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paradox temporal dreadnought, am I the only one underewhelmed?

I been buying ships for a while, both from C-store and from lockboxes and lobi etc
and I always so far been very satisified with the ships I gotten, they felt like they really
mattered compared to the ships available for free like Dyson Science etc.

I have the Tal'shiar, I got the Jem'hadar(both of them) I got scimitars from the cstore and in each one
I felt that when i bought it, that it game me an edge o fht free ships around, they looked awesome and
they preformed admirably. and gave something the other ships lacked.

Yet when I got the Paradox, it felt..."is-this-all-this-ship-can-do"?
sure its a science ship, and it has those nasty swirling kind of things that really do not do much in PvE at least
and even with science based BOFF and changed the aux to supposedly hurt more. I still end up doing less damage
and taking WAY more time killing same mobs than with the Dyson Science vessel.

So whats the deal? Is it because I am Romulan?
The ships available for rommies are so OP that when there comes new ships they barely catch up?
I tried everything I can think of yet in same scenario, with same amount of mobs/ships etc the
paradox takes MORE damage and does WAY less damage and above all takes more time clearing the

So whats the deal?


  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Oh and whats worst, is that my fed claptain on the T6 concord battlecruiser clears the same mobs in less time , singioficantly less so, than the paradox and takes a ton of less damage.

    both of them fed(rom and joint trill),both of them tactical, simiral traits, simital BOFFs and energy settings. I tried matching everything exactly same.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    It is definitely because you're a Romulan. I feel sorry for you :p

    No seriously. How are you flying this ship? As you already noted, it's a sci ship, and it has access to special 'nasty swirling' things as you call it. Specialise in that. Use high auxiliary power settings, make sure your particle generator skill is filled, put some parti gen consoles on it and slot things like Destabilising Resonance beam, Gravity wells etc. and get some torpedoes that add radiation damage or other kinetic, shield-ignoring things like the Dyson rep torp.
  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    It is definitely because you're a Romulan. I feel sorry for you :p

    No seriously. How are you flying this ship? As you already noted, it's a sci ship, and it has access to special 'nasty swirling' things as you call it. Specialise in that. Use high auxiliary power settings, make sure your particle generator skill is filled, put some parti gen consoles on it and slot things like Destabilising Resonance beam, Gravity wells etc. and get some torpedoes that add radiation damage or other kinetic, shield-ignoring things like the Dyson rep torp.

    Oh I had forgotten about the torps that had that nice effect too...I am certainly going to try those, thanx for the tip(s).

  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Or if you do want to use the ship with tac abilities and energy weapons... check your power levels. More often than not have I noticed I was barely able to kill anything, only to realise a bit later that I still had all power diverted to engines because I needed to run in a previous mission...

    I don't think it's the ship to be honest. The ship is fine and has a lot of potential.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    My answer to the title: No, you are not. My younger brother also considers it subpar, to say the least.

    Mind you, his complaints stemmed largely from trying to make anything fly like his favorite Galor. :confused:

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    risian4 wrote: »
    Or if you do want to use the ship with tac abilities and energy weapons... check your power levels. More often than not have I noticed I was barely able to kill anything, only to realise a bit later that I still had all power diverted to engines because I needed to run in a previous mission...

    I don't think it's the ship to be honest. The ship is fine and has a lot of potential.

    I checked and my power levels starts at 125 for the weapons, and never drops below 80 and I use beams as main weapons and torps, but I think I am using wrong torps.

    edit:thats when I use main energy weapons, and not go for aux, never checked how high weapons stands when i go all out aux.

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    It's a Science Focused ship. YOu can try to run it like 4/3 type escort with beams, but I am not convinced it will work that well.

    If you want to use it as a Science Vessel, you need more torps, and decent ones at that. Forget the standard torpedoes, you want specialty ones. The best picks currently in my opinion are:
    • Quantum Phase Torpedo
    • Neutronic Torpedo
    • Plasma-Emission Torpedo
    • Gravimetric Torpedo
    Torpedo Spread is an excellent buff for these, too.

    Also, again, you're in a Science Vessel/Dreadnought, so pick science skills. Gravity Well with consoles and deflectors that boost particle generators and gravity generators are a good choice. Consider a Destabilized Resonance Beam or a Tractor Beam Repulsor in Pull mode (requires aspecial DOFF) as additional damage powers. Ionic Turbelence (Intel) is also a neat addition due to the resistance debuffs.
    You want high Aux Power with that.

    Get into a Red Alert, and find one of those probe/sphere groups. Thoese are the most fun with dish washers, err Gravity Well builds. You fire up your Grav Well, launch a Quantum Phase Torpedo Spread, and then the rest is basically the usual buff and attack cycling. It should be over fast.
    You can also deal with any other foe, but the larger the group of the enemies, the more damage your AoE skills can inflict, and the more warp core breaches are happening inside your gravity well.

