an outsider, often speaking and voting with a focus on upholding the Empire’s national honour even at the expense of his own house and prestige. One other strong voice in support of Traditionalism is S’Kopa.
Klingon Republic: HoS vegh tlhab
“We are taxed to support a Republic for Romulans, while we are saddled with archaic Oligarchs at home, and crippled by a self-defeating feudal structure that has left the Klingon People second-best to newcomers from Earth. The solution is simple enough-Individually, we are strong, and together we are stronger-but not if we tolerate fools in leadership positions because of who their parents are, and we are weakened time and again by succession wars when those leaders are killed-we can have more, we can do better, and we can do it, better than those p’taqs from the Federation! Tell me, is your life better than it was five years ago? If it is not, perhaps it is because it is no better than it would have been five HUNDRED years ago, under the present system. We need to grasp this situation and recognize it for what it is-we need to change, or when your grandsons look up, they will see a United Federation of Planets flag over their homes!”
-Koreh Tuq K’Ragh, grand nephew to Woldan.
The most ‘radical’ group to have a major following is the group calling for a total and complete change of actual government system-a revolution, to unseat the Nobility and replace them with an electively selected government that must answer regularly to the populace. The Republicans favour an organized and orderly military procurement system, a miltiary that promotes solely on merit without regard for class, family or race, and a government that is directly answerable to the people it governs. The Republic faction opposes closer ties to the United Federation of Planets, due to that body’s inability to recognize existential threat until it becomes, in fact, existential.
In classic terms, the “Republicans” favour a Liberalized domestic policy and harshly militarized foreign policy, in which the Empire’s tradition of unilateral action is as preserved as their concepts of “Klingon Rights” at home. This group has ties to the Expansionist, and Independence factions and deep, but narrow support within the military and working middle classes.
Unlike virtually every other faction, the “Republicans” have no support at all among the Great Houses, with the exception of their most influential member- Koreh, son of K’Ragh, a grandson of D’Ward, brother of Woldan. House Woldan has, at present, refused to endorse or support his activities on behalf this cause, and many believe he is due to be assassinated by his own kin for his views.
Repeated disclaimer
This is a combination outline/possible RP for KLINGON EMPIRE players and fans, the events are things that will never likely show up in STO, or even be considered by the developers.
Political chaos-Klingons, per the canon, do seem to love their civil wars, and losing the entire high council to a bug-faced TRIBBLE in black casings would have that overall impact-sooner or later, the ‘machine’ would grind to a halt, and without the conservatives with power, the Radicals of various stripes would come to the fore.
I tried to add both benefits and defects for each faction, we may need to cut, merge, or alter the writeups I’ve done to make it more ‘Klingon Empire’ focused, (as well as more palatable to readers from the non-Klingon side of things.)
Other Races in the Empire
“...There they go again…”-Slaathis, King of the Gorn.
Among the squabble, the ‘lesser races’ in the KDF have followed, for the most part, the policy of the Gorn, remaining unconnected, or at least, loosely connected, to any of the Klingon political factions currently building toward civil war, though most view certain factions (The Anti-Assimilationist and Isolationist factions particularly) as being somewhat threatening in various ways.
The exception to this, is the Ferasan people-as one of the oldest Vassal Races to the Klingon Empire, the Ferasans are more susceptible to the political winds echoing through the halls of Qo’noS. It doesn’t help that they are, like their Klingon overlords, prone to internal strife (indeed, it was a stabilizing moment when the empire first conquered Ferasa, ending a decades long genocidal conflict between lowlander and Mountain Ferasans.)
In the general term, Ferasan politics is split between only three of the ten most prominent philosophies.
These are:
The majority of Ferasans in KDF service favour the Expansionist faction, seeing both exploration, and conquest as good and natural pursuits. Support for Expansion is deeply rooted in Ferasan cultural mores and native philosophies, and the militant nature appeals to their predatory and inquisitive natures.
Favoured strongly among the Minority “Mountain” Ferasans, Traditionalism is somewhat differently interpreted, with a focus on ‘returning to core values’ and domestic concerns.
A narrow coalition of both Mountain and Lowland clans favour a “national independence” philosophy that ties closely to the version being discussed among Klingons. This coalition sees the empire’s infrastructure as being ‘shaky’ and in need of bolstering, but mostly as a prelude to a shift to expansionism. Independence minded Ferasans also consider with suspicion the influence of ‘corruptive’ contact with the Federation, Romulans, and other large interstellar cultures, thus linking their views to the Traditionalists.
Debates among Ferasans have drawn blood in public brawls on several occasions, often with more frequent ‘tragic results’ (Deaths) than among the Klingons, this is particularly amusing considering how close the three factions really are in both outlook, and priorities.
