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Building the Jupiter



  • calford24calford24 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    calford24 wrote: »
    jexsamx wrote: »
    acg3269 wrote: »
    So is it really too much to ask that the Jupiter V2.0 is actually a Jupiter V2.0, and not an Atrox V1.5?

    Yes. It is. Because you were told, from the very beginning, that this was going to be a carrier. Not a Dreadnought. Not explicitly an upgraded Jupiter. A carrier. You idiots voted for the Jupiter-esque design, decided for yourselves it would be a Jupiter Dreadnought, and are acting disappointing when it turned out to be exactly the thing they promised instead of the thing you deluded yourselves into thinking it was going to be.

    So I'm an idiot for thinking logically, that if the Klingons already have both a Science focused carrier and a Tactical focused carrier, that the Federation's new carrier would not be another Science focused carrier, which they already have?

    For the record, I've always hated the Jupiter, its ugly. But for years some of us have wanted a Kar'Fi for the federation side, We came so close to that possibility, its understandable that some would be upset. We already have a Sci carrier. Why not have a ship that we can buy that is tactical focused and does not cost hundreds of millions of EC or countless real dollars in lock boxes?

    Isn't this already existing ship pretty much exactly what you're looking for?
    Heavy Escort Carrier T6

    Not really, An escort carrier has one hanger bay with fighters. Its not as focused as I like. I like pets, I like the idea of a carrier with small escorts. I'll admit, its an image thing, I want to play missions rolling in with a squad of escorts, and also deal out some damage myself. Its a specific play style only available to federation players with hundreds of millions in EC to get the JHDC + BugShip. I was hoping for a Kar'Fi type ship with escorts that I can buy for my fed characters. That's what I've been waiting for for a long time. Its a specific thing I know, not so likely to happen. The Narcine is the closest thing I can get as far as layout, but the thing is so dang UGLY. I can't fly a ship that's full of water and wonder how my crew is even operating it.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,864 Arc User
    calford24 wrote: »
    jexsamx wrote: »
    acg3269 wrote: »
    So is it really too much to ask that the Jupiter V2.0 is actually a Jupiter V2.0, and not an Atrox V1.5?

    Yes. It is. Because you were told, from the very beginning, that this was going to be a carrier. Not a Dreadnought. Not explicitly an upgraded Jupiter. A carrier. You idiots voted for the Jupiter-esque design, decided for yourselves it would be a Jupiter Dreadnought, and are acting disappointing when it turned out to be exactly the thing they promised instead of the thing you deluded yourselves into thinking it was going to be.

    So I'm an idiot for thinking logically, that if the Klingons already have both a Science focused carrier and a Tactical focused carrier, that the Federation's new carrier would not be another Science focused carrier, which they already have?

    For the record, I've always hated the Jupiter, its ugly. But for years some of us have wanted a Kar'Fi for the federation side, We came so close to that possibility, its understandable that some would be upset. We already have a Sci carrier. Why not have a ship that we can buy that is tactical focused and does not cost hundreds of millions of EC or countless real dollars in lock boxes?

    The Feds don't have a T6 Carrier...people want to call this the Atrox 2.0 then fine...it is...and what do T6 Upgrades not do? Break the mold...the Fed Dread isn't 5/3 or a Cmdr Tac...the Valiant isn't 5/2 with Piloting Maneuvers...the Exploration Cruiser doesn't have those Inspiration abilities or what ever they're called (for the life of me I can't remember the names) the Pathfinder doesn't have Gather Intel abilities...

    So you got exactly what you're claiming it is...not Cryptic's fault if you built it up in your head this was going to be some kinda of Battleship with hangars on it.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • jordan3550jordan3550 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    When's it to be released a wish they would say
  • sharpie65sharpie65 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    If I had to guess, I'd say either this week or next Thursday after maintenance.
  • jordan3550jordan3550 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    A hope it's this week a reaaaally do
  • forthegamerforthegamer Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I said this earlier, but it got glossed over, so I'll try again, but keep it shorter and less goofy like last night.

