Is beyond old at this point. Especially when I am the only one! It's not me internet. I know I'm the only one because when I log back in the umptenth time tonight everyone is still there shooting! But at soon as I try, an un-commanded warp out. Then I get gyped out of marks and almost alway puts the tf on cooldown. How is that fair? When the game kicks me out?
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
> Is beyond old at this point. Especially when I am the only one! It's not me internet. I know I'm the only one because when I log back in the umptenth time tonight everyone is still there shooting! But at soon as I try, an un-commanded warp out. Then I get gyped out of marks and almost alway puts the tf on cooldown. How is that fair? When the game kicks me out?
I too have been having similar difficulties.
when i try moving, I get so far then my character glitches back ten feet or stops recieving commands for a few seconds. but if it sits for 60 second i get kicked to the login screen and it wont register my login info. I have to close it down completely, then open back up through ARC to get back in. Did that six times so far in an hour.
What is going on....
> Let me guess, we all have Nvidia graphics cards?!
I have a Radeon Graphics card.