The Gorn
The Gorn Hegemony may have, under King Slaathis, been grateful for the Klingons timely and thorough intervention against the Undine, and they may have even prospered under their Protectorate Status as part of the Empire-but Nationalist fervor remains a factor in their internal politics.
The Gorn Resistance
Not everyone who fought, surrendered, and not everyone who was lucky enough to survive has given up the dream of a restored Hegemony, but even among those that have, there is still the fire of Resistance! The Gorn resistance has been waging a shadow-war ever since the surrender to the Klingons. As a long-lived race with great depths of subtlety, this resistance takes a long view-eventually, they reason, the Klingons will falter seriously, and when they do, freedom for the Gorn will become reality.
With it, will come ‘payback’ for the humiliation suffered at the hands of mere mammals.
The Gorn Loyalists
The King has chosen to become part of the Empire, who can dare contest his wisdom? The loyalist cause is championed both publicly among the professional classes, and privately among those closest to the Crown. It is rooted in a combination of pragmatism (The Empire did liberate them from an occupation so subtle they had been unable to prevent it) and Legalism (The King is the King, and the King says this is what we’re going to do.)
a list of ‘theme appropriate’ Foundry missions (ideally from Foundry authors who specialize in Klingon or Political skullduggary themes), with an open challenge to KDF players to fill that “Officer Reports” mission with those.
A “PvP series” of tournament-style matches among and confined to KDF ONLY. No ‘romulans’, and no lockbox ships or cross-faction equipment. Just Klingon stuff, with KDF characters, this may be the only chance some of you ever get to run a ‘pure’ KDF team in organized PvP activities, since virtually everyone else organizing tourneys or ‘fight clubs’ severely restricts cloaking ships. (apparently some kind of pants-wetting fear of cloakers or summat…) said series should be structured in ‘heats’ broken down by participants’ level and tier something like the following:
Heat 5(Week 1): Level 1-10, Tier 1 ships, 3 Arenas, 3 Capture&Hold, 3 runs through N’Vak.
Heat 4(Week 2): Level 11-20, Tier 2 ships, same series as above
Heat 3(Week 3): Levels 21-30, Tier 3 ships
Heat 2(Week 4): Levels 31-40, Tier 4 ships
Heat 1(Week 5): Levels 41-50, Tier 5 (Free or C-store only) ships
Unlimited Class: Levels 51-60, no Event, Lockbox, or cross-faction ships, KDF specific gear ONLY (No cross-faction event rewards, rep gear, but fleet gear is fine) Exception being the Korath and Mirror Universe ships.
Yes, I know there are ENORMOUS gaps in the KDF lineup, lack of KDF science vessels at T5, etc. etc. but here’s the thing: this is internal to the faction. It’s not about the Tholians, or the Romulans, or the Federation. It’s also not about the Delta, Breen, or any other outsider group.
This is about the KDF player community coming together and making a story about OUR faction-because the Developers won’t.
Alrighty, poke holes, make suggestions.
This sounds great!
Lakora, daughter of Kamor and Da'il, of House Dok'Marr would fall under Independence, Restoration and Expansion(in the form of conquest). She supports the Empire, not the Great Houses the squabble over the leftovers from starfleet.
I had already thought of writing in to her bio that she had a son, Kang. One born of Kahless' DNA, not the clone the Clerics used.
She is not opposed to the other races becoming part of the Empire, she works with them already. As is evidenced by the four ships that were designed with the help of the other races of the Empire.
http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline/#/discussion/1187380/syndicate-science-support-vessel-2-pack/p2 last page.
As far as the setup goes. I was looking more toward expansion, via conquest through foundry missions for the KDF, culminating in a Civil War, if needed. Though I am down to help with your idea. Though for mine I'd prefer to handle it all in game. This way it could all be recorded, you know alliances formed, plans set, and all that could be caught on video and then transferred over to foundry. Of course this also works with your idea. Just on more on the story oriented side than the combat side.
For my idea though I'd need the following.
Any Klingons that want to return the Empire to its full Glory.
Orion Representative(s), including Syndicate.
Nausican Representative(s), able to speak for all Naussicans
Lethean Represenative(s)
Gorn Representative(s)
Optional Races
Cardassian - Can work on same thing for this race(since its not a faction, technically)
Joined Trill
Romulan - Can work on same thing for this faction
My idea is to solidify the Empire, The Romulans, and Cardassians in their own factions, just as with a non-aggression pact between the three. Then start a raging war of conquest against the Federation.
