Celebrating Four Hundred Years of Broadcast Excellence! UFP MEDIA NETWORK represents a number of broadcast interests in the Sirius Sector and are agressively expanding into all quadrants. Our mission: Report news, throw parties, spread Earth music, media and culture. And. Occasionally open up new markets for Netflix, Hulu and CBS ALL ACCESS.
UFPMEDIA.COM - An in-character station for STO gamers!
24/7 Radio - Live DJ - Parties -With: Andrews - Donya - Corvin Reigar - Kinneas - Mercnos - Pink Bombshell - Pipeman - Wurd - Rooster - Snaxx -Storm - Street - Wurd ( UFP Idol week 1 winner)
Recent News: Do you like MEGADEATH!? HELLYEAH! Win a ticket to MEGADEATH w/DJ Idol Wurd in D.C. May 5th. UFPMedia.com -Tune in for info. Give away FRIDAY! ~ Hellyeahh! ~
Recent News:
UFP Broadcast Idol Week 4. Send in an audio submission by each Friday. 1 hr. max. .mp3. sent to: Kinneas@aol.com
News: CBS approves UFPMedia.com's booth for STLV 2016. Permissions to broadcast.
Building the 2016 - 2017 crew! Everybody in place before STLV (Aug) and before Jan 2017. Join early for several months of shakedown!
See website for schedule
See website for schedule.

Formerly - TREKRADIO.COM - Station Owner: Kinneas ( Hailing Frequency - SSR - TR )
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
- Cheers
Man! Jambayala sounds awesome. Have not had that in a long time. Still craving Biscuits and Gravy though.
Great that we picked up some new sponsors! : Anbo Jystu Championships, MONSTERFEST, Benzar Vaporizers, Bajoran Battle Simulations... a new Human Society PSA.
Opening up new markets to Earth Music and UFP Broadcasting is selling itself. We need to get into trying to hook up these new sectors with HULU and Netflix! CHA CHING!
These plasma storms and Temporal shockwaves are making it hard to keep my food down, Och! My Molecules!!
Edit: This just in...News: Starfleet Corp of Engineers latest protype creates panic. A 'rumored' SCE prototype images was released causing a UFP wide panic. "Ships will be blowing up over planets!" is a concern. Starfleet Corp of Engineers dismiss this and state it was " A fancyful, first year cadet's design lark. " "That is not real. Netflic and Chill."
cheers wurd!
WED: Rooster ( Cancelled today ) Kinneas - WURD - Corvon Reigar - Kinneas
Rooster: ( Mature)
STORM: ( Mature ) - 21st Century Political Propaganda & Movements
SNAXX: (Mature) - Dance Party
Do you like MEGADEATH!? HELLYEAH! Win a ticket to MEGADEATH w/DJ Idol Wurd in D.C. May 5th. UFPMedia.com -Tune in for info. Give away FRIDAY! ~ Hellyeahh! ~
Must live in D.C. area and / or have means to get to venue.
Week 1: WURD
Week 2: AMBER
Week 4: General Steele
!!! Half way towards Internet & Power fees! !!! - $1,500
- Booth Space ( Paid ) $1,400
- Booth Construction Etc: $0.00
- Afternoon -Evening - Late Night Parties - In Game Parties - Risa - DS9 - Etc.
How the TRIBBLE is that possible?
Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
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