we all know one of the reasons pvp is dead is because there are no rewards in doing it... at least give us a mark choice package after an arena match to make our grinding less boring...
pvp needs more maps... come on, new match types or something...
Funnily enough, I'd say rewards are the LEAST of PvP's problems. PvP is so BS now that all decent rewards would do is invite AFKers.
Lets be frank here, there will be nothing new PvP related. Nothing.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
I agree with you Prime, better rewards would be welcome. I get tired of seeing a whole 1k xp and ec reward at the end of matches.
plus its harder now to do damage due to the debuff/dmg boosts revamp, lets see
The last time we asked for maps (about three years ago) the devs gave an official reply: The reason why there are no additional pvp maps is that the devs don't know how to make any more pvp maps. The maps we have were coded on the original engine by a developer who didn't leave any notes when he left the team, so they have literally no idea how to hook maps up for pvp- and they aren't willing to just try copying the code because it could cause the maps we HAVE to stop working.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
As for rewards? Well, I was thinking they'd be purely aesthetic - variant hull patterns for your actual ships (much easier to do with the implementation of visual slots), character titles, et cetera.
Note that dirtside PvP is a whole other animal, best discussed in another thread.
As for the devs 'not knowing how to make PvP maps', that is rather hard to believe; more so is the idea that copying an existing map to a test environment and reverse-engineering it to see how it does work would somehow affect existing maps.
Delta - Recluse
Omega - Scimitar
Alpha - MVAM
Beta - Wells
would be nice..
*** Aktiv since 03.06.10 ***
And don't say this would be too hard because I would slap you O_o
As a late great merchant once said, "but what, there's more!".
*lens flare intensifies*
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.