    If it doesn't quite work yet, also remember to look into torpedo buffing traits. Omega Kinetic Shearing, anything that buffs shield penetration or armor penetration is worth a look.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • cuchulainn74cuchulainn74 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    It's a Science Focused ship. YOu can try to run it like 4/3 type escort with beams, but I am not convinced it will work that well.

    If you want to use it as a Science Vessel, you need more torps, and decent ones at that. Forget the standard torpedoes, you want specialty ones. The best picks currently in my opinion are:
    • Quantum Phase Torpedo
    • Neutronic Torpedo
    • Plasma-Emission Torpedo
    • Gravimetric Torpedo
    Torpedo Spread is an excellent buff for these, too.

    Also, again, you're in a Science Vessel/Dreadnought, so pick science skills. Gravity Well with consoles and deflectors that boost particle generators and gravity generators are a good choice. Consider a Destabilized Resonance Beam or a Tractor Beam Repulsor in Pull mode (requires aspecial DOFF) as additional damage powers. Ionic Turbelence (Intel) is also a neat addition due to the resistance debuffs.
    You want high Aux Power with that.

    Get into a Red Alert, and find one of those probe/sphere groups. Thoese are the most fun with dish washers, err Gravity Well builds. You fire up your Grav Well, launch a Quantum Phase Torpedo Spread, and then the rest is basically the usual buff and attack cycling. It should be over fast.
    You can also deal with any other foe, but the larger the group of the enemies, the more damage your AoE skills can inflict, and the more warp core breaches are happening inside your gravity well.

    If it doesn't quite work yet, also remember to look into torpedo buffing traits. Omega Kinetic Shearing, anything that buffs shield penetration or armor penetration is worth a look.

    Nailed it, right there! I picked it up as soon as the LB was released, and I found that it was instantly adaptable from the PartGen/Torpedo build I was already using on my Fleet Scryer. And it completely outperforms the Scryer in almost every way. Obviously, the turn rate and lack of cloak are knocks, but insignificant to me. If you drop a GW and pump the specialized AoE torpedos and AoE science skills into that space, things go *POP* with astonishing rapidity!
    Fleet Admiral CuChulainn - U.S.S. Aegis KT Intel Dreadnought Cruiser

  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    thank you all for the inspiration, I shall get to make the changed.... make it so :)
  • cuchulainn74cuchulainn74 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    thank you all for the inspiration, I shall get to make the changed.... make it so :)

    Oh, one other bit of advice for you. Make sure that the Secondary Deflector you slot into it is tuned correctly to the science skills you're going to be using. That will really go a long way to improving its effectiveness, too.
    Fleet Admiral CuChulainn - U.S.S. Aegis KT Intel Dreadnought Cruiser

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    A bunch of people trying to take a SCIENCE VESSEL, i.e. Science COMMANDER BOFF station ship with only 7 weapon slots, not 8 of a Cruiser, having only 3 Tactical Console Slots, and trying to turn it into a typical Tactical ship and end up failing?

    What could have possibly gone wrong? :/
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    I checked and my power levels starts at 125 for the weapons, and never drops below 80 and I use beams as main weapons and torps, but I think I am using wrong torps.

    125 to weapons on a Science ship is probably not helping either. As others have mentioned you need way more power to Aux.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    I've found it subpar, but mostly because of the broken trait, broken console, and broken pets (with no fixes in sight). I built my boat to be DPS/FAWboat Partgens Tank thing. It does 45k-55k depending on the PUG. And that's with mostly XII/XIV Very Rare gear, only Epic gear are my pargens consoles. If my main was a Tac, or a Romulan, I'd probably be even more effective.

    Anyway, the ship is pretty flexable. Would be a fantastic torp boat, beam spammer, drainer, partgens dps boat. But with all the bugs, I think the ship is only worth 60mil in its current form.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I'm a huge fan of the paradox. Never thought I'd leave my Vesta but here I am. Love the Grav well multiplicity clicky. Is it better than the Wells?? I'll never know.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • fluffymooffluffymoof Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    A bunch of people trying to take a SCIENCE VESSEL, i.e. Science COMMANDER BOFF station ship with only 7 weapon slots, not 8 of a Cruiser, having only 3 Tactical Console Slots, and trying to turn it into a typical Tactical ship and end up failing?

    What could have possibly gone wrong? :/

    I keep hitting SPACEBAR, but it isn't dying in two seconds. WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SCIENCE SHIP?????

    One of the many Tellarite Goddesses of Beauty!

