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universal weapon type

I'm new to the game and see a lot of weapon choices (phaser, plasma, etc). I know that different weapons work best against different factions of foes. I think that at higher levels you have to specialize in a type of weapon and the damage type (ex. tricobalt torpedoes). If you had to pick one weapon/ damage type to tank throughout the game, which one would you pick and why? Thanks


  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    I'm new to the game and see a lot of weapon choices (phaser, plasma, etc). I know that different weapons work best against different factions of foes. I think that at higher levels you have to specialize in a type of weapon and the damage type (ex. tricobalt torpedoes). If you had to pick one weapon/ damage type to tank throughout the game, which one would you pick and why? Thanks

    Weapon types don't mean a whole lot in anything to be honest...pick a proc or color you like and go with it...if all you're worried about is maximum dps then Antiproton would be the best choice.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • enkemenenkemen Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    However, some damage types have more useful set bonuses than others. AP has the Ancient Omni beam and warp core, although that forces you into a pretty crappy core. Plasma has an excellent C-Store set, but it forces use of two consoles or cannon weapon types, and only certain Romulan ships. Phaser/Disruptor have the CC set, but they force you to use a turret or a pair of pretty meh consoles. Etc.
  • lordbeefy7lordbeefy7 Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    for all round ease of choice i would go antiproton, using the obelisk core you get decent bonus boost wit the ancient omni directional, plus you can mount a standard omni directional....this sort of setup cn really boost your frontal firepower.
  • jasonyeefongjasonyeefong Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Well since your new, I can give you a basic list description of weapons, weapon types, and some basics.

    Beam array: (270 degree arc of fire, useful for broadsiding attacks; fore/aft weapon)
    Dual Beam Bank: (90 degree firing arc; forward weapon only; useful for moderate turn-rate ships that can not load cannons)

    Turret: (360 degree firing ark, medium firing rate; fore/aft; low damage per hit)
    Cannon: (180 degree arc of fire; fast firing rate; forward weapon only; low damage per hit)
    Dual Cannon: (45 degree arc of fire; fast firing rate; forward weapon only; medium damage per hit)
    Dual Heavy Cannon: (45 degree arc of fire; slow firing rate; forward weapon only large damage per hit)

    Torpedoes: (90 degree firing arc; useful against hull *variable stats based on type*)
    Mines: (aft weapon only; *Variable stats based on type*)

    Energy types (2.5% chance when firing, apply):
    Phaser: disables a random subsystem
    Disruptor: decrease damage resistance of the target
    Plasma: apply a damaging burn over time to the target
    Polaron: decrease targets power levels for a few seconds
    Tetryon: extra damage applied to shields
    Antiproton: +20 critical severity which improves the total damage of a critical hit

    Projectile type:
    Photon: (average damage, average fire rate, -20 crew to target)
    Quantum: (High damage, low fire rate, -10 crew to target)
    Plasma: (Low damage, average fire rate, a damage over time affect)*
    Transphasic: (low damage, average fire rate, 30%shield penetration)**
    Chroniton: (average damage, low fire rate, 33% chance of slowing target for a few sec.)
    Tricobalt:(High damage, very low fire rate, 33%chance to disable target for a few sec.)***

    * When using torpedo High Yield, fire a slow moving (can be destroyed by enemies), heavy damage torpedo
    ** On mine versions, it is has %40 shield penetration
    *** This torpedo can be targeted by the enemy when normally fired. Can be upgraded with high yield to fire a larger, slower moving version that deals more damage, and will always cause a rift once detonated at the target. Torpedo spread only fires one torpedo according to the ability. Torpedo spread (I = 2 targets) (II = 3 targets) (III = 4 targets)

    These are just the basic types. Later on as you play, you will discover hybrid or special weapons.

