So I saw mentioned in a thread not too long ago that there are ways to make passive hull healing as effective, or more effective, than active healing powers. I was wondering if anyone that does this can tell me how to do so (spec allocation, gear, consoles, etc.). I have a few ideas for builds that i think would benefit from having a few BOff powers available instead of used for heals.
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Cruisers work best for this, Escorts are the worst. Sci ships work but you are better off building sci ships around passive shield over passive hull.
@pottsey5g is right about cruisers being best for a passive hull healing build. They get an extra 10% passive hull healing (if T5U or T6) and also since passive healing is a percent, a higher hull makes for a better passive heal.
Although I've done some STFs without needing to heal my hull (even when soloing a lane in UAA), I would not neglect active hull healing.
last i heard you can't stack human boffs for regen. only need one human. or none if your char is human
If I remember, the BOff version of leadership stacks with the character version, but not other BOffs. (So one character and one BOff.)
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It gives 15% at 125 engine power and 5% at 15 engine power.
They stack but boffs have just a small buff compared to a human character.
Thanks rmy1081 for the info.
You can use living hull, but I personally don't think it's worth using in a personal trait slot.
There is probably some other stuff I am missing, but I can get my ships Hull Regen rate to ~150% in combat.
Also the Maintenance Engineer doffs, the ones that increase healing skills while using EP2A, used to increase hull regeneration but after the skill revamp the don't anymore.
I felt very ripped off last time I used the Undine ship.
EDIT:: Just did a quick check the Undine ship has a hull regen 8% worse then my other Cruisers with no skills or gear outside ESD.
That sucks. I was about to be very happy, 300% hull regen in combat was almost mine!!!
I just did it on my Nicor, since it was on a character I hadn't used my skill retraining on yet. Level 54. Just using the retrain and the Assimilated Set and the Borg trait (this is an alt that only has Omega rep maxxed), he's at 180%. He's undergeared, and is an alien with no human BOFFs either.
But my Nicor's not a cruiser is it? It's the other one? The Bio-Warship? It's got 4/4 weapon loadout, but is set up far more like an escort for the rest. And has escort style ship mastery levels.
It's the Dromias that's the crusier jawn, I think.
EDIT: I'll say this, this thread has finally given me something to do with that character and that ship. So that's a plus. I'm going to keep trying to make that the core of the build, as it fits the theme. A passive regen mechanic on a bio-organic starship I feel is kind of cool. Now I just have to decide if I want some "filthy humans" in my bridge crew. hahahahah
For those of you who passive tank how far do you push it? A full out passive tank causes me to lose a large amount of damage. I figure I could swap AuxStru3 for Unstable Warp bubble 3 and ENG1 for Endothermic Beam or Stru Integrity Collapes but the extra bridge powers do not really make up for the large drop in damage. What balance do you all strike?
I was planning on using this info on a Qib intel battlecruiser, and running two copies of surgical strikes and override subsystem safeties. I imagine it would be pretty powerful.
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