    If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
  • harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    I found it to be a very good ship, and actually enjoyed getting a tier 6 science ship on my Romulan. However, it's turn was a bit sucky, so I managed to scoop up a R'Mora with the luck of the gods on a key sale day. Still, it's not underwhelming at all, it's just a different play style if you've never flown a science ship of any sorts with the correct power (like maxed Aux) set ups. The console that comes with the ship itself is brilliant, specially with all of the consoles from the temporal ships.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    This thread shows why Cryptic won't give us Romulan and KDF science ships instead of more cruisers and tacships :(

    But spearhawk2013 is willing to learn how to SCIENCE! so that's good.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Actually it's pretty firmly tied with the Annorax as the best science ship in the game depending on which build variants your prefer. I think that like most people you don't like it because you have no idea how to properly build a science ship. Rest assured they are extremely lethal in the correct hands and the skill Revamp will only make them stronger. Feel free to join "The Science Channel" and we will be happy to answer all your questions. ;)
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    I checked and my power levels starts at 125 for the weapons, and never drops below 80 and I use beams as main weapons and torps, but I think I am using wrong torps.

    125 to weapons on a Science ship is probably not helping either. As others have mentioned you need way more power to Aux.

    Yeah I just gave that advice in case he wanted to fly the ship as if it were a tac ship or a cruiser. It is indeed not the most logical option, but it could work. Plenty of ships with low turn rate and few tac consoles and weapon slots that can still be good enough for most content if built right. I mean, I've flown my Vestas with tac builds for a long time. They weren't really outstanding when using those Aux cannons and lots of tac abilities, but the build wasn't exactly useless either.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    For reference mine is set up as an exotic damage torpedo boat running Neutronic, Particle Emission Plasma and Terran task force torpedoes. Use cooldown doffs of course for the torpedoes.

    For powers I have gravity well, destabilized resonance beam and subspace vortex (pricey but worth it.) Just load up on particle generator consoles and deflectors and lay it on. Gravity well keeps them in place and the AOE'S burn through them like tissue paper. Also might wanna invest in the gravity well doff that makes bonus grav wells and also Graga Mal who although expensive turns Tractor Beam Repulsors into a lethal weapon. Also Delta weapon set 3-piece for the Isokinetic Cannon.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    If you are REALLY hurting for Power in combat, slot any version of Energy Siphon. This thing is a Science Vessel. It's not a Cruiser with Weapon System Efficiency Cruiser Command, not an Escort or TAC Cruiser that has +10 or +15 Weapons Power Bonus. Science Vessels lack those gimmicks. So your base if Weapons Power is already way behind the curve if your intent is Energy Weapons Pew-Pew. Have decent Embassy Flow Caps with +Plasma Explosions, Plasmonic Leech Console, slot an Energy Siphon or two. You got a shitload of Science BOFF slots, so may as well make use of it.

    Emergency Power to Weapons and the T6 Avenger/Mogh trait, "Emergency Weapon Cycle" (or whatever is called) will help.

    If you are going the Energy Siphon Route, also consider the Nandi's trait, "Greedy Emitters" (or whatever is called).

    Edit: I still firmly believe that the Paradox should be used for what it's optimal for. But if you still want energy weaps pew-pew, well, we can at least help you on that route.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    If you are REALLY hurting for Power in combat, slot any version of Energy Siphon. This thing is a Science Vessel. It's not a Cruiser with Weapon System Efficiency Cruiser Command, not an Escort or TAC Cruiser that has +10 or +15 Weapons Power Bonus.

    Luckily, Sci ships get large Aux bonuses which means it's easier to get that as high as possible :D . Oh wait... - Is reminded of an upcoming nerf - :/
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    I been buying ships for a while, both from C-store and from lockboxes and lobi etc
    and I always so far been very satisified with the ships I gotten, they felt like they really
    mattered compared to the ships available for free like Dyson Science etc.

    I have the Tal'shiar, I got the Jem'hadar(both of them) I got scimitars from the cstore and in each one
    I felt that when i bought it, that it game me an edge o fht free ships around, they looked awesome and
    they preformed admirably. and gave something the other ships lacked.

    Yet when I got the Paradox, it felt..."is-this-all-this-ship-can-do"?
    sure its a science ship, and it has those nasty swirling kind of things that really do not do much in PvE at least
    and even with science based BOFF and changed the aux to supposedly hurt more. I still end up doing less damage
    and taking WAY more time killing same mobs than with the Dyson Science vessel.

    So whats the deal? Is it because I am Romulan?
    The ships available for rommies are so OP that when there comes new ships they barely catch up?
    I tried everything I can think of yet in same scenario, with same amount of mobs/ships etc the
    paradox takes MORE damage and does WAY less damage and above all takes more time clearing the

    So whats the deal?

