I have done the voucher event (fastest game on ice) twice now but am unable to find much less slot the project in the event rep project menu, there is no project available for selection.
I don't know if this would affect the situation or not, but I do have the Breen Carrier project from last year still slotted. but this should not make a difference in slotting the new project
Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
This appears to be the case. I had the same problem on my characters where the Chel Grett was slotted, another toon which had no projects slotted yet had no trouble slotting the Rezreth.
Best way to work around this would be to do the races for the Rezreth on a toon that does not have any projects slotted.
Don't cancel the Breen Carrier project, you won't be able to slot that one again. (Something you may already know, just adding it cause better safe than sorry.)
I seem to be constantly 1 event reward behind the current event on all the events that get held. probably because I don't have the time or patience for grinding.
I guess, unless the issue gets fixed, I will probably have to do what I have been doing, finish the previous project and get it done next year.
(through all his yellow dialogue)
I had to before it would let me initiate this years grind.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I don't think that's possible. You only get one chance to slot the projects, and slotted but unfinished projects will disappear after this year's event is over I think.
If this is a bug and it gets fixed next week, or somewhere during this event, then I would just keep collecting the vouchers. But if you want to play it safe, it may be worth it to create another toon, level it to 5 (which can be done rather quickly by skipping the Tutorial -an option you should have as it will be your second character - and playing one or two episodes) and collect this year's ship on that toon. Then you will be sure that you'll be able to get this year's ship and complete your unfinished project.
it never showed for me. I was allowed right into winter wonderland. I was presented with the normal two (or three) options.
I don't know about that. last year, when I finished my breen t5 breen ship project from the year before, I was able to slot the t6 breen carrier immediately afterward
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Getting a new char to lvl 10 doesnt take long. back to back, it takes about 20 mins ish.
In order to slot the new ship without losing the old one, fine the char with the most contrib to the old ship. On another character (regardless of faction), make sure it is a min of level 10. Then slot it on a new char. Thats how I fixed my issue.
I also have talked to Q inside of wonderland, (to get myself transformed - teehee...) and there were only the normal options to get transformed and to leave wonderland, as well as the what's new this year, and the what can I do options
Like i said before, you have two options, drop the old ship (not recommended) or create a new char, get it to level 10, then slot the new ship. If you dont want to maintain another char or go beyond level 10, thats up to you. It doesn't take very long at all to get to level 10. Heck if you want, I can team with you on sto to speed up the process.
You might want to do so because winter event started dec 3rd, it ends jan 15th. thats 43 days. From scratch you must do dailys for 25 days in total. Now if you log on everyday, that means if you dont slot the new ship, you only have 18 days left after that to get new ship.
Event ships; (EMPHASIS ON EVENT) are account unlock. If you want proof I can show you the screen shot.