    Just swap out the Subsystem Targeting for a Secondary Deflector. Do not grant it Sensor Analysis either since it isn't a "pure" Science Ship. But grant it sort of along the same lines as the Escort Carrier. In that it gets a portion of what makes a Science Ship a Science Ship.

    Heck. Break Carrier types up into Multi-Functional(Science), Warfare(Battle), and Dreadnought(leave as is). Multi-Functional would be able to equip a Secondary Deflector and Intel. Warfare would have access to Relay and Command. Dreadnought would have access to an Extra Weapon Slot and Pilot. You would also be able to create a new 3 or 9 pack just based on Carriers and each would function quite differently.

    Grant this Multi-Functional Carrier the bleed, burst or healing from the Secondary to allow Captains the ability to select a Secondary based on the purpose they are going in with. I earlier stated the lore reason, but for the consumer reason, this I think would present a nice way to change the Jupiter class into something that everyone would like.

    Except the people who have no idea how to use science. Those people wouldn't be buying a science ship anyways, so don't worry about them.
  • anjc#8825 anjc Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    I request that, to make the player happy, you give it the Jupiter skin, shouldn't be that hard, and no more talk, next you have to make a typhoon (i know you replaced the NPC with the Cmd Battlecruisers, but we need that ship)
  • dp1180dp1180 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Has anyone answered the question of when???? Or rather, Why Not Now?
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    1: Thanks for replacing that eyesore NPC with something nicer.

    2: Is the Jupiter going to be bigger than the Odyssey? The in-game lore says the Odyssey is the biggest starship that Starfleet has built, thus making an exception for the Atrox, which was a Caitian (not Starfleet) design.

    I would think it would be larger then the oddy , and i think the in game lore needs some reworking i read some of it recently and it just doesnt match up to current in game events.

    The official length of the Jupiter is 1466 meters long.

    Odyssey is about 1000 meters long. so yeah its larger than the Odyssey.

    Which is what I was pretty much expecting, since the NPC Jupiter was pushing 1500 meters. And the Odyssey is exactly 1016 meters, if memory serves me right.

  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    Damn ESD space is going to be fairly "full" literally when this get's launched. Won't be any room to fly it. Should make a congo line of them from the dry docks to McKinley station lol.

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  • rangerryurangerryu Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Damn ESD space is going to be fairly "full" literally when this get's launched. Won't be any room to fly it. Should make a congo line of them from the dry docks to McKinley station lol.

    probably also to San Francisco fleet yards as well!

  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Damn ESD space is going to be fairly "full" literally when this get's launched. Won't be any room to fly it. Should make a congo line of them from the dry docks to McKinley station lol.

    It'll be fun to compete with monster Warbirds for parking space. :D
  • alexhurlbutalexhurlbut Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    Still wish they would actually create some drone/probe type pets, instead of all those flying coffins.
    Imagine them being crewed soley by photonic beings!
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    Still wish they would actually create some drone/probe type pets, instead of all those flying coffins.
    Imagine them being crewed soley by photonic beings!

    There was at least one episode of voyager that showed how much trouble the Federation would be in if that were the case, after all photonic beings are alive as well. Better the ships were crewed by AI which then got uploaded back to the mothership as the craft got destroyed, ala cylons in Battlestar galactica.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    I request that, to make the player happy, you give it the Jupiter skin, shouldn't be that hard, and no more talk, next you have to make a typhoon (i know you replaced the NPC with the Cmd Battlecruisers, but we need that ship)

    Personally Typhoon should be an alt skin for Oddy.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    calford24 wrote: »
    jexsamx wrote: »
    acg3269 wrote: »
    So is it really too much to ask that the Jupiter V2.0 is actually a Jupiter V2.0, and not an Atrox V1.5?

    Yes. It is. Because you were told, from the very beginning, that this was going to be a carrier. Not a Dreadnought. Not explicitly an upgraded Jupiter. A carrier. You idiots voted for the Jupiter-esque design, decided for yourselves it would be a Jupiter Dreadnought, and are acting disappointing when it turned out to be exactly the thing they promised instead of the thing you deluded yourselves into thinking it was going to be.

    So I'm an idiot for thinking logically, that if the Klingons already have both a Science focused carrier and a Tactical focused carrier, that the Federation's new carrier would not be another Science focused carrier, which they already have?

