I pulled up the Asylum on Earth assignment and used the filter function to select the best refugee. The filter brought the list down to 1 candidate and I selected him to do the assignment. No problems here.
The 2nd Asylum on Betazed assignment is available in the list of jobs, so I went in and tried to select a refugee and it shows no possible candidates. I went in to my roster to confirm that there are more refugees in there and there are 5 more available. I am not able to reset the filter from the previous assignment, and therefore am not able to begin the 2nd assignment.
I tried to exit my character and re-enter the game with the same character and am still unable to see my refugees in my roster from within the assignment. I suspect I need to exit the game and restart it before the filter conditions are reset.
This leads me to believe that the duty officer filter conditions remain intact after the assignment is started.
Can you please alter the programming to remove the filter conditions as the assignment is started?