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Tour the Galaxy Keeps Crashing

robofearthrobofearth Member Posts: 33 Arc User
I've been trying to grind EC from the Tour the Galaxy scenario since the Anniversary event started. Now I'm fed up. Every time, every freakin time, the game crashes while I'm in the middle of it. Different characters, different times of day, it crashes.

When I try to get back into it, any time it takes for me to reload the game, then reload the character, counts against the 15 minute timer. What's ever more frustrating is if the slipstream drive is recharging, however, the game remembers that, and the reset timer starts right where I left off! I've submitted error tickets - don't know if I'm should expect a reply or not. It has happened 7 times in the past 3 days.


  • robofearthrobofearth Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    The problem has continued. Every day, every character, every time. I submit the Error Tickets, no reply or feedback, don't even bother anymore.

    I don't think this would be so bad if it weren't for the fact that when the game crashes during a timed event, and I've noted this when the game has crashed during other events other than Tour the Galaxy, is the time you take to reboot and restart your character counts against your timer. Any cool down timers that were in effect during the crash, however, pause, then restart where you left off when you come back. This kind of adds insult to injury.

    I know the frequent crashes are a larger issue. But if the game has the ability to remember where your cool down timers were when the game crashes, then why can't we just balance things out by having the game restart where the overall timer left off for events like Tour the Galaxy?
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