    For the record, I've always hated the Jupiter, its ugly. But for years some of us have wanted a Kar'Fi for the federation side, We came so close to that possibility, its understandable that some would be upset. We already have a Sci carrier. Why not have a ship that we can buy that is tactical focused and does not cost hundreds of millions of EC or countless real dollars in lock boxes?

    Point. Heck I'll be happy with an eng leaning ship. Something different. Or at best Commander universal to add flexibility.
  • natejam101natejam101 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    acg3269 wrote: »
    This is a Star Trek game originally designed with only a Federation faction. The game devs didn't have to add a Klingon or a Romulan faction. They did so because they wanted to. So you should all be thankful that you even have an Alt faction, and not whine and complain even after Trendy says

    IIRC they had to. They didn't want to, but playable Klingon faction was forced by CBS.
    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Not correcting, but source please.
    Also that doesn't explain Romulans.

    Ugh... I have no source atm, just my memory and I'm not sure of this in100%, that's why I wrote "if" o:)

    Back on topic:
    I wasn't fan of omega, but this ship looks very cool, and it comes from a person, who's a traditionalist if comes to fed ships (you know, neck, round saucer section, 2 warps...). I wasn't even consider buing it, but now I'm tempted...

    Stat wise it is quite good IMO. Boffs are good for sci carrier. 2 tac ltc means TT, pattern and 2 FAW or 1 FAW and 2 patterns to support sci skills, aux2damp or EP2A + 2 intel powers with OSS to bust it more and cmd+lt sci make very decent damage IMO.

    4 sci consoles to boost exotic and aux, 3 tac is quite enough, it's not escort, (Andromeda, Guardian, Geneva, FLEET Pathfinder... for example), and eng for uni consoles, because with this hull and shields it doesn't need much more survivality... especially with all new traits and free consoles.
    Only thing I would be considering to add is secondary deflector (maybe...)

    Sets and consoles are full of +turn bonuses now... it won't be escort, but again, T6 Gal, d'd and Guardian are all 5.5-6.5 turn rate and are ok, so why this one shouldn't be?

    Some plp are just unrealistic. Sure it should have 5/3 weapons, necessarily battlecloack (enhanced!!!), cmd tac+cmd sci+cmd uni/intel+cmd sci/comm+cmd eng/pilot, console that kills everyone in 15 km range (teammates included) and 5 tac consoles, because everything below is TRIBBLE. I forgot about singularity powers and that it should be for free.

    Problem is that it does NOT have 2 LT CMD Tactical BOFF stations..it needs at least ONE which it does not. 1 LT Tactical station is garbage, and the 2nd LT universal as a tactical seat is still garbage...
  • dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    Yes I am going to scream...OFFER A THREE PACK, ENGINEERING, TACTICAL, SCIENCE VERSION PRETTY PLEASE! I will not be buying a science based version. I am an engineer.

    Works for me.
  • natejam101natejam101 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    snipe048 wrote: »
    *Sigh* Supporting trying to get a playable Jupiter for years and we get Another Science Vessel. At least give it a Lt.Cmdr. Tac station for sanity's sake.

    Exactly!! This is what needs to happen...I will be voting with my wallet on this ship as well. No money throwing at the screen for this heep of trash.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    I'm curious if there will be a voting contest for the KDF and Romulan carriers that are coming out as well.

    The 'light escort' carrier pets are new ships...I assume they will come out as full ships at some point, but I'm curious if this means the Romulan and KDF ships will come with new carrier pets as well, or if they will use the existing drone ship and bird of prey pets.

    rather surprising (to me) that they went with a new frigate hanger pet instead of using Mirandas or Sabers.
  • natejam101natejam101 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    I have not seen ANY posts requesting a Federation Science Carrier..The T5-U fleet Atrox is almost identical to this "new" ship..slow moving, slow turning science carriers do not work in the current setting of this game.

    Please change the BOFF layout, add weapon slot..something!

    Until then no money from me, and from the looks of it, from alot of people...just sayin
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    natejam101 wrote: »
    I have not seen ANY posts requesting a Federation Science Carrier..The T5-U fleet Atrox is almost identical to this "new" ship..slow moving, slow turning science carriers do not work in the current setting of this game.

