Title says it all. For a long time now hangar pets have been slow, unresponsive, and rather ineffective in combat scenarios. They are given cool abilities like Lock Trajectory, but they don't really know how to use them properly and therefore it goes to waste. They die much too quickly and don't deal much damage, which is especially troublesome for ships that strongly depend on hangar pets in combat like Carriers/Dreadnought Carriers.
With the launch of the new Jupiter-class Carrier, it would be a wise investment to upgrade hangar pet AI and overall combat performance. For starters, giving every existing hangar pet Scratch the Paint would increase their survivability greatly. Making them faster and more responsive would also be nice, especially for Frigate pets which are way too slow and don't turn nearly fast enough considering that they're really just AI-controlled Escorts/Raiders. Allowing hangar pets to use different attack strategies based on weapons, such as having cannon-equipped pets perform strafing runs while beam-equipped pets just circle their targets. Buffing the base shield/hull strength on all hangar pets, specifically smaller fighters, would greatly increase their survivability and make them more than just a mere distraction for enemies to fire on.
At this point, really anything would help make hangar pets more viable in combat scenarios.
I am haoping we might get afew of these fallowing changes to improve the pets's and making them more viable, and giving us more options for play outside the existing ones. I have always liked the micro-managing aspect to some pet-using classes/characters as it adds complexity to the game that can be fun, but also such complexity should be rewarding if used effectively, yet this added layer of complexity should be optional with the difference between using either method being noticeable yet not so much so that it is seen as a handicap not to do so.
To be honest i think a rework an update to the hanger/separation pet system would overall bring up sales, as well as improving player's enjoyment of the game by giving players that are kinda sick of the same old styles that are so common now a new play-style that is not going to make them feel gimped (which the current state of hanger/separation pets makes many feel.).
I was hopeful that the new carrier release would come with an update on hangar pet behavior, but I'm not surprised that nothing's been done. It just isn't a priority/they don't care.
I also find the new trait from the Fed Carrier is broken. They don't transport the torpedoes except in rare cases, and then only a couple of the pets, not all of them. And no, its was not because of Insult to Injury - Lockout causing it.
Twilight, Particle Physicist that stole the ship.
Original Signup date: August 4, 2008
LTS since Pre-Order
But then, for some reason, shortly adter the Tau Dewa incedent, they reversed the changes because pets were then 'too powerful'...
That said, the Elite Scorpions I use with my Vesta t5-u consistently show well in CLR with their heavy plasma torps.
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