I have leveled my captain in TOS up to 5 and completed the tutorial. First thing I am confused about is ESD. Is this the ESD that all TOS captains will be going to? I have not been able to find exchange access or really anything but a tailor and ship merchant. i noticed sector space is set for the 23rd century, I understand that but there are alot of things missing it seems like. Obviously it would not make sense to warp to the current ESD because of the timeline, but where is our market place at?
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I would hope that we are not going to the future. That would pretty much mean that all we did was start another federation character and would arrive in antiquated vessels. I have a few fed toons that have the original TOS uniforms, that is pretty much what this expansion would be. Leveling up in a few new story missions, then basically adding another regular fed character to our list. very confusing atm.
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Darn.. :-(
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My character Tsin'xing
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Exactly. I have no interest in going through the leveling process on yet another character. Getting to 50 in TOS era would be something I would do, avoiding all the same old story arcs that we have had, but as it is now, I have 9 level 60's and no desire to do it again, not to mention the rep grinding and gear upgrades. I could have seen myself leveling up a new Cardassian though
Not exactly. There are supposed to be some new missions still coming that are available for all factions (and Leeta's involved in them, somehow). I'm guessing that's where the bulk of the new content is going to be.
There will, sort of, in that the T6 Fed temporal ships will be able to use TOS skins from the T2-T5 temporal ships (as seen in the Temporal Agent Special Pack).
(That having been said, I do agree with the overall sentiment that there should be more to the TOS faction. As it is, it seems quite pointless, and is even more of a "fraction" than the Republic.)
I was hoping for more.
Four missions in TOS then dumped into 2409... Bummer.
Guess when this goes live, I'll delay doing the final mission as long as I can, just to be able to use the TOS ships for as long as I can in the 2270 maps.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
We better be able to go back to that time period, and there better be a Hell of a lot more missions there as well.
Really regret picking up that Agents of Yesteryear Pack right now.
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For what it's worth, there are some marked systems on that sector map that the existing missions never take us to, so it could be that we'll end up coming back in time later on to do something in those systems. We can hope, anyway.
I'm still going to get the big AoY pack, just cause I really want those ships and the Space-Barbie stuff.
I've got $200 put away for a rainy-day, so some time in June, I plan on having a downpour.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
My character Tsin'xing
I certainly hope so. I was just getting used to the TOS world. All kinds of wacky, retro fun. It was kinda cool that your character is remembered *spoiler for anyone who hasn't played "Battle of Caleb IV" yet* as having gone down in a blaze of glory in classic TOS fashion, but it would have been cool to spend more time exploring the 23rd century.
It does bear noting, however, that STO is always growing and expanding. What they've done here, by making the TOS Federation a playable faction, is provide themselves with a vast, totally new horizon for potential expansion. I'm willing to bet there will be a lot more TOS action in the future. Until then, at least it's nice to no longer be running around in a yellow jersey and those cretin pants.
I was aceually kinda choked up at that part, i was like heal , heal where is my heal!!!!! then it went to a cut screen and i was like ohhh, its ment to be this way.......
But then They dumped FIVE more Battle Cruisers on me and I was like WTF???
My character got TOSsed.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
So, again.. everybody is just missing all the new TOS faction only missions they're releasing on Tribble..
"Back on topic. Destinii is correct."
(Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
Nobody is missing anything. After the missions (TOS), which are excellent by the way, you end up on ESD of 2409. This is not to say that there is not significantly more content on the way, or even more in the TOS era. It just would have been nice to spend more time in the TOS era before coming to the present.
"“Tangled Webs” takes 23rd century Starfleet officers to the unexplored Tholian Sector to discover these answers. This is the fourth episode available to temporal agents after the tutorial’s conclusion."
This, right there, pretty much states there are at least 4 missions after the tutorial. Once more, they're putting things on the test sever in a fashion that's *not* representative of the finished product at the current time. If the patch were a week or three away, then this would most likely represent what's coming to Holodeck. But it's not. Things are so unfinished and rough right now, I find it nearly unfathomable that people expect this to be dropped onto Holodeck as is.. The Tribble test of LoR started in an extremely similar fashion before ending up the way it was.
How about we, you know, give the devs a bit of time before jumping to conclusions that what we're seeing is in the finished, polished, ready to go form?
"Back on topic. Destinii is correct."
(Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
... you must not have played Battle of Caleb IV yet ...
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I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Either you are trolling to elicit a response or you have not played through the missions currently on Tribble. Nobody expects the missions to be dropped onto Holodeck as is. However, it is unlikely that the story structure is going to change significantly between now and release. So, the concerns here are valid. Again, nobody is stating that this is the release build. I am willing to bet that most that have tested have been involved in a Beta or two.