    Please change the BOFF layout, add weapon slot..something!

    Until then no money from me, and from the looks of it, from alot of people...just sayin

    like many including me suggested, it should be changed, to make it work for most People, but of course the Sellfish / Ignorant / White Knights who say "works for me, so i dont give a TRIBBLE whether or not it works for you, so if you dont like it gtfo" (and countless other insults towards "us" who we are not happy, cause it abolutely does not fit our Playstyle, and we are not few, we are many, yet still we are being ignored..........)

    The Best Idea here from someone was the 3 Pack

    one more Weapon on the Front +

    Tac Version= LtComEng to LtComUni
    Eng Version= LtTac to LtEng and LtComEng to LtComUni
    Sci Version= Same as Tac Version

    those are not the only Issues BUT the Important ones, so "fixing" those would make the Ship appeal to so much more People, instead of only a smal Portion.......yet when you say this, the Persistent Holy Knights / Defenders will Jump at your Neck, Swearing and Insulting you.....its mind-boggling, really........
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    well luckily the stats were posted well in advance to release so that they can be changed, ya know, cause this is a community built ship right?

    and they wouldnt post a big " DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change. " in there if they were not up to changing it right?
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,864 Arc User
    natejam101 wrote: »
    I have not seen ANY posts requesting a Federation Science Carrier..The T5-U fleet Atrox is almost identical to this "new" ship..slow moving, slow turning science carriers do not work in the current setting of this game.

    Please change the BOFF layout, add weapon slot..something!

    Until then no money from me, and from the looks of it, from alot of people...just sayin

    like many including me suggested, it should be changed, to make it work for most People, but of course the Sellfish / Ignorant / White Knights who say "works for me, so i dont give a TRIBBLE whether or not it works for you, so if you dont like it gtfo" (and countless other insults towards "us" who we are not happy, cause it abolutely does not fit our Playstyle, and we are not few, we are many, yet still we are being ignored..........)

    The Best Idea here from someone was the 3 Pack

    one more Weapon on the Front +

    Tac Version= LtComEng to LtComUni
    Eng Version= LtTac to LtEng and LtComEng to LtComUni
    Sci Version= Same as Tac Version

    those are not the only Issues BUT the Important ones, so "fixing" those would make the Ship appeal to so much more People, instead of only a smal Portion.......yet when you say this, the Persistent Holy Knights / Defenders will Jump at your Neck, Swearing and Insulting you.....its mind-boggling, really........


    I'm sorry...I can't help but laugh at this post...you calling people who like the ship selfish...if anyone is selfish its the people who want to turn this ship into yet another boring generic Tac ship.

    Why stop there? Why not just turn every ship in the game Tac? Why have a Engineer or Science Commander? Why not just make everything Tactical?
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    grtiggy wrote: »
    well luckily the stats were posted well in advance to release so that they can be changed, ya know, cause this is a community built ship right?

    and they wouldnt post a big " DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change. " in there if they were not up to changing it right?

    Yes a Community build ship (not really since we only "build" the shell...more or less, but lets go with that) but right now for only a small portion of the "Comminity" when EVERYONE was Involved in this (at least everyone who participated) Tac Captains, Engineering Captains AND Science Captains, but interestingly enough both Tac and Eng Captains are Neglected / Ignored now even so that they also Voted and were Excited????

    So yea a Ship that was build WITH the Community FOR the Community, should appeal to everyone in that mentioned Community (the mentioned 3 Pack) but to many People here are Blind / Deaf and WAY to Thick Headed to understand that, instead all they can do is saying "NOES NOES NOES" pointing with their Fingers at you, yelling at you and Insulting you, they have what they want, and dont want us to also have fun with what we also helped to create....so why did we also participated again? :/:/:|

  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    natejam101 wrote: »
    I have not seen ANY posts requesting a Federation Science Carrier..The T5-U fleet Atrox is almost identical to this "new" ship..slow moving, slow turning science carriers do not work in the current setting of this game.

    Please change the BOFF layout, add weapon slot..something!

