So I did the episode and I got a ship called (1)Ajax pilot Eescort and I got the U.S.S. Pastak and I was wondering, the (1) means its there one time right? does that means I get to keep the Pastak? I was under the impression that getting the Pastak would be more difficult. And some say it is only one use and I got to redo the quest to get another one?
"Let them eat static!"
Yup, you do. Just finished my 7th run so all my toons have it.
I completed the episode as a Federation officer, and received the Admiralty Pastak along with a T6 science vessel. Where does one see or claim this T6 science vessel? It's not in my Admiralty ship list, nor can I claim it at the Starbase in Sector 001 nor via the C-Store. The OP said he got the Ajax escort, so I know I didn't just see the "you got a T6 science vessel!" notice wrong.
Can someone help explain?
The ship you gain from the time quest is admiralty ship and opens up to you at level 52(someone correct me if I am wrong) and used for ship version of BOFF missions.
The Pestak will appear in your Admiralty ship list, but the one time use card ship that you received will not.
One time use ships do not appear in your Admiralty Ship list, that is a list of ships you have permanently unlocked. When you go to start a mission however, you should see your 1x use card listed there as available to go on the mission.
If you don't see the Pastak listed, then I would try replaying the mission and claiming it again. If it's still not there, you would want to open a ticket with support and post in the Bug Report section.