A few weeks ago I asked about the Iconian arc, and whether I should revisit the game. The consensus was to wait until S11 launched, then come back. Well, New Dawn, it seems, has launched, so I'll be returning shortly. I'd just like to know what the state of the game is, and how to accomplish certain things.
I'm planning to start a new Fed character and go from scratch. I won't really be going for performance or, for that matter, doing multiplayer content much at all, because I've been down that rabbit hole and it only ends in tears. However, I want to make a Caitian, which is not a species I have access to right now, so I'll need to make some dilithium on my former main first. I plan to use the newish Iconian AP weapons, because they're shiny and blue, and either one of the ships I already have access to (Kumari, Chel Grett, Risian corvette) or something like an Olaen or whatever it's called, if I can get my hands on one. Although that would require grinding, which as I've mentioned is not something I'd really like to do a lot of -- I just want to play all those lovely story missions with a cool ship.
Anyway, I'll need dil. Last time I played, the unequivocal best source of dil was STFs, but then Delta Rising hit and the STFs started beating everyone into the ground. What's the status on that; is there a better way to obtain it? Has sufficient power creep occurred that they're not virtually impossible anymore?
Oh, and what's the deal with the 9.5 crafting system thing? Last I saw it was this ridiculous time-gate thing that would take like a year to complete and everyone hated it and whatever and I don't want to deal with that.
Just...well, like the title says. If I'm building a new character, and it's been long enough that we might as well pretend I've never played the game before, what do I need to know about?
The R&D has been a bit more friendly. We can actually slot 3 of the same research projects to help us level a single school.
The ridiculus HP Sponges have been nerfed to more managable levels.
The Delta Rising and Iconian War arcs have had their level requirements reduced so we no longer have to grind our tails off just to advance to the next mission. I don't remember the exact level scale for each arc, but its within the 50-60 range for both.
Easiest way to earn Dilithium is probaby one of the Battlezones and trading in Marks for Dilithium.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Uhm. Yeah, I have no idea what an Admiralty system is. I guess I'd better look that up. I mean, I'd seen it mentioned during my recent research, but.
peterconnorfirst dil-breakdown/charackter/day:
Doff system: ~1,7k
Admiralty: ~1,6k
2 elite/advanced PvE: ~4,9k
Timeframe: ~20 minutes
I have 9 toons. Even if I don’t play em all I can augment underused toons with contraband to bring them in line.
With the introduction of the Admiralty system grind has been removed in this game. XP needs, and even EC needs to some extend, are taken care of as well with it.
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