I'm not sure which of the Terran vessels can use Emit Unstable Warp Bubble, but every time I get hit by it, it forces my Odyssey's chevron to re-attach.
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Since it prevents saucer separation it is cancelling the ability instead of just preventing you from using it when the saucer is still attached. I haven't really payed attention to my hangar pets on my T6 Gal-X since the AI is stupid and they insist on going clear to the other side of the map, but I believe they are getting desummoned entirely, forcing me to have to summon completely new pets also. A bit annoying, especially when your pets have ranked up a bit because new pets summoned start at rank 0.
It's not really a big a deal for me since I have the Pilot specialization as my primary and finally got it maxed out. Pilot spec gives a permanent turn rate increase while you have it active and the rate increases as more points are spent in it. So with my saucer reattaching itself my turn rate doesn't go down all that much. I'm also blowing the hell out of everything in seconds either way LOL.
Tip: Engineering Team bridge officer skill can remove Unstable Warp Bubble. The problem is when your saucer separation is cancelled by it, the ability goes into the full 2 minute cooldown no matter what. But removing the debuff quickly will allow you to relaunch hanger pets faster if that's off cooldown.
Overall I believe this skill is working as intended. Hell, I'd go so far as to say Cryptic designed this ability for this very event just to mess with us. It is kinda refreshing to see NPC enemies use more advanced stuff like this instead of just knocking a subsystem offline or hitting you with a barely noticeable hazard debuff.
For those who don't know, you can get the skill yourself. I don't recall which Iconian War episode you get it from but the episode reward gives you a boff training manual for each rank of Unstable Warp Bubble. It also automatically unlocks a crafting recipe in R&D Engineering (I think; it's 1 of the R&D schools) so you can craft more. Unfortunately the training manuals are all bound to character instead of account.