I always liked the Miranda Class which makes me kinda down that it's the first ship you get and is forgotten as soon as you pass level 10.
Klingons get the classic bird of prey in a tier 6 form. Would it be too much to ask for a tier6 Miranda class? Or even a hangar pet version would be neat.
"Thou shalt respect the weak and shalt constitute thyself defender of them."
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Nah, Mirandas are a little large to be hangar pets IMO. a Defiant or Saber pet would make more sense as a carrier pet.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
I was exstatic to fly this when I learned it was the first ship you get. That was met with an equal level of confusion, bewilderment and disappointment when I learned that for some reason its the only Starfleet vessel, barring the Oberth and Constitution, to be ommited from retrofitting/T6.
It really doesn't make any sense. I can get behind the Connie and Oberth. The first seemed to be retired after Wolf 359 and the Oberth never displayed any combat prowess whatsoever.
But the Miranda was everywhere. It participated in the Dominion war, fought the Borg, the Klingons and and still has a lovely design, even with the changes Cryptic made to it. So yes, please do add this thing. I said it years ago and I will say it again, I got 3000 Zen waiting for it.
Oh and before the unjustified bashing begins about how this ship is supposedly so much worse than anything else, consider this:
- While it is true that this ship got blown up often during the Dominion war, however from what I saw, other fed ships fared no better. Excelsiors and Akiras get demolished just as much, and Klingon BoPs (which are T6!) blow up after 1 torpedo hit consistently. The ship gets its bad rep because there were so many of them.
- tons ENT era ships that are over 100 older are available at T5/6.
- Its the most commonly seen Starfleet ship from what I remember, barring hero ships of course.
- It's armed to the teeth for its size. The TMP/TNG version had 12 phaser emitters on the saucer, 4 on the rollbar and 4 photon launchers. With modern setup, it outguns ships like the size-comparable Saber easily.
- It has a compact and dynamic design, allowing for all kinds of console/BOFF layouts.
Some food for thought, a list of some ships other than the Miranda in Star Trek that ever got blown up in 1 hit, either weapon fire or collision:
Klingon B'rel BoP (1 torpedo hit) (Generations, the Way of the Warrior and others)
Vor'cha (1 torpedo volley) (the Way of the Warrior)
Vor'cha again (kamikaze attack by jem'hadar ships) (Tears of the Prophets)
Borg Cube (Annihilated a single beam attack by 8472) (Scorpion Part 1)
Enterprise D (collided with Bozeman) (Cause and Effect)
Jem'Hadar Attack Ship (blow up like tissue-paper) (several DS9 episodes)
Excelsior Class (saucer instantly destroyed by Borg cutting beam) (The Emissary)
Mind you, all the ships above except the Cube and Vor'cha are playable and have T6 versions by now...
TL:DR: The Miranda doesn't suck as much as everyone says and needs to be playable beyond T1.
"Let them eat static!"
I agree, but unfortunately CBS does not.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
2. How about some citation that CBS axed the idea of an endgame light cruiser/Miranda. If you don't have it, then it's just more of the same "CBS SEZ NAH, BRAH" TRIBBLE people used to throw around on the old shipyards board, regarding any canon Tier 1/2 ship that wasn't endgame.
How so? Miranda Class ships were pretty much nothing but cannon fodder.
There is absolutely no way in any timeline that a Miranda would be able to go toe to toe with a Dominion Dreadnought, which is pretty much what T6 entails.
I love the Miranda, just the way it is, small hull, few weapons, few consoles, a real challenge to fly at lvl 60.
Managed a 9k run at best with miranda, but I believe I can break 10k in her with a little more upgrading and a few more million spent on Doffs.
At 9k dps and traits to keep her alive, what is not to like
And a Bird of Prey would?
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
But in ours, where Starfleet Captains pilot Breen, Tholian, or Dominion vessels... then yes, a T6 Miranda is very much a possibility.
Quite frankly, the concept of traditional cannon timeline does not hold here... We constitue our own timeline.
T6 Miranda - Cassiopeia
Hull 45k
shield 1
turn 9
Impulse .2
Inertia 50
Device 2
Crew 250
Fore 4
Aft 3
Can mount DHCs
Bonus Power +10 Weapon +5 Shield +5 Engine
Cruiser Commands Weapon Systems Efficency, Shield Frequncy Modulation, Stategic Maneuvering
Consoles 2 Science, 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering
BOFF CMDR Engineering, LT. CMDR Tactical, LT. CMDR Engineering, LT Universal, LT Universal
Console/weapon Phased Impeller Lance/Phased Impeller Cannons Can be mounted in a weapon slot or a console slot. Console power is useable in a weapon slot but knocks the weapon offline for duration of CD. Also does not grant passive effects while slotted as a weapon.
Phased Impeller Cannons deal 25% damage through shields and has a 5% chance to offline a subsystem.
Phased Impeller Lance deals 25% damage through shields. 25% chance to offline a subsystem. 5% chance to offline two subsystem. 1% chance to offline three subsystems.
Passive Effects Equipped phaser weapons have a chance to ignore 5% of sheilds. +% Phaser Damage
Ship Trait Death Grip, Tractor Beam and Tractor Beam Repulsors have longer duration and deal more damage while also reducing enemy damage resistances.
actaully they are close in size. Remember Khan was able to man the Reliant with just 20 and considering the size of the Carriers a Mirada could fit.
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
I have to say, that sounds like a lot of fun. I do miss the fun.
The only thing they're good at is dying horrible deaths.
Technically most ships would not be able to go toe to toe with a Dominion Dreadnought alone.
A Bird of Prey is a type of ship varying greatly in size and power over the centuries, while the Miranda Class does not.
Late 24th century Bird of Prey's being on par with a Defiant Class ship in firepower.
Miranda's are just cannon fodder, nothing more.
Give me a reason to fly the Connie, Oberth, etc.
If you really want a higher end Miranda, Just use the Heavy escort carrier and mix and match parts together to get a Miranda-esq ship. I did it and there have people asking me if it was a new Miranda.
But on the other hand how about a compromise? A T1-U option, an upgrade option that takes the ships up to around T4. Not top end enough for everyone to be flying around in ancient scrapyard fodder but advanced enough (and maybe rocking some universal features) for it's fans to enjoy a second lease of life.
Actually include T2 in that as well, you could make a whole host of ships just about viable for late PVE buy giving them an upgrade option, again only to around T4 but you can still do and enjoy a lot more content with your favourite ships.
Hell by end game the player is a fleet Admiral who has saved the universe a dozen times, I'm sure Starfleet, the Empire or whoever the Roms are now wouldn't mind taking a museum ship and bolting a few bits on for you.