    Until then no money from me, and from the looks of it, from alot of people...just sayin

    like many including me suggested, it should be changed, to make it work for most People, but of course the Sellfish / Ignorant / White Knights who say "works for me, so i dont give a TRIBBLE whether or not it works for you, so if you dont like it gtfo" (and countless other insults towards "us" who we are not happy, cause it abolutely does not fit our Playstyle, and we are not few, we are many, yet still we are being ignored..........)

    The Best Idea here from someone was the 3 Pack

    one more Weapon on the Front +

    Tac Version= LtComEng to LtComUni
    Eng Version= LtTac to LtEng and LtComEng to LtComUni
    Sci Version= Same as Tac Version

    those are not the only Issues BUT the Important ones, so "fixing" those would make the Ship appeal to so much more People, instead of only a smal Portion.......yet when you say this, the Persistent Holy Knights / Defenders will Jump at your Neck, Swearing and Insulting you.....its mind-boggling, really........


    I'm sorry...I can't help but laugh at this post...you calling people who like the ship selfish...if anyone is selfish its the people who want to turn this ship into yet another boring generic Tac ship.

    Why stop there? Why not just turn every ship in the game Tac? Why have a Engineer or Science Commander? Why not just make everything Tactical?

    and you are a Prime example of those Thick Headed People i just mentioned, we both speak the same language, yet you refuse to understand "us" or maybe you are just not able to understant it....

    NO ONE wants to change what you want to fly /use, and THATS why a 3 Pack would make so much sense, you want to fly the ship EXACTLY the way it is? well THAN USE THE Science Version, see? you have what you want, happy? yes?

    THAN WHY THE FRIGGING HELL not let us also have a eng and tac Version so we also can be happy? let me tell ya, cause like i also said before YOU and the likes of you are Ignorant and Sellfish YOU have what you want and YOU dont want us to also have something that fits us!!! a blind could tell this, you guys make ZERO Sense.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,864 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    natejam101 wrote: »
    I have not seen ANY posts requesting a Federation Science Carrier..The T5-U fleet Atrox is almost identical to this "new" ship..slow moving, slow turning science carriers do not work in the current setting of this game.

    Please change the BOFF layout, add weapon slot..something!

    Until then no money from me, and from the looks of it, from alot of people...just sayin

    like many including me suggested, it should be changed, to make it work for most People, but of course the Sellfish / Ignorant / White Knights who say "works for me, so i dont give a TRIBBLE whether or not it works for you, so if you dont like it gtfo" (and countless other insults towards "us" who we are not happy, cause it abolutely does not fit our Playstyle, and we are not few, we are many, yet still we are being ignored..........)

    The Best Idea here from someone was the 3 Pack

    one more Weapon on the Front +

    Tac Version= LtComEng to LtComUni
    Eng Version= LtTac to LtEng and LtComEng to LtComUni
    Sci Version= Same as Tac Version

    those are not the only Issues BUT the Important ones, so "fixing" those would make the Ship appeal to so much more People, instead of only a smal Portion.......yet when you say this, the Persistent Holy Knights / Defenders will Jump at your Neck, Swearing and Insulting you.....its mind-boggling, really........


    I'm sorry...I can't help but laugh at this post...you calling people who like the ship selfish...if anyone is selfish its the people who want to turn this ship into yet another boring generic Tac ship.

    Why stop there? Why not just turn every ship in the game Tac? Why have a Engineer or Science Commander? Why not just make everything Tactical?

    and you are a Prime example of those Thick Headed People i just mentioned, we both speak the same language, yet you refuse to understand "us" or maybe you are just not able to understant it....

    NO ONE wants to change what you want to fly /use, and THATS why a 3 Pack would make so much sense, you want to fly the ship EXACTLY the way it is? well THAN USE THE Science Version, see? you have what you want, happy? yes?

    THAN WHY THE FRIGGING HELL not let us also have a eng and tac Version so we also can be happy? let me tell ya, cause like i also said before YOU and the likes of you are Ignorant and Sellfish YOU have what you want and YOU dont want us to also have something that fits us!!! a blind could tell this, you guys make ZERO Sense.

    Maybe I don't want to wait for them to make two more skins? To come up with two more consoles? For them to come up with 2 good consoles? Or dozens or other reasons that will give people like you yet more reasons to say the ship sucks and it isn't worth the cash?

    Maybe I'm sick of people who need to show off their e-peen and they can apparently only get respectable DPS on ships stuffed with nothing but Tac consoles and slots and more weapons?

    Maybe I'm sick of people calling something useless just because it isn't THEE BEST?

    Maybe I'm sick of the entitlement people have?

    Take your pick...and I've got more if you want them.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    grtiggy wrote: »
    well luckily the stats were posted well in advance to release so that they can be changed, ya know, cause this is a community built ship right?

    and they wouldnt post a big " DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change. " in there if they were not up to changing it right?

    Yes a Community build ship (not really since we only "build" the shell...more or less, but lets go with that) but right now for only a small portion of the "Comminity" when EVERYONE was Involved in this (at least everyone who participated) Tac Captains, Engineering Captains AND Science Captains, but interestingly enough both Tac and Eng Captains are Neglected / Ignored now even so that they also Voted and were Excited????

    So yea a Ship that was build WITH the Community FOR the Community, should appeal to everyone in that mentioned Community (the mentioned 3 Pack) but to many People here are Blind / Deaf and WAY to Thick Headed to understand that, instead all they can do is saying "NOES NOES NOES" pointing with their Fingers at you, yelling at you and Insulting you, they have what they want, and dont want us to also have fun with what we also helped to create....so why did we also participated again? :/:/:|


    Wow! You somehow beat Cryptic's science ships for feds "joke". Tell me how many cruisers and escorts is there to science ships for all three factions? This whole thread is why I call science the "KDF" of the three classes.
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    lianthelia wrote: »
    natejam101 wrote: »
    I have not seen ANY posts requesting a Federation Science Carrier..The T5-U fleet Atrox is almost identical to this "new" ship..slow moving, slow turning science carriers do not work in the current setting of this game.

    Please change the BOFF layout, add weapon slot..something!

    Until then no money from me, and from the looks of it, from alot of people...just sayin

    like many including me suggested, it should be changed, to make it work for most People, but of course the Sellfish / Ignorant / White Knights who say "works for me, so i dont give a TRIBBLE whether or not it works for you, so if you dont like it gtfo" (and countless other insults towards "us" who we are not happy, cause it abolutely does not fit our Playstyle, and we are not few, we are many, yet still we are being ignored..........)

    The Best Idea here from someone was the 3 Pack

    one more Weapon on the Front +

    Tac Version= LtComEng to LtComUni
    Eng Version= LtTac to LtEng and LtComEng to LtComUni
    Sci Version= Same as Tac Version

    those are not the only Issues BUT the Important ones, so "fixing" those would make the Ship appeal to so much more People, instead of only a smal Portion.......yet when you say this, the Persistent Holy Knights / Defenders will Jump at your Neck, Swearing and Insulting you.....its mind-boggling, really........


    I'm sorry...I can't help but laugh at this post...you calling people who like the ship selfish...if anyone is selfish its the people who want to turn this ship into yet another boring generic Tac ship.

    Why stop there? Why not just turn every ship in the game Tac? Why have a Engineer or Science Commander? Why not just make everything Tactical?

    and you are a Prime example of those Thick Headed People i just mentioned, we both speak the same language, yet you refuse to understand "us" or maybe you are just not able to understant it....

    NO ONE wants to change what you want to fly /use, and THATS why a 3 Pack would make so much sense, you want to fly the ship EXACTLY the way it is? well THAN USE THE Science Version, see? you have what you want, happy? yes?

    THAN WHY THE FRIGGING HELL not let us also have a eng and tac Version so we also can be happy? let me tell ya, cause like i also said before YOU and the likes of you are Ignorant and Sellfish YOU have what you want and YOU dont want us to also have something that fits us!!! a blind could tell this, you guys make ZERO Sense.

    Maybe I don't want to wait for them to make two more skins? To come up with two more consoles? For them to come up with 2 good consoles? Or dozens or other reasons that will give people like you yet more reasons to say the ship sucks and it isn't worth the cash?

