Ok, I have been using tetryon for a while, but I just unlocked the third piece of the quantum phase set from the "Sunrise" mission replays. With my tetryon build, I have four mk xiv beam arrays, and everything else mk xii. For consoles, I have tetryon pulse generators in all three tac slots, and the sticky web console, which also boosts tetryon weapons. The total bonus from consoles is 108.7%, not including whatever the flow capacitors do. (I am told they help with the shield drain proc.) Currently, I have three mk xiv phaser weapons listed on the exchange. I could take them down, and put them on my ship with the quantum phase set. I see two problems with doing this. First, I would be running three mk xiv weapons instead of four. Second, the sticky web console won't boost phasers or quantums. So, I would probably ditch the sticky web for the new console. In contrast, the quantum phase converter gives less of a damage boost but offers a 15% accuracy boost (as a set bonus). Any other thoughts as to which build would be better?
So..Lemme try to answer as best I can..
Short answer..I like the Sunrise Mission set..
Drain Experience (Fmrly known as FLow Caps) increases the Tetryon Shield drain proc.
The Quantum Weapons set is fun and does benefit highly from Drain experience AND Drain Infection (the electrical dot on Quantum Destabilizing Beam).
The Weapon proc drains shields from your enemies and gives it to you..Way more useful than the Tet Proc Imho..
The Quantum Phase Torpedo (Shield Drain) works best on Torpedo Spread (any variant will grant the same drain numbers) and its very easy to see it at work vs the Tet proc.
If you go the full Set..The Quantum Destabilizing Beam also is useful for Draining all subsystem and witting down Shields.
Quantum Phase Converter (20% @ mk12) vs Sticky Web Console(25% at Mk12)..Difference 5% damage boost.Minor.But the level of shield drain/heal in this set makes it kinda fun..Its worth a try.I just wish I wasn't limited to just 1 of those arrays..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Is the 4th weapon the Quantum phaser Beam or Kenetic Cutting beam?
The way I read this is 3 Mk14 Phaser beams + The Quantum weapons +2 (3x3 weapons loadout?) ..Maybe..another [Dmg]\[Crtd]x2 Pen Phaser or at least another free mission/8472 rep Phaser to tide ya over:P
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Eh..Depends on your build..Sometimes I do ...sometimes I dont..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
4 x tetryon beam array mk xiv
2 x tetryon dual beam bank mk xii
tetryon dual heavy cannon mk xii
tetryon turret mk xii
the quantum phase build includes the following weapons:
Dual phaser beam bank mk xiv
agony phaser beam array mk xiv
phaser beam array mk xiv
quantum phase torpedo mk xii
quantum phase dual heavy cannons mk xii
3 other phaser weapons mk xii
Both builds need some improvement, and I have ideas on how to do this. But, until then, which of these two builds should I use for now?
Honestly..I still like the phaser build over the tet..simply due to the shield drain/heal feature. I would try to narrow your Phaser choices to beams (I like arrays meself) for easier flying. 2 Quantum Weapons,Torp and Array and The DBB Plus the phaser arrays.. Unless your flying a ship with access to Surgical strike 3 ..Then stick the torp on the rear and go Cannons front and beams in the back..
An Example of a build I presently use.
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/b66b9ce275ca791d4c809c33207e5f5a - Fleet Phantom..Not the Highest DPS but FUN! Traded out the rear Torp (Its supposed to be the Bio Torp..) for the Counter Command Turret Or another Phaser array
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Earlier today I was reading up on what torpedoes were giving the biggest bang for your buck/weapon slot these days and saw that it came well-recommended, especially if used with Torp Spread 3 which I was already running. I figured I'd give it a go, so dusted off and slotted it...wow, what have I been missing all this time?
I have no experience of the rest of the set, but I would most certainly recommend the torp to anyone based on my experience.
Its not the greatest damage torpedo (Neutronic,Terran,PEP,Dyson or Bio Torp are better) but MAN, if your loaded up on Drain Expertise, It Rips shields right off! Cool part is the Drain numbers are the same at TS1-3. SO its good for shield drain with any Torpedo Ability
sto.gamepedia.com/Quantum_Phase_Catalysts#Quantum_Phase_Torpedo --Check out the Drain on that puppy..Granted..This was Season 11's numbers but still..Niiiice.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
My character Tsin'xing