The Pilot Spec is especially useful for escorts, but what about raiders? Sure, most of them have battle cloaks and the raider flanking buff, but there are no T6 Birds of Prey. I can see it now... T6 B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit
While I would very much like to see a Tier 6 BOP, I'd rather it was Intel spec, personally. Maybe I'm just an awful pilot (I am), but BOP are hard enough to handle as is lol Pilot spec would just make my life even harder...
Well with the Herald ships getting two hybrid seats, i could see a bop an further ships like the Defiant getting two hybrid seats with one being at a lt com level an the other being at most a Lt level. I mean the patrol escort to me makes sense as a hybrid of pilot an command, though i wish we had cammando made into a full spec with both ground an space uses in it as it would make sense with both the defiant an patrol escort (kinda the bop too.). So a bop could have a lt or lt commander pilot or intel seat with the other being a lt seat.
what a t6 BoP really needs to be is the 1st truly universal bridge officer setup in the game. to let us fly them and play them ow we like.
Yeah then the screams of OP Nerf NAO! they would break the forums.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Well with the Herald ships getting two hybrid seats, i could see a bop an further ships like the Defiant getting two hybrid seats with one being at a lt com level an the other being at most a Lt level. I mean the patrol escort to me makes sense as a hybrid of pilot an command, though i wish we had cammando made into a full spec with both ground an space uses in it as it would make sense with both the defiant an patrol escort (kinda the bop too.). So a bop could have a lt or lt commander pilot or intel seat with the other being a lt seat.
I kinda see where you're coming from with the commando (I think). In terms of boarding parties, I can see commando being beneficial. I mean, thats essentially what boarding parties are, right? Commando's? Problem is, how do Cryptic sell ships with commando spec? Perhaps I'm missing something, but, how does a purely space set up benefit from a purely ground specialty?
Well with the Herald ships getting two hybrid seats, i could see a bop an further ships like the Defiant getting two hybrid seats with one being at a lt com level an the other being at most a Lt level. I mean the patrol escort to me makes sense as a hybrid of pilot an command, though i wish we had cammando made into a full spec with both ground an space uses in it as it would make sense with both the defiant an patrol escort (kinda the bop too.). So a bop could have a lt or lt commander pilot or intel seat with the other being a lt seat.
I kinda see where you're coming from with the commando (I think). In terms of boarding parties, I can see commando being beneficial. I mean, thats essentially what boarding parties are, right? Commando's? Problem is, how do Cryptic sell ships with commando spec? Perhaps I'm missing something, but, how does a purely space set up benefit from a purely ground specialty?
That would be the issue is that alot of the things i would put into a true commando specc are spread out thru other specialities. It would need to be almost reworked or added to with some talents put into it that would effect the space side of the game, though this is true of pilot making that spec have also aspects for ground like piloting a power-armor or medium mecha alongside giving the player enhanced mobility an agility in ground missions. Boarding parties would be interesting like armed parties or ones that might have a chance of having the affected ship be effected by a damage feedback when using weapons or abilties. Maybe give the ability to use weapons or abilities for a extremely short time after entering a cloaked state.
Well with the Herald ships getting two hybrid seats, i could see a bop an further ships like the Defiant getting two hybrid seats with one being at a lt com level an the other being at most a Lt level. I mean the patrol escort to me makes sense as a hybrid of pilot an command, though i wish we had cammando made into a full spec with both ground an space uses in it as it would make sense with both the defiant an patrol escort (kinda the bop too.). So a bop could have a lt or lt commander pilot or intel seat with the other being a lt seat.
I kinda see where you're coming from with the commando (I think). In terms of boarding parties, I can see commando being beneficial. I mean, thats essentially what boarding parties are, right? Commando's? Problem is, how do Cryptic sell ships with commando spec? Perhaps I'm missing something, but, how does a purely space set up benefit from a purely ground specialty?
That would be the issue is that alot of the things i would put into a true commando specc are spread out thru other specialities. It would need to be almost reworked or added to with some talents put into it that would effect the space side of the game, though this is true of pilot making that spec have also aspects for ground like piloting a power-armor or medium mecha alongside giving the player enhanced mobility an agility in ground missions. Boarding parties would be interesting like armed parties or ones that might have a chance of having the affected ship be effected by a damage feedback when using weapons or abilties. Maybe give the ability to use weapons or abilities for a extremely short time after entering a cloaked state.
I think commando, would benefit from, perhaps, a reduced damage resistance to damage (whatever type you're using), Nothing major, maybe 5-10% your preferred damage type. Think of it like your boarding parties are sabotaging key systems? doubt I'd ever go Commando primary (as Intel benefits ground AND space), but options are rarely ever a bad thing.
Why not have both? One Boff seat is Intel, and the second Boff seat is pilot. I can see the ship doing both things those that prefer to be stealthy can setup as a Intel ship, and those that prefer speed can setup as a pilot ship.
Unless you PVP, you don't want Pilot for your Raider. But then again, unless you're flying a KDF BOP, you're not going to fly any Raider in PVP
The vast majority of Pilot BOFF abilities has so much to do with PVP. In PVE, it's a damage race with healing here and there. Pilot isn't as useful.
IMO, Intel has more applications for both PVE & PVP making it more desirable. Command is desirable if you're going for a torpedo oriented builds. Pilot?... No.
When you really read into what BOFF abilities do in the Specializations, what landing states/conditions/certain debuffs mean to NPCs compared to players, you'll learn which Specializaiton is worth what. For PVE, Pilot is NOT what you want.
I think a certain group of unnamed people have already found files about a T6 Defiant/B'rel/T'varo. Most likely, these will have Lieutenant Commander Pilot seats.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
I disagree, BOP are, by far, far the most stealthy thing the KDF possess. If that doesn't scream Intel, nothing will...
Yeah then the screams of OP Nerf NAO! they would break the forums.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I kinda see where you're coming from with the commando (I think). In terms of boarding parties, I can see commando being beneficial. I mean, thats essentially what boarding parties are, right? Commando's? Problem is, how do Cryptic sell ships with commando spec? Perhaps I'm missing something, but, how does a purely space set up benefit from a purely ground specialty?
That would be the issue is that alot of the things i would put into a true commando specc are spread out thru other specialities. It would need to be almost reworked or added to with some talents put into it that would effect the space side of the game, though this is true of pilot making that spec have also aspects for ground like piloting a power-armor or medium mecha alongside giving the player enhanced mobility an agility in ground missions. Boarding parties would be interesting like armed parties or ones that might have a chance of having the affected ship be effected by a damage feedback when using weapons or abilties. Maybe give the ability to use weapons or abilities for a extremely short time after entering a cloaked state.
I think commando, would benefit from, perhaps, a reduced damage resistance to damage (whatever type you're using), Nothing major, maybe 5-10% your preferred damage type. Think of it like your boarding parties are sabotaging key systems? doubt I'd ever go Commando primary (as Intel benefits ground AND space), but options are rarely ever a bad thing.
The vast majority of Pilot BOFF abilities has so much to do with PVP. In PVE, it's a damage race with healing here and there. Pilot isn't as useful.
IMO, Intel has more applications for both PVE & PVP making it more desirable. Command is desirable if you're going for a torpedo oriented builds. Pilot?... No.
When you really read into what BOFF abilities do in the Specializations, what landing states/conditions/certain debuffs mean to NPCs compared to players, you'll learn which Specializaiton is worth what. For PVE, Pilot is NOT what you want.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!