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Screen dims after coming back to game from being tabbed out.

lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,412 Arc User
So before the patch today 10/27/15 I could run the game in max window setting and tab out whenever I want with no problems. After patch, when I tab out and come back, the game screen dims way down. The only fix I have found is hitting the brightness slider a little and that resets the colors. Please fix this as soon as you can and is anyone else getting this bug?


  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Confirmed. For me it's the other way round: it gets lighter after tabbing out/back in. Looks like the brightness value jumps back to a default value.

    Edit: It looks like for a split second after tabbing in it goes to the brightness value I put in. But then it switches to a different value. Restarting the client after the change did not help.
  • iathoriathor Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    This problem has been present in the Mac version of the client since it first became available a year or so ago. As you note, the workaround is nudging the brightness setting when you get back into game. I suspect you have the brightness set to something above 100, since it seems to revert to around the 100 level when switching back to the full-window game. (I have mine set to about 145.)

    At least in the Mac version, the brightness starts out correct when first switching back to the game window, but it darkens within a few hundred milliseconds, so presumably it's some code running when the window becomes gets a re-activation message. I note that the same problem affects Guild Wars 2 on the Mac (which also uses the Transgaming Windows emulator, like STO), so I'd assumed it was a Transgaming emulator bug. If you're on the Windows version, then that's not likely.
  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    Try adjusting your Brightness settings. See if that fixes it

    Esc>Settings>Display>Brightness Calibration Screen.
  • tstriker12tstriker12 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I tried doing that, but it doesn't seem to work when I have it widescreen and expand the edges for a better gameplay while going back and forward on the internet. Also whenever I click on the option menu the game goes back to normal without expanding the edges.
  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    primar13 wrote: »
    Try adjusting your Brightness settings. See if that fixes it

    Esc>Settings>Display>Brightness Calibration Screen.

    That's where the problem lies. Adjusting it there works as long as you don't tab out. Tabbing back in has it briefly at your adjusted settings and then it goes back to normal. If you do NOT tab out it stays where you set it.
  • jplatimerjplatimer Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Same thing. Using Nvidia GTX 960. Was working fine before the patch, but something changed.
  • lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,412 Arc User
    Strange... My game started working fine now. I didnt change anything. O.o
  • tyriniussstyriniusss Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I'm on a GTX 260 and Windows 10 (yeah I should have indluded that in my original reply). iathor's info that it's been an issue with the mac version as well might help nailing it down? My ingame handle is @tyrinius it happens with all of my toons.
  • nighthookstanighthooksta Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    GTX590's with same problem since patch.
  • mutronics1mutronics1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Self Problem here wiht GTX 260.
  • martynoceanmartynocean Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Similar problem here aswell. Brightness drops whenever changing instance or tabbing out. Very annoying as I have to change the value at the start of every mission. Nvidia GeForce9500 GT on Win7
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