    If you play a cruiser, focus on getting beams; have only one torpedo in the front and the aft. The rest should be beams.
    If you play an escort, focus on cannons; have dual (heavy if applicable) cannons on the front, maybe one torpedo, and turrets only for the aft
    (Although science vessels are not recommend for early play unless you have experience with the game mechanics) Variable build. Due to a very limited number of tactical stations, chose weapons based on tac power choice. Science vessels only truly shine once you reach lvl. 40 (T4 ships).
    Mines are not recommend for early play
    Single cannons are ok at early play, but not for end game play (only for special cases)

    Although a specific type of weapon has no advantage or disadvantage against any enemy, weapons have synergies that make you more effective at a certain role. For raw damage early game, disruptors and plasmas do the trick. Plasma energy type with plasma torpedoes also synergies well. Late game is when you can get fancy with your set up, but if you want the most damage, take antiprotons with quantums. Science vessels generally do well with polarons and tetryons. There are consoles that can boost the effect of those energy types. However, experimentation of different weapons and types are all part of the learning and having fun in this game. Always test new ideas to see how effective they are once you hit late game (lvl 40).

    Post edited by jasonyeefong on
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
    enkemen wrote: »
    However, some damage types have more useful set bonuses than others. AP has the Ancient Omni beam and warp core, although that forces you into a pretty crappy core. Plasma has an excellent C-Store set, but it forces use of two consoles or cannon weapon types, and only certain Romulan ships. Phaser/Disruptor have the CC set, but they force you to use a turret or a pair of pretty meh consoles. Etc.

    Weapon type DPS output is not affected by the type of ship. I use Rom Rep Weapons on an Intrepid, with Borg Weapon set and they are more effective than not using the consoles as they all have multiple bonuses. I use virtually all the power boosting Rep consoles infact and have 2 DPS boost consoles max. I'm more power on my Sci, as it is my main, and believe me, AP is a poor choice for a SCI, if not the worst due in fact to it's lack of proc.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • alonaralonar Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    Way back in the day before the first skill revamp you did have to pick a weapon type and stick with it.
  • sagen#3662 sagen Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    Thanks so much guys. Great info. I'm really surprised to hear a negative view of AP, as I know some very advanced player that use it exclusively. Would there be a reason you could think of for that? I stopped playing in 2011 and it was the case you selected your damage type back then. It's a completely new game to me now and I'm glad to hear it's much more versatile. I'll start out with plasma beams/ torps & experiment with quantum torps. They didn't have Romulan ships and characters back then. Are there advantages to playing a Rom cruiser tank vs. Fed cruiser/ tank?
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Thanks so much guys. Great info. I'm really surprised to hear a negative view of AP, as I know some very advanced player that use it exclusively. Would there be a reason you could think of for that? I stopped playing in 2011 and it was the case you selected your damage type back then. It's a completely new game to me now and I'm glad to hear it's much more versatile. I'll start out with plasma beams/ torps & experiment with quantum torps. They didn't have Romulan ships and characters back then. Are there advantages to playing a Rom cruiser tank vs. Fed cruiser/ tank?

    Romulan Warbirds have lower power total than Federation ships but have special singularity core abilities to make up for it.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User

    bluedarky wrote: »

    Romulan Warbirds have lower power total than Federation ships but have special singularity core abilities to make up for it.

    Also they can all Cloak while in combat unlike other Factions.

    Some of them can fire Torpedoes, Mines, and use Bridge Officer Abilities without breaking Cloaked. Good for an All-Projectile Build, as you do not require Weapon Power for Projectiles which eliminates power handicap. Plasma Torpedoes are best this as their Damage Over Time ignores enemy Shields. Klingons have one ship type that can do that too, I believe.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Thanks so much guys. Great info. I'm really surprised to hear a negative view of AP, as I know some very advanced player that use it exclusively. Would there be a reason you could think of for that? I stopped playing in 2011 and it was the case you selected your damage type back then. It's a completely new game to me now and I'm glad to hear it's much more versatile. I'll start out with plasma beams/ torps & experiment with quantum torps. They didn't have Romulan ships and characters back then. Are there advantages to playing a Rom cruiser tank vs. Fed cruiser/ tank?

    If you want to tank I'd say skip Romulans...they have lower power which reduces your shield and evasion and they don't have Cruiser Commands.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • sagen#3662 sagen Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    Very cool. Thank you. So Romulans mainly have Warbirds, like Klingon Birds of Prey? I played a Klingon when their new missions came out up to endgame and enjoyed their ships. Do Romulans have anything larger than the Birds? What is the Romulan preferred damage type (I think the different factions have an emphasis as I recall)?
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    All romulan ships are warbirds although it's used rather broadly and they have a significant range of ships for endgame and can use the T1-4 ships of their aligned faction. Their weapon emphasis is plasma and all their ships come with plasma weapons equipped.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Very cool. Thank you. So Romulans mainly have Warbirds, like Klingon Birds of Prey? I played a Klingon when their new missions came out up to endgame and enjoyed their ships. Do Romulans have anything larger than the Birds? What is the Romulan preferred damage type (I think the different factions have an emphasis as I recall)?

