Hi everyone!
Hey, just got done with Stormbound and really enjoyed it. I loved the tie-ins with ENT and TNG. Cool beans!
Two things struck me however - one, why no 'heat wave' SFX inside the Tholian ship (it felt terribly cold in there - lol), and two, Kal Dano's death was extremely abrupt. I mean he didn't even say, "I'm in trouble! The Tholians are really blasting my ship!" Just suddenly he falls through the temporal rift out of control and a dead body to be beamed up later.
Other than that, great job. I guess we were the one to turn the Na'khul evil - ah well, the side effects of random time travel.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Short, which can be bad ("done already?
We had a bug in act 1 that if you kill the ships before completing the contact then it won't register they are killed.
We have fixed it but the fix hasn't gone live yet. But if you complete the contact from Kal Dano first it should be fine.
Also, yes, we do test things. This one slipped through and I apologize.
Temporal Cold War... oh man... ain't nobody got time for time... or dat
You could fix Dano's Mayday cutscene by showing the Player locking a tractor beam on the last Tholian ship, only for it to self destruct while Dano is attempting to dock with it.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Why is there a choice of burial sites anyway? It has already been found so why not just put it where it was (is, will be, insert temporal mechanics joke here) found and be done with it?
Like there isn't enough paradoxical time loops in the franchise already... (*coughSelakillingIconiansbeacauseIconianskilledRomulansasarevengeforSelakillingIconianscough*)