It would be nice if we could get a statement from Cryptic about their future plans for 2016 and beyond. They seem to be fairly quiet for some time now which just leaves a lot of speculation from players. Personally I'm hoping for some big additions on this the 50th anniversary year for Star Trek.
TL:DR If something gets introduced someone doesn't like? Doooommm.
I know what ever Cryptic adds, I will enjoy it.
So I suggest you pay more attention to detail next time, people.
Good day.
No there aren't. Every mission is go there kill that and maybe scan something. With dead queues I agree, system needs improvement. Bugs being dealt with, yeah they work on them as fast as snails crawl, some bugs have been in the game long before I joined. Meanwhile new ones pop up every time they change something. A single T6 ship costs 3000 zen, a pack 6000. Thats 30$ or 60$. Considering that's almost as much as a new game its way overpriced. I could understand 10$ or less but 30$+ is too much no matter how you look at it.
So I suggest you pay more attention to detail next time, people.
Good day.
Not every mission is like that. Sure, the battle-oriented ones, yes, but there are a few missions or mission parts that aren't pew pew.
As for those bugs being around long before you and I joined, I agree. But eventually, they'll be fixed. It's just taking an enormous amount of time. Overpriced, yeah. A more reasonable price could have been either 2000 Zen or just 1500 zen. 3000 does sound overpriced.
Though, the quality of gameplay and detail has been significantly improved. They tore down the old Sector Block walls and made the Quadrant maps in their place, canon ships are receiving HD details, and even an improved ESD and standardized uniforms in the form of the 2410 issue Oddysey uniforms. Soon enough, we'll be getting the Gamma Quadrant since Delta has already been added. We've never had a sector space type map for Gamma. So, that's definitely coming. It's just a matter of when it will arrive.
My character Tsin'xing
lol ...i see what you did there ....for me ?? i have to say fix the *** *** pvp give it a revamp FFS ...yeah i said it 5 years ...we pvpers have waited long enough REVAMP IT we have been waiting for 5 years it!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im losing my *** *** mind waiting !!!
That could actually be the name of a BOff ability, if they decide on a temporal specialization.
The thing about a PvP revamp is that everyone has a different idea about how to fix PvP, and any solution would simply make the majority upset. If you want my advice on playing PvP, Dreadnought will be coming out with its closed beta soon, and then its open beta soon after. As a game designed with PvP in mind, you'll probably find it much more enjoyable that whatever Cryptic could do with STO's PvP.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Anyway, considering the low number of remaining PvPers, trying to secure the majority opinion there is not really relevant. Any PvP revamp would need to have as a goal also gaining new players.
The problem I see is more that any such action would require a lot of work from Cryptic, and I think the same amount of effort invested in another part of the game is much more likely to yield a good return on investment. That's probably why Cryptic hasn't done anything PvP related in years, even though I bet some of them are itching to do something, and the PvP community wishes more attention and (positive) changes to PvP. Any investment is risky, and the chances of really winning and drawing customers and making money from it are .. nebelous.
You have waited 5 years for STO to revamp pvp? Really?
Well, I hope you are not waiting for DOTA or Counterstrike to add a pve campaign as well, because you'll have to wait quite a bit...
With the holidays and the run up to the Anniversay event and the release of the next featured episode I can see a lot more coming out of Cryptic in the next couple of weeks. With regards to the "state of the game" - the only thing we get now is an infographic which for the last two years was released at the begining of the anniversary event, so I can see that coming shortly too.
Thats more for politics than for a game...C'mon. If you don't like the way things are going...then turn to another MMO or other solo PC/console game. NO need to give out reasons to stay.
If you have been long enough in STO you will now that periodically they do publish an infographic with every anniversary but thats about it...some examples from the last one:
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing