Abilities can only be used in certain slots and I do not understand why we can not place lower tier slots into higher ones if we still want to use them on our builds. I understand it is to make us have to build certain ways but I think it is counter productive and my idea is to be able to use any lower tier abilities on any slot above that tier.
Example: Torp spread 3 is a lieutenant commander ability, I would like to use something else in that slot but still want to use torp spread 3. I would be able to put torp spread 3 in the commander slot because it is a lower tier ability. I would be giving up the commander slot to still use the ability.
There are just some higher tier abilities I do not need on certain ships with certain builds and this would open up a lot of customization on my builds to the way I would like them without making anything more powerful than it already is.
Just a thought......
Constraints exist to give ship character and to separate the skilled build-crafters from the less so. It's better you figure out the best configuration for that specific ship + your play style than to re-write the rules so you don't have to make tough choices.
So if I have bfaw 3 in the lieutenant commander slot I can not use it again in the higher tier slot because I already have it slotted.
And I understand we have to play by the rules, but just because something is a rule does not always make it right.
Yeah I see that yet I think what is being said is what would be stopping you from using torpedo spread three or bfaw three in commander seat as you said, but than choosing to also slot bfw/torpedo spread three into the normally used Lt commander slot getting a duplicated an equalkly powerful ability in both slots. This is why I think blocking you from using that rank of the ability in the another slot on that boff would be a good disadvantage/cost for it an keep players from stacking two of the same rank ability on one boff thru using it in both the normal lt com an than the commander rank as well.
I 100% percent agree on your idea here to block the ability if used in the higher tier slot.
That is an excellent point on the different classes, I only have two tac toons so I did not even think about it that way
slots instead the ones available to me.
I could see this change as a possibility if they add
space kit's with space modules for Bridge officers.
and if they add this then people can fly any ship
without worrying about the boff slots.
Note: The suggestion about space kits will be similar to ground kits.
This is exactly why Cryptic won't do this. There is a great deal of customization already available, and all these changes would do is force the dps community into a different set of cookie cutter builds (as soon as what was 'best' was tested) and leave the rest of the player base relatively unsure of what they want or need.