I was asked to create a thread here as well as file a bug report in a gm response to a ticket I filed.
Earlier today, I purchased a 'very rare' quality Saurian science bridge officer candidate, I specifcially made sure to filter only the very rare quality and the candidate was definetly of purple quality at the time of purchase. Once I commissioned him to my crew, his quality had dropped to 'rare' giving him only a single superior trait.
Has this happened previously to anyone else?
- Saurians with the "efficient" space trait behave this way because the trait is both "blue" and "purple". If it is there it takes the spot of the second superior trait. But it is not considered superior when you comission the saurian, so the game makes your saurian blue. (There is no "superior efficient" trait.)
Letheans have the same issue.
And in a world where purple trumps blue, we get freaked out.
It also makes blue efficient saurians just as good as a purple ones.