    Maybe I'm sick of people who need to show off their e-peen and they can apparently only get respectable DPS on ships stuffed with nothing but Tac consoles and slots and more weapons?

    Maybe I'm sick of people calling something useless just because it isn't THEE BEST?

    Maybe I'm sick of the entitlement people have?

    Take your pick...and I've got more if you want them.

    you are not just Thick Headed...but Armor Thick Headed......

    I am 100% sure that People would be ok if ALL 3 Versions would have the exact same Design (see Odyssey 3 Pack) other than that, so just because YOU and the likes of you dont want to wait a little longer is reason enough to Neglect / Ignore 2/3 of the Playerbase? HOLY TRIBBLE thats so NOT Sellfish at all!

    So just because People ask for a Eng and Tac Version too means that they want to show off their e-peen huh?
    Well i am SICK of People who dont give a TRIBBLE about others, as long as they got what they like / wanted, cause Reasons that were mentioned time after time here!

    Most People (or many) did not call it useless in general (yea some did) BUT for their Character and Playstyle, cause gues what, NOT EVERYONE PLAYS WITH A SCIENCE CHAR, SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Entitlement? thats what you call it? if EVERYONE in the community was Involved in building this Ship (voted for the designs) than well yea EVERYONE should benefit from it in the end, you call this entitlement? i call it FAIRNESS!

    Now you can take a pick, we can go on like this forever....even so its a waste of time, cause you just DONT want to understand, you see your point as the just one, and everyone elses Point is WRONG, you have what you want and you like it, and we that we ask for versions that fit us, have to either take it or GTFO, thats your narrow minded Logic, yea the Logic of a SELLFISH and IGNORANT Person, you get that? i doubt it, iam sorry for you but i cant help you with that.

    You and the likes of you are definately people that no one wants to be around in real life, all about me me me and more me, others? what others? what do i care for others? they can go to hell!...am i right? maybe a little bit overdone, but basically your understanding of justice....... :|
  • sharpie65sharpie65 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    @highlandrise You keep saying to give the Jupiter "more Tac" or "more weapons", but what reason(s) have you given for doing so? It's not as if it needs them anyway - if you're just saying that to make the CARRIER more appealing to you and other like-minded individuals who seem to be incapable of dealing any kind of indirect/non-weapon damage to your targets, then please stop trying to ruin what is a perfectly good setup for the role it's supposed to be.

    If you need that clarifying further, it is first and foremost a role of support; I can't see how it needs to be any more blatantly obvious - other than through the console the ship comes with - that this ship is unable to and never should be able to slaughter everything in it's path single-handedly like an escort.

    If you want an affordable dreadnought carrier, well it sucks to be you (and me, and anybody else who never got one) - this is a science carrier, and there's not a damned thing you can do that will change that.
    As somebody else so eloquently put it, maybe we're tired of every cruiser and science vessel being given an unhealthy dose of tactical just to make it appeal to the DPS crowd - although I doubt we see many pure-tactical, high-ranking DPS-crowd builds these days anyhow.

    EDIT: Considering how you're labelling anybody whose view opposes your own a "white knight" or "thick-headed" because you're too stubborn to accept other points of view as acceptable, I agree with other people - because the ship doesn't exactly fit your playstyle, you want to change it to the extent that it ruins the identity of said ship, and thus making it less suitable for the playstyle of another person. The same thing happened with the Valiant - because the stats showed it couldn't directly compete with the Pilotscorts straight outta the box, it meant that the ship was irrelevant to you and you subsequently wanted it changing to better reflect YOUR IDEA of what the Defiant should be.

    There's a reason we have exotic damage in this game - to give players another avenue to explore instead of repeating the same old tried-and-tested methods of dealing damage. If your brain can't process how to make those abilities work for you, then I'm afraid that path is unsuitable for you and your ilk.

    EDIT 2: I find I feel the need to disagree with your signature - the Defiant was a "Tough Little Ship" in DS9 and First Contact because of plot armour. You could quite easily make a survivable Defiant build in-game focusing on speed as your best defence, and yet because it can't take the same hits that it could in the show it's apparently not such a "Tough Little Ship" in STO.
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