Hello all,
We'll be making some minor changes to how our Specialization Point boxes function with the launch of Agents of Yesterday.
- Specialization Point boxes will require level 60 to open.
- Players who acquire Specialization Point boxes before level 60 may open them at level 60.
- Previously Specialization Point boxes could be opened between level 51 and 60.
- Specialization Point boxes will open automatically when acquired at level 60.
- This DOES NOT APPLY to the box from the Featured Episode Weekly Reward. This box will remain trade-able among characters on your account.
- This was previously inconsistent -- some boxes would open immediately and others would not.
- Specialization Point boxes will give Dilithium when acquired while at the Specialization Point cap.
- This functions in the same manner as earning a Specialization Point from leveling up.
- Previously, Specialization Point boxes could bypass the cap.
- What is the "Specialization Point cap"?
- The Specialization Point cap is set to the amount it would take to fully unlock all Primary and Secondary specializations. We increase the cap whenever a new specialization is added. Once a player hits this amount, any further Specialization Points earned will automatically convert into Dilithium instead.
- Why do boxes now open at level 60 only?
- This is a combination of standardization and some underlying technical hurdles with how the leveling process works.
- What impact will this have on any Specialization Points I already have past cap?
- None. Any points your character has beyond the current cap will remain available for you to use.
We look forward to seeing you in Agents of Yesterday!
I've opened a few of those boxes and I've ended up with all spec completed and 27 spare points.
1) "Specialization Boxes" designation: Does that include any claimable promotion where they award 2x Specialization Points? How about the Specialization Points from the Tour of Duty for Federation Admiralty?
2) Auto-opening doesn't apply to the Weekly Featured Episode reward: Is this only while it's a "choice box" (choice of upgrade or Spec Point), or will that also include the Spec Point box itself once the choice is made for a Spec Point box?
As above, point 1 is what I'm curious about. It'd only affect my main, but that character has banked a significant number of spec points after completion of all specializations via the Fed admiralty campaign, and was able to complete the Strategist specialization as soon as it was available. I'd like to be able to continue banking points if they're given directly as rewards, since this character also has more dilithium than they can refine in an entire year.
So what happens to people that have more than 30 excess spec points when this hits (I'm currently sat on +30 with all current specs completed), I'm assuming the 30 I have will be retained and allow me to complete the new spec immediately. But what will happen if I gain any more (e.g. via Admiralty) between now and AoY launching and have excess on launch, are these retained or automatically converted to dilithium.
Also this change is going to make the Fed Admiralty Tour of duty near enough pointless for any toon with specs maxed out given what this means in reward terms between the Fed Campaign and KDF Campaign. Assuming I'm understanding how the change will affect spec maxed Federation tours of duty rewards.
Plus putting dilithium rewards back into the system is pretty good too.
technically even with this changes you can "Easilly" do so - as long as there is a spec or two that for a reasons you didn't maxed yet :P
I doubt it considering I have maxed out all the spec trees and have over 20 leftovers so I'll probably have this new one maxed out the day it comes out or at least halfway, not sure how many are needed.
You can still save FE boxes, so play the FEs.
For everything else and especially for the Admiralty this may be a problem though... The last thing we need is more dil sloshing around, so I won't propose a straight-up increase, and there's little else valuable in-game, so, maybe making it pay in refined dil insstead of ore or adding, say, a single box of a few thousand vouchers to the current reward or a single mining claim?
Can't really see it having much difference unless you've got all manner of new spec trees planned and spread them out so nobody can stash points away.
You still didn't answer what classified as a "Specialization Point box."
1) "10 of 10" reward for Federation Tour of Duty in the Admiralty system?
2) The mission reward box for a Specialization Point obviously wouldn't automatically reward while it's a choice box, but I assume this means the Specialization Point option will unpack automatically once chosen.
3) How will the "2x Specialization Points" promotional item from the C-Store work with this? Is that considered a "Specialization Point box"?
I think I get the intent: For *any* reason, if you get a Specialization Point *item*, you'll get Dilithium instead if you're at your cap. I'm just making sure what all will do this. Thanks!
Will be 150 with the Temporal Specialization, and this won't take effect until then.
BUT...until July 6th, it should be 120.
Glad I never rushed through maxing specs - I can still stockpile points and rush TempOps on day one.
gg Cryptic.
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Off the top of my head:
Fed Admiralty's Tour of Duty Box
Weekly Featured Episode Box
Various Promotional boxes which give 1 or more Specialization points.
OK, seriously, I think this greatly undermines the usefulness of the Tour of Duty's Fed Admirality for those who put time into this: 2x2880 Dil versus the 30,000 Dil of the KDF version. Not to mention, it can only cause the price of Dilithium on the exchange to get even higher than it currently is.
Well, at least, my 30 ready points won't go away, otherwise, I'd have been very... annoyed. And one type of ship assignment to discard from now on.
Probably because it creates a disparity between captains otherwise at the same lave and still leveling up. A level 52 with 2 points and a level 52 with 26 points could play quite differently and make balancing missions really awkward. So level playing field up to 60, then all bets are off
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
My character Tsin'xing
Thanks for the reply!
I'm no super-farmer, so this probably won't affect me in the short-term. Besides, I've got plenty of toons needing Spec Points, so those promotions and Tour of Duty will basically still be Spec Points to me.
I feel for the others, though. Not so much for the hoarding of Spec Points. That was just wise considering how they worked. But when this change takes place, those guys who run Federation admiralty would only get around 5,700 Dilithium for doing a (minimum) 10-day chain of missions. As stated repeatedly, the KDF gets around 5 times that for theirs. Maybe there's an alternative reward to give once the Spec Point cap is hit?
Cryptic just loves taking the fun out of everything.
Oh joy, more pointless drivel about lack of zero day fillings. Heaven forbid Cryptic sets the advancement rates and periods in the window(s) they decide.
<semi-sarcasm off>
First off, I feel I need to go on record and ask exactly how this "increases the grindyness" of the game? My understanding of the personality type that wants to "zero day" stuff would tell me that since spec point boxes are "bound to character", and the results are "bound to character", the "zero day personality" would run the requisite 15 Fed Admiralty campaigns during the AoY "season" in order to be prepared enough to "zero day" the next specialization anyway.
So, if you're gonna be running the campaigns anyway, what difference does it really make to do so after the spec's release, instead of before?
Personally, this is a bit of a "double-edged sword" to me. On the one hand, I'm a little... pleased... that upon the release of the next spec after Temporal, we're all going to be on the "same page" as far as how many point(s) we've accumulated, and progression in that tree is based purely on post-release play. However, I'm gonna somewhat miss the fact that all the "really hardcore" peoples have already dissected the functions of the new specialization and therefore told us if their benefit(s) are game breaking, worthwhile, or something to not really worry about...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I should had done that as well but I maxed them
1. Find all my boxes suddenly opened when I log in after AoY goes live?
2. Lose any spec points that YOUR SYSTEM allowed me to accumulate that are over the new cap, before getting to spend them on the new temporal tree?
Also, what happens when you get a new spec point now from the Federation Admiralty System when you're maxed out? These points account for most of the reason why I'm so far over the cap.
Again, punishing players for a little advanced thinking and planning just plain sucks. You wonder why a segment of your player base is so bitter. This kind of garbage is exhibit A.