Feel free to message me in game @trennan
Romulan RPers have something that may interest you. http://tal-diann.enjin.com/forum/m/36316491/viewthread/25853143-romulan-governmental-structure
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
The Klingons (& friends) should help the Republic take the fight to what remains of the Tal'Shiar, and help absorb what remains of the Star Empire. The Union needs help with ongoing reconstruction, and soon, rearmament. We should unite to oppose the Federation, not squabble amongst ourselves.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
This is what I meant by non-aggression. It's already known the Klingons and Romulans have had one for a long time. The Tal Shiar are a thorn in everyones side. I have a Alien Romulan. So I can see where you're coming from there. In the order that Iplay them. I'm on my KDF mostly, then my Romulan, and I occassionally visit my fed chars. Though I do have a Romulan I created Fed side, using alien, back before they released released the Romulans. This allows me to have things in place to help in all directions.
With it being just non-aggression. We can still help each other, it just leaves it open to personal disputes. A Klingon and a Romulan can fight it out, just the Empire and Republic won't get involved in personal matters.
Still feel free to message me in game about this. We can discuss it all we won't on the forums here. But we all need to get the ball rolling in game on it. It might not be foundry as of yet. But that can always change.
I thank you for the write up on Klingon Civil War.
KDF Civil War "faction"....I feel my characters connect with: Independence. Being self sufficient or self reliant is not a bad thing. Though, after thinking on this, I realized maybe my choice was kind of a knee-jerk reaction (being a solo player and pretty much on my own in the way of having fun).
Relying on others for security, technology, even basics of construction, fuel and food...is folly. Up to a point. All of this research and development has a price...do "we" want to pay it? And not just in currency, but with lives, effort and time? Can "we" do this alone and "keep up"?
I think there is still a lot of discussions to be had. Thoughts to be traded and ironed out.
As for Romulans...I can understand they would want self sufficiency and self reliance, too. So, I do not understand this crippling "Alliance" (as Cryptic has written into their story....think it has something to do with limitations of their computer program, myself). Other than to spy on "us". We need to exercise due diligence in order to deal with this "agreement". Keep our eyes open, so we can prevail over the Romulan subversive natures.
I think we will "bite off more than we can chew" should we "invade" the Romulan Republic at this point in "our" history. They have more ties with the Feds than we do.
As for the Tal Shiar. Just kill them. They are dishonorable. They are worse than the Undine in my eyes.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
With what we are talking here, our primary focus is fixing the Empire. The waging of war and all that comes after this fact. The only reason that the Klingons and Romulans can't keep up with the Federation, is because Crytpic doesn't want to deal with anything that isn't the Federation. Which leaves us, the players, to figure out how to handle that.
I'll use this as an example of Crypitc way of doing things. The Cross Faction ships, they released these so that they wouldn't have to anything for the KDF orf the Romulans. Need a sci ship or something, well there's the cross faction ones. Also there is the Klingon character model revamp they came out with last year, to remove the cartoonish look from Klingons, that has never been put in game. Again, its not new ships or something for the Feds so they don't bother with it.
As for this discussion, we're all open to any suggestions. Whether that be in game or here. And I know about being a single player, that's generally what I am. Though in this instance, we as the KDF, do actually need to come together and work something out. Like ships, can we keep up, sure. I designed four T6 ships last year, they could still use some tweaking and perhaps some appearance to go with them, but they're right there, last page of Syndicate Science Support Vessel(2 pack). I'm sure every KDF player would enjoy those 4 ships, even if all Cryptic did was slap those stats on a recycled skins.
Ok let me get back on track here. Went off on a little rant tangent there.
As far as things we need to iron out. Right now I can see we're going to need to the following.
KDF players, willing to work toward fixing the Empire. Whether this be through Civil War or not.
A base of operations to work from, I'd personally suggest Ganalda Station, the Maintenance levels of Drozana Station, or Empok Nor(even though we'd have to create a foundry entrance for Drozana and Empok Nor for this).
We're also going to need to figure out which Sectors, Systems, and Planets side with who. Because lets face it, the first thing that's going to happen, is the pro-feds are going to tuck tail and run to the federation for help.
While the OP has a good idea, he has it limited to space battles only, and a civil war is would be fought on all fronts, political, space, and ground.
Then there will be the logistical side of it for the players. Who is handling what part.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Ie. Thank you. I will probably contact you on my Romulan main.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
You want to play kumbaya with the Romulans....your prerogative.
As for me, count me out.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The only reasons I said work with the Romulans, are
A. Players helping players with content
B. After fixing the Empire, I was going to turn my attention to expanding it.
There is a lot of neutral zone out there, some of it falling right on New Romulus' door step. My thoughts on expanding the Empire were to start at Aldebaran, go up to Vega, then cut strait right across the map. and everything south of that line needs to be Imperial Space. This is inevitably going to cause conflict. I also want to make that big blank spot on the bottom left of the galaxy map Imperial space. I wouldn't mind adding the Narendra Sector to Imperial Space either.
And I'm not going for the Feddiebear peace type of deal with the Romulans. Just a simple non-aggression, while we fix the Empire and they fix the Republic. After that and both sides turn from reclamation and reformation to expansion. Well then that has the potential to start a 3 sided war, 4 sided if any of the Cardassian players jump in on it.
