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Are Intel cruiser ships good ships?

delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
I'm thinking of spending some zen on an INTEL SHIP that is a cruiser. That ship keeps speaking to me. Do any of you guys have any builds you can share with me as well as some videos of your ship in action?


  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    The Intel Cruiser(s) (Eclipse on the Fed side, Qib on the Klingon side) are pretty good ships.
    They have a good turn rate for Cruisers, and access to the important Cruiser command abilities.
    The Intel abilities basically allow you to play them like an Escort. But instead of Cannon Rapid Fire/Scatter Volley ayou will use Surgical Strikes and Override Subsystem Safeties. And of course, you can use beams or cannons, as you prefer.
    Of course, you can also play them like a Cruiser.
    Override Subsytem Safeties will be a key skill for you, the Intel Cruisers belong tot he few ships that can even use the Rank III version of the skill. It's cooldown is a bit long, but the effect is potent, the drawback easily ignored or compensated on a Cruiser.

    Don't have any builds or videos, just a few pictures:
    The first one uses the Phantom nacelles - if you don't own the Phantom, you unfortunately cannot use it.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • renzourinrenzourin Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    The Intel Cruiser(s) (Eclipse on the Fed side, Qib on the Klingon side) are pretty good ships.
    They have a good turn rate for Cruisers, and access to the important Cruiser command abilities.
    The Intel abilities basically allow you to play them like an Escort. But instead of Cannon Rapid Fire/Scatter Volley ayou will use Surgical Strikes and Override Subsystem Safeties. And of course, you can use beams or cannons, as you prefer.
    Of course, you can also play them like a Cruiser.
    Override Subsytem Safeties will be a key skill for you, the Intel Cruisers belong tot he few ships that can even use the Rank III version of the skill. It's cooldown is a bit long, but the effect is potent, the drawback easily ignored or compensated on a Cruiser.
    Thank you for the pictures i was looking into getting a scryer because as a science main i wanted to roll with the science version but hated how the scryer looked and loved how the cruiser looked but since they werent bundled like all the others i wasnt sure i could mix and match thats definitely good news
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    renzourin wrote: »
    The Intel Cruiser(s) (Eclipse on the Fed side, Qib on the Klingon side) are pretty good ships.
    They have a good turn rate for Cruisers, and access to the important Cruiser command abilities.
    The Intel abilities basically allow you to play them like an Escort. But instead of Cannon Rapid Fire/Scatter Volley ayou will use Surgical Strikes and Override Subsystem Safeties. And of course, you can use beams or cannons, as you prefer.
    Of course, you can also play them like a Cruiser.
    Override Subsytem Safeties will be a key skill for you, the Intel Cruisers belong tot he few ships that can even use the Rank III version of the skill. It's cooldown is a bit long, but the effect is potent, the drawback easily ignored or compensated on a Cruiser.
    Thank you for the pictures i was looking into getting a scryer because as a science main i wanted to roll with the science version but hated how the scryer looked and loved how the cruiser looked but since they werent bundled like all the others i wasnt sure i could mix and match thats definitely good news
    Beware - the mix & matching is limited to the nacelles. Each ship also has a few of its own variations, but it's not much.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    I was struggling between the new Galaxy and the Intel and the intel just keeps speaking to me.
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I know you're looking at the Fed cruiser, but I'll include my Qib build as well. Neither of these will win any DPS or PVP awards, (probably-I don't PVP) but they tear up PVE with ease, and are very durable too.

    My Fleet Eclipse Intel Cruiser
    My Fleet Qib Intel Battlecruiser

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    djf021 wrote: »
    I know you're looking at the Fed cruiser, but I'll include my Qib build as well. Neither of these will win any DPS or PVP awards, (probably-I don't PVP) but they tear up PVE with ease, and are very durable too.

    My Fleet Eclipse Intel Cruiser
    My Fleet Qib Intel Battlecruiser

    I'm liking that phaser build on the eclipse
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
      My Fleet Scryer looks nice in an alien hybrid sort of way with the Nukara / Tholian space set visuals and tetryon beams. But a plain one doesn't look Starfleet at all. It's a great true science ship though (secondary deflector, scan, subsystem targeting) with a nice turn rate and good science seating. It also works better (than plain) with the Reman rep set (+ plasma weapons) or Jem'Hadar set (polaron weapons).

      So if you want full on SCIENCE! for casting space magic I'd recommend the Scryer over the Eclipse.
    • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
      Yes I never win at the DPS race. I buy a ship because I like how different it is. In this case, this ship reminds me of the Galatica. She's that goregous
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
      I'm liking the Spear Point design on my Fleet Eclipse, looks very nice in the intel skin
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        I think what I might do is get the regular ship next month and then buy some fleet modules and get the fleet version in January.
      • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 375 Arc User
        delliboy wrote: »
        I'm thinking of spending some zen on an INTEL SHIP that is a cruiser. That ship keeps speaking to me. Do any of you guys have any builds you can share with me as well as some videos of your ship in action?

