This started Yesterday after the new season, after the patch our Armada leaders noticed we could not invite to ANY of our fleets because the fleets had more than 100 members. After the April 13th patch we expected a fix but there was none. Short of making a new fleet and start inviting players into it there is no real way for "capped" Fleets to recruit ANYONE if they are currently above this "new" cap. It sucks and it hurts EVERYONE, specially new players who are looking for a usefull fleet rather than those trolling for new membrs so that they can exploit them. Even a new Fleet under the armada will eventually hit the cap in a day or so, it is very troubling and very crippling for growing fleets and armadas.
Post as much information regarding your fleets there as possible, it might help Cryptic
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a fleet must grow and if the cap is set to 100 members then noone would even try to make a new fleet, caue this will take a decade to get to full tier the old fleets with 400 members or so can't invite anyone anymore
if it stays this way the fleets will lose their members and then you get many ghostfleets with full tier and almost noone in it
This bug has made fleet administration very difficult and stressful.
not being able to invite new members is really a disadvantage for any fleet. We have been growing and were knewn for really been open minded... we really do not understand why since 11.5 no recruiting is possible....telling us workirng on this problem is nice....but we would appreciate on a solution...
Please find a solution soon
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