    Every Romulan ship is a Warbird and they don't get most of the bonuses of the class of ship a Warbird would belong to.

    Birds of Prey are just a single type of Klingon ship.

    Trust me...if you want to tank Warbirds are inferior.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • zarato4218zarato4218 Member Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Do Romulans have anything larger than the Birds?

    As others have said, all Romulan ships are Warbirds, which are distinguished by their singularity cores as opposed to warp cores. But as to size, I think you will find that starting with the Tier 3 Mogai, Warbirds tend to be the biggest ships in the game and often dwarf their same Tier Fed or KDF counterparts. (Some exceptions apply) All the way up to the Ha'apax and its varients and the Scimitar and its varients which are among the biggest playable ships in the game. Also, by the way, welcome back and good luck with your build. :)

    As Zephram Cochrane once said, "That'll do, pig. That'll do." - April 1st 2015. o:)
  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 903 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    I'm new to the game and see a lot of weapon choices (phaser, plasma, etc). I know that different weapons work best against different factions of foes. I think that at higher levels you have to specialize in a type of weapon and the damage type (ex. tricobalt torpedoes). If you had to pick one weapon/ damage type to tank throughout the game, which one would you pick and why? Thanks

    Seriously. DPS wheeners aside, pick a type you like and stick to that. My newest captain is all phasers (I find a certain trill in knocking enemies subsystems off line), the one before that was plasma, the one before that one anti proton, but only the Iconian version because I liked the colour so much. Unless you want to belong to the really heavy end hitters, it doesn't really make much of a difference as long as you stick to one type.
    Or you can make a rainbow boat with different types of energy damage, but only one type of weapons (beam banks, cannons, whatever) and then have consoles that boots that type of weapons. No, if you want to play with the elite that won't be the best choice, but then if you want to play with the elite it's going to cost you a pretty penny in real life money not to mention that that contents is not that much better (in terms of rewards) than normal or advanced. And for missions, patrols and battznes it's utterly unnecessary and a waste of cash.

    As for the Rom vs Fed question other people already covered it.
    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
  • sagen#3662 sagen Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    I feel vey welcome. Thank you.
    It makes me excited to play a Romulan and get the feel of that faction. Can Fed officers purchase and fly Rom ships?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    I'm new to the game and see a lot of weapon choices (phaser, plasma, etc). I know that different weapons work best against different factions of foes.

    This isn't EvE Online. :P Here it doesn't matter.
    I think that at higher levels you have to specialize in a type of weapon and the damage type (ex. tricobalt torpedoes). If you had to pick one weapon/ damage type to tank throughout the game, which one would you pick and why? Thanks

    Still detecting the presence of EvE Online in your thinking. :) Anyway, if you're fighthing foes that use, say, Anti-Proton (like the Undine), then you'd theoretically tank for AP. But in this game, honestly, it hardly matters. If you *must* choose anything per se, tank for Kinetic dmg (as everything else is gradual, and Kinetic very sudden and hitting hard).
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Thanks so much guys. Great info. I'm really surprised to hear a negative view of AP, as I know some very advanced player that use it exclusively. Would there be a reason you could think of for that?

    Boredom, maybe?! People could be tired of always using AP. But it has the extra, innate [CrtD], making it virtually impossible to beat, DPS-wise; but other weps have different advantages (some of which come with a space set of your choice). And things change. Like currently [Dmg] is the bomb. At this point, I'd say 'Tetryon' and 'Plasma' are probably the least favored. But there's a good build to be made with every weapon type, really.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    I am pretty sure beam arrays have a 250' arc, not 270'
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    I am pretty sure beam arrays have a 250' arc, not 270'

    ^^ This.
  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    a single tetryon cannon is good to have to strip enemy shields so other weps are more effective.....​​
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    I feel vey welcome. Thank you.
    It makes me excited to play a Romulan and get the feel of that faction. Can Fed officers purchase and fly Rom ships?

    No they can't
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
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