        IMO the Arbiter is a MUCH better Intel leaning cruiser than the Eclipse. Superior BoFF layout and weapons layout, plus the mastery trait does beautiful things to beams when you run Emergency to Weapons.
      • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 375 Arc User
        Just a little something I'm running. I don't expect you to be able to afford Kemocite or the Leech, but you get the idea. Tac Arbiter
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        dsaris wrote: »
        Just a little something I'm running. I don't expect you to be able to afford Kemocite or the Leech, but you get the idea. Tac Arbiter

        I already have an Arbiter class ship. She's on my engineer which she's good and I like her but I may save your build and work towards it on my Intel ship.
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        dsaris wrote: »
        Just a little something I'm running. I don't expect you to be able to afford Kemocite or the Leech, but you get the idea. Tac Arbiter

        Yea until I get my lifetime membership in the spring -- thank you tax time and to a relative whose going to hook me up, I'm stuck for the time being but I wanted to find out something though. Kemocite weaponry where do you get it from?
      • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
        delliboy wrote: »
        dsaris wrote: »
        Just a little something I'm running. I don't expect you to be able to afford Kemocite or the Leech, but you get the idea. Tac Arbiter

        Yea until I get my lifetime membership in the spring -- thank you tax time and to a relative whose going to hook me up, I'm stuck for the time being but I wanted to find out something though. Kemocite weaponry where do you get it from?
        Exchange or a lot of luck via the Xindi-Terrestrial lockbox, IIRC. But i believe it currently fetches prices around the cost of a lockbox ship. Maybe they'll go down when Kemocite and the Quantum Phase Torpedo bugfix are done... Maybe not.
        Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        delliboy wrote: »
        dsaris wrote: »
        Just a little something I'm running. I don't expect you to be able to afford Kemocite or the Leech, but you get the idea. Tac Arbiter

        Yea until I get my lifetime membership in the spring -- thank you tax time and to a relative whose going to hook me up, I'm stuck for the time being but I wanted to find out something though. Kemocite weaponry where do you get it from?
        Exchange or a lot of luck via the Xindi-Terrestrial lockbox, IIRC. But i believe it currently fetches prices around the cost of a lockbox ship. Maybe they'll go down when Kemocite and the Quantum Phase Torpedo bugfix are done... Maybe not.

        Ha with my luck i don't see that happening and I love that Quantum Phase Torpedo.
      • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
        I really really like the Scryer, especially when you put the nacelles from the phantom on her. Looks kind of like a stealth oberth that way.
        Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
        New Content Wishlist
        T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
        Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
        Dahar Master Jacket

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      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        Sadly though I got no choice for the time being until I get some extra money. Can only buy enough zen for one ship every couple of months otherwise if I could I would I still plan to get those ships but right now I think I'm going to hook my Fed Science with the new carrier
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      • lamyrslamyrs Member Posts: 312 Arc User
        The Qib is my favorite ship in the whole game. I found it to be perfectly balanced in everything.
        I am from Belgium and english isn't my main language, sorry if I make mistakes.
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        Thanks guys I supposed if I waited this long I could wait a bit longer. Sucks when you have limited income.
      • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
        The Delta Pack is expensive but you get a great set of ships plus some nice Intel bridge officers. For Feds the traits also work together well. Reciprocity from the Phantom is a big help in the science ships and cruisers because it speeds up cooldown on your limited tac powers. Plus having tac powers more often gives you more use of the Emitter Synergy exotic buff for the Scryer.

        Rom and KDF are short-changed on ships and traits since you only get 1 cruiser, 1 escort and no Reciprocity but the Mat'Ha is a great 5:2 weapon ship with the scatter volley nose cannon console for even more punch.
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        If things work out the way I hope they will, I may have some extra money starting in January and what I plan to do is buy enough Zen so that eventually come June I'll have some mad zen to spend on all my toons
      • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
        Be sure to wait for a 15% off zen sale, and try to buy either $50 or $100 so you get the extra bonus from that too. It might be hard to wait, but you'll get much more for your money.

        You can also make a little zen from earning dil in-game then selling it on the dil exchange but that's going to be very slow going.
      • eugenesyseugenesys Member Posts: 115 Arc User
        The delta ops pack is good.

        Save by.
        Charging zen during the 15% charge bonus promo.
        Then sit tight for the 20% off ships promo...

        Or cross fingers and hope for a nice black friday sale.....
      • eugenesyseugenesys Member Posts: 115 Arc User
        Miht give intel builds a serious tought. I love the phantoms but went back to the tactical command ships for ky rom and fed chars. I usually full impulse, batts and shoot in thr middle of firefights. Im still stidk in the 15-20k dps barrier and am looking to improve..
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        I am more curious about the Qib builds now as my Klingons need a good ship to roam in
      • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
        Be sure to wait for a 15% off zen sale, and try to buy either $50 or $100 so you get the extra bonus from that too. It might be hard to wait, but you'll get much more for your money.

        You can also make a little zen from earning dil in-game then selling it on the dil exchange but that's going to be very slow going.

        I was just going through my budget for the next few months if it works out the way I think I'll be able to put 50.00 a month aside in addition to some tax money coming (lifetime membership) I plan to spluge on zen in June
      • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
        To the OP remember that you can convert dil to zen, about 700k zen buys a T6 ship, a 4 toon account can get 34k per day refined, level those alts during bonus xp period and its pretty quick, this allows for a range of playing styles and each toon of the releveant faction can claim the ship. Ship modules cost 500 zen and currently 14-15m ec on the exchange, 3 keys sell for 5m each and cost 375 zen in total. There should be a free T6 ship in the winter event coming up in a week or so, just have to master this race on ice, as always there are guides out there and helpful forum folk.
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