So I just changed the MotD on the Fleet Research Lab to represent the current state and needs of the Project. Clicked into the field, deleted the previous message, wrote a new one. Now I forgot to click a specific place like projects to accept the changes and exit editing and clicked the Spire tab in the fleet holdings. I noticed that the MotD field still had the message I wrote for it, so I switched back to the lab and went out of edit mode. However... the new message was now also set on the Spire. Next level of weirdness is that All other MotD's (Main Starbase, Embassy, Mine) have been deleted. Then the next level of weirdness was... afterwards ALL MotD's, even when editing normally have been linked, as in they all display the same MotD and changing it anywhere changes it everywhere.
And another few minutes later, the messages all glitched the living hell out. Partially I saw the old messages again which belonged in there, then overwritten new ones, then no message at all again.
I have no idea what's going on, but this bug is impressive. Like, not positively impressive, but I have absolutely no idea how to program bugs like this, even if I'd want to.
If you didn't save the other fleet holding messages, it should still remain the same. I would suggest changing the MotD when you're close to logging out.