While I know most abilities use Aux scaling, I know for a fact Energy Siphon's drain mechanic doesn't. The part that uses Aux scaling is the time duration.
Can we please get an answer as to why Energy Siphon got the slope of its equation slashed in half in Tribble resulting in an up to 50% loss of drain on the high end of things?
Nothing about Aux effects the drain on the Siphon, just the secs it last.
the only way to increase the effect is to increase FC/drain exp
Perhaps they are changing it where the drain is affected by Aux and flowcaps now hence the discrepancy.
They didn't. You can move Aux up and down yourself and see. They left Aux doing what it does (length) and nerfed the hell out of the drain.
They're fixing the Aux part (length) soon, but the drain portion of the equation needs to be changed back.
Also don't forget the skill merger will allow much higher flow capacitor ratings very easily so they are going to adjust slightly to compensate.
this is not the case with siphon tho
50% is not a slight adjustment. We're not getting 50% more drain skill.
Also, if I kept going with my numbers, I'm pretty sure the % reduction at the very high new limit would be somewhere in the 60%-70% range. Once I get my drain toon copied into Tribble, I can see for sure how bad the cut gets on the very top.
I hope they are bugs because drains seem really messed up in the new system right now. From what I'm seeing polaron procs are benefitting as is Tykens Rift (higher energy drain from both in the new system), but Energy Siphon, Breen Energy Siphon, Breen Energy dissipator, and Plasmonic Leech all are not being affected (Lower drain in the new system). There could be others but those are all the ones I use and tested. Assuming those are all just bugged atm and get fixed I'm actually liking the new system. It's not perfect, but it's not to shabby at all .
Breen energy dissipator should have only gotten nerfed because of the Aux scaling change.