I had some left over Master Keys and well I decided to put them on the exchange. I'm a free to play player (for the moment) will be going life time soon and not even ten seconds later all three master keys sold. I earned a cool ten million energy credits. Is it really that easy to make energy credits on this game? I gave the credits to my new Federation Science Officer and I decided that I'm going to do a drain build on him.
There are players spending all day watching the exchange to snap up cheap listings and relist them for higher prices.
If you want more money from them you need to list them for more but be patient. But for a quick 4-5 million EC nothing is quicker than selling a key.
Hope you have the EC cap increase or you just lost a lot if money.
But again it's a small difference and not needed unless you really want too.
minus the customary Ferengi service charge at 99.999999% of course
If you grind omega particles to ultimate craft Omega Tech Upgrades, then you do not need to use any of your 150k dil. However, it can be rather monotonous to play that mini-game over and over again for a long period of time. I spend up to a few hours grinding away at the game because I have a lot of gear I want to upgrade.
Epic gear is nice to have, but not really necessary and it can be expensive to get gear to that point. While I am generally happy with Ultra Rare, I too feel the pull of going Epic just because it is the absolute best. But for the most part I would say marginal gain compared Ultra Rare.
If you really want to get all your gear to be Epic, then my suggestion would be to just upgrade all your gear to Mk XIV Ultra Rare, then go back upgrade them Epic as time and resources permits.
i dont care about money or currency in general, so it will likely be spent fairly quickly. rather be poor and happy, just scraping by each time, makes things fun.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Haven't been browsing through the exchange lately but damn, now I now where my stipend will also go once it arrives next week.