    You're welcome to send it to me if you have a spare. I'm sure my klink will find use for it.
  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    teknesia wrote: »
    I been buying ships for a while, both from C-store and from lockboxes and lobi etc
    and I always so far been very satisified with the ships I gotten, they felt like they really
    mattered compared to the ships available for free like Dyson Science etc.

    I have the Tal'shiar, I got the Jem'hadar(both of them) I got scimitars from the cstore and in each one
    I felt that when i bought it, that it game me an edge o fht free ships around, they looked awesome and
    they preformed admirably. and gave something the other ships lacked.

    Yet when I got the Paradox, it felt..."is-this-all-this-ship-can-do"?
    sure its a science ship, and it has those nasty swirling kind of things that really do not do much in PvE at least
    and even with science based BOFF and changed the aux to supposedly hurt more. I still end up doing less damage
    and taking WAY more time killing same mobs than with the Dyson Science vessel.

    So whats the deal? Is it because I am Romulan?
    The ships available for rommies are so OP that when there comes new ships they barely catch up?
    I tried everything I can think of yet in same scenario, with same amount of mobs/ships etc the
    paradox takes MORE damage and does WAY less damage and above all takes more time clearing the

    So whats the deal?

    You're welcome to send it to me if you have a spare. I'm sure my klink will find use for it.

    I could send your Klink something, but the science of it all would be to much, after all, its not a boomerang shaped sword...
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    If you are underwhelmed, you are doing something wrong. Its easily the strongest sci ship out there, with a nod to the scryer as equal or nearly.
    Pets ... meh, but the ship has an exta weapon, OSS/turbulence intel seat, enough eng to seat a warp plasma 1, 2nd deflector and full science package.

    I am running it on my rom sci and its amazing.

    Come at me from the front, and you get a shield eating quantum torp spread backed by just over 300 flow caps and all the trimmings, ive seen it pull 10k shields/hit on a GW 1 pile debuffed with turbulence .. followed by a second spread of something nasty.

    Come at me from the rear or side and get a pulling TBR 3, web mines, warp plasma, and that tricobalt warhead mine launcher torp.

  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Don't forget it also has command spec access and that means concentrate firepower... :D
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    I been buying ships for a while, both from C-store and from lockboxes and lobi etc
    and I always so far been very satisified with the ships I gotten, they felt like they really
    mattered compared to the ships available for free like Dyson Science etc.

    I have the Tal'shiar, I got the Jem'hadar(both of them) I got scimitars from the cstore and in each one
    I felt that when i bought it, that it game me an edge o fht free ships around, they looked awesome and
    they preformed admirably. and gave something the other ships lacked.

    Yet when I got the Paradox, it felt..."is-this-all-this-ship-can-do"?
    sure its a science ship, and it has those nasty swirling kind of things that really do not do much in PvE at least
    and even with science based BOFF and changed the aux to supposedly hurt more. I still end up doing less damage
    and taking WAY more time killing same mobs than with the Dyson Science vessel.

    So whats the deal? Is it because I am Romulan?
    The ships available for rommies are so OP that when there comes new ships they barely catch up?
    I tried everything I can think of yet in same scenario, with same amount of mobs/ships etc the
    paradox takes MORE damage and does WAY less damage and above all takes more time clearing the

    So whats the deal?

    Was that a poem?

    Is this your first sci ship?

    If you didnt know how to use it, why would you aquire it? Couldnt have been cheap, and it looks like something out of a tickle-trunk.

    You have a FINE sci ship there, the envy of many sci enthusiasts. Learn how to use it, and enjoy.
  • lingeringsoul888lingeringsoul888 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    one of my fav ships.....seems quite balanced, good tac, sci and eng as well as hangar pet.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Extremely well balanced yes, I'd say perfect for the build I like to run. It's nice having some heavy engineering in the mix for structural integrity collapse or that new breen power. It can be made into a pretty solid damage soaker among many other things. This is why I place it up with the Annorax because although it may lose a tactical console it more than makes up for it with such great balance IMO.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    A bunch of people trying to take a SCIENCE VESSEL, i.e. Science COMMANDER BOFF station ship with only 7 weapon slots, not 8 of a Cruiser, having only 3 Tactical Console Slots, and trying to turn it into a typical Tactical ship and end up failing?

    What could have possibly gone wrong? :/

    I guess a lot of things, but not the stuff you mentioned. I exactly choose that path on my sci dread and am quiet happy with it.

    55k and rising on the sci toon. I feel it's just the beginng compared to my other sci who sits at 70k+. My Paradox is going to be a brutal pve beast! :)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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