Ive been playing STO from basically the beginning, i took a 7 month break and am now returning. I like many people have created a few alts and have chosen..... themes, i guess you would call them. I made a delta recruit a while back, i made him a vorta, the idea was to have all my BOFFs aliens and make them look like Jem'Hadar, fully equipped with Jem'hadar gear and flying a Jem'hadar ship... this is where my problem come in...
I was one of the lucky ones that got a Strike ship from the packs a while back i have been sitting on. I also happen to win a Jem'hadar heavy escort carrier from a lockbox today.... What i would love to do is get a jem'hadar dreadnought and use the strike ship to get the pets... but the strike ship would be a complete waste, and i do have other toons i could put it to use on but they dont really need it and they sale for crazy EC. Orrr i could just use the HEC and go that rout.... im not sure what i should do i guess im just looking for input, and im a little irritated that the attack ship pet isnt an account unlock and you HAVE to have a extremely expensive and rare ship on the same guy to get them
Well, at least he will have 1 boff that is actually a jem'hadar. Anyways, I would suggest to build a strong account first then you can build various themed alts.
But that's just me.
If your main is fully geared and good to go, if you're happy with their gear and everything, then by all means keep the ships. Otherwise, I would absolutely sell the lock box ships. You can get more then enough EC to outfit your main and your alt with some nice gear with the EC you get from the sale. If you have a C-Store ship, just claim that on your alt and sell baby sell.
That's what I would personally do, but it's all what you think is the best value. I personally like to make sure my main is completely set before I start giving expensive items to alts.
My account is pretty strong, I've basically been playing from the start. I'm not a super max player but I have my main and two others that are in the 40k range, that's why I make alts I got board and had nothing left to get my main.. I could use the JS ship on one of them but it wouldn't do much and it's hard to bring myself to burn such a pretty little piece of gold on only the pets...
Oh and the BOFFs actually look pretty good, just messed with the editor a lot and got the jem'Hadar armor for there uniforms. I wish I could link a pic but I'm to lazy to get up right now
Anyways thanks for your input
No right answer here except for doing something you'll be happy with, and if unboxing that ship mainly for the pets isn't looking real hot, then take that as a sign not to.
Also, if there's nothing to get for your main right now, that doesn't mean there won't be something real good released later on such as a temporal dreadnought.
I'd vote sell it or hold on to it until know with certainty a course of action that will be satisfying to you with no regrets.
Side note, I did test fly the JHSS in tribble, and it looks real good with that shiny skin and handles real well too, noticeably better than the manasa but not by a whole lot, and unless I'm mistaken that cannon rapid fire space trait should be incredible.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
They get it from peoples odd need to have everything on all of their characters.
Agree 13 chars and no problem so far, all 60, deltas and not deltas.. no problem at all, its not difficult...
Azrael, I think Scifan was agreeing with you.
I would keep the ship, get the pets and fly the dread
Whilst I primarily wanted the ship for the pets, being a Dominion based toon I knew I would set up the bug eventually and fly it as something different and very fun. If youre having a Dominion based ship character you may as well go whole hog (if you're committed to the idea).
That said, on the flip side, that is not a small sum of potential EC you are sitting on there.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Do you do their doffing (crew and ships) everyday? If so, how much time does just that take?
I have 7 toons and unless it's my day off, I have nowhere near the time to do doffing; let alone anything else.
Or do you mean just 'keeping up' with their gear?