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Best Ship, Ship Build and Char Build with good DPS for a Fed Sci.

m4wlm4wl Member Posts: 11 Arc User
Just as the title says, I'd like some help please. I've been playing for years but I'm still a total noob when it comes to ship and char builds haha.


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    theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    Exotic damage build/skills, ship Annorax, Recluse, Sarr Theln, Vesta, Tal Shiar BC... hit the https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/ plenty of good sci builds there.
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    jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    Here's the build I'm using currently on my sci - skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=scipilotescort_6927
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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,886 Arc User
    any ship can be made to do well. my sci is flying a recluse because i like carriers and the recluse has the best pets easily avail to a fed. any ship with lcdr sci ability can do well
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    rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Thank you guys for the info here. I am new to sci and had the same question. So far I like the Ferengi Nandi but I know there are sci specific ships to do more sci damage. I heard great things about the Recluse and it is very tempting! :) It would be nice to have something with less torpedoes and no kemocite.

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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,886 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    If you are looking pure sci pathfinder cryer and dauntless are very good. Also, don't discount torpedo builds.. Gravity well III + mr torpedo spread 2-3 can really put an Owie on a group of ships
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    don't limit yourself only to sci vessels...any ship class works. You don't even need high aux power for your sci captain abilities to function properly. Not as much sci class - sci vessel synergies as one might think in the game.
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    chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    I fly a Vesta-variant with my sci, running high skills in particle generators and other science-focused skills.

    The quantum phase sets are solid, specifically the one from the Sunrise mission that gives a 3pc bonus that fires a phaser beam powered by your part gen skill.

    Making good use of abilities that complement high science skills, such as gravity well and tyken's rift, or other exotic damage-based skills is a must. Running your aux power high will also give a nice boost to those types of abilities.

    Running a high-damage sci is tricky, but it can be a lot of fun. The way I think of it, my phasers are more like secondary weapons that support anything that shoots out of my deflector dish :smiley:
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    I think for dps on a science platform, the Vesta still rules, if you load up the tac Vesta with tac consoles and particle gens and then use a hybrid FAW+GW build. Something along the lines of: http://www.kaysvaultofstuff.com/aoe-vesta.html
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