As far as the Tal Shiar goes, neither side likes them. So feel free to kill them all you want.
Plus if you want to wage a personal war on the Romulans, while we work on this. By all means, go ahead, I'm not going to stop you.
Ie. Make my day.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
When would this be? Has there been a date set, yet?
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Well, don't just stand there. Come on in, grab a mug, have some gagh and lets see what we can get done.
My character an Orion Dahar Master and Syndicate Boss is Pro-Federation: DIvI' jupwI'.
He's pragmatic, with enemies and forces from the Iconians and their allies, the Terran Empire and their time traveling allies, the Borg, and other possible advanced threat to the Empire its just the rational choice to work with the federation. Plus the Federation has valuable technology to share.
Much can be gained from allying with the Federation. And besides the old, tired Klingon houses are only holding the Empire back.
Eventually, I'll shift from a PvE/RP style, to an RP/PvP style, when the Tirikov Ascendancy gets formed. Space and ground PvP, political moves, assassinations, stuff like that. As I've been away from the game for a couple years(only coming back this year), I still have lots to catch up on. If anyone's willing to give advice(as I relearn this game), or wanting to interact, my handle is @ichaerus1. Start by messaging me via mail in game.
At the very least, since Cryptic wants to throw PvP and faction struggles/differences into the crapper, I'm interested in starting something up. Take it global, and Cryptic might take notice as well. I see opportunities from people here with ideas of their own, to put Cryptic on notice for their "railroading" us players.
Independence, rebellion, all out war. If only the game supported actual contested zones for territory, if people wanted to expand(their faction, or for their fleet, or race even).
-ilKhan Ichaerus Netheryn
Traditional anti-assimilation Independent Isolationist.
We are Klingon's we do not Embrace other cultures we conquer them. so yes allow if you like alien captains but do not allow them Klingon technology. think if a federation lap dog destroys a Klingon bird of prey they think and say they defeated a Klingon when it may have been an orion or a gorn at the helm. its dishonors the our species and the Empire as a whole. its like hiding behind a mask the enemy should know who they are being destroyed by.
The Romulan republic should have been squashed out while we had the chance. instead of finding them a suitable home near our own space for them to claim as their own. We should have destroyed them or at the very least conquered them into a subservient species role rather than equals.
In the Delta Quadrant we should have sided with the Vaudwaar and made them a vassal state with Klingon Garrison and Governors, they had many views that are closely aligned with our own. And the Abandoned Klingon Colony in the Delta Quadrant could have become the main base of operations in the quadrant populated entirely by Klingons. with reinforcements supplied by the home world.
the Threat from the Dinosaurs had nothing to do with the Klingon Empire, their beef was with the federation and the idea that the Humans had colonized their origin home world and were contradicting the teachings of their dino population. if anything we could have temporarily allied with them to defeat the federation once and for all. or better yet just stayed out of it and them have at it.
the Iconians if when we time traveled back we had prevented the attacks on the Iconian home world. of that time that were not hostile only the other planets were jealous of them. why not aid them in that time and have created strong allies. Gaining a technological advantage over what we as time travelers would know to become a threat in the future. and prevent all the attacks on the Klingon home world in the future in the process.
Conflict makes us strong.
Strength makes us Klingon.
Playing second fiddle or acting as trained attack dogs for the federation is no way to gain Glory or Honor.
This game doe not allow us as Klingons to act in the interest of the Empire. every since the introduction of Romulans as a FRACTION the writing has been on the wall. if we do not create and or act out our own story it will be written for us if they let us.
Prior to the Dino invasion and the delta expansion i had made a foundry mission where (after Klingon intelligence operatives had discovered that Voyager had abandoned a Entire Klingon ships crew on a planet) (( and that Voyager had entered Fluid space and started a war while there )) Klingon scientist had developed a way to use fluidic space as a short cut to the delta quadrant, the mission: to find a path through fluid space, enter the Delta quadrant, find and reintegrate the lost colony that Voyager abandoned there. then when they started the delta expansion it was deleted by them either on purpose or mistake i do not know. but at that time I stopped trying to make Klingon foundry missions.
My Ferasan Sci is a Traditionalist. He feels that the Empire has strayed from its roots, in particular with the inclusion of the Orions and Nausicans into its ranks (while he respects the Gorn and Letheans, the other two are simply filthy pirates in his mind). In addition, he feels the Republic has been using them. After all, what assistance have they received from their so-called allies to rebuild their shattered homeworld after all the effort they put into aiding the Republic? However, he is a bit of a maverick and often considered "extreme" in his views. This has led to his being pushed as far away from the Imperial homeworld as possible. However this suits his needs perfectly.