Trendy you are the men to talk too and I bed you speak to the developers or any other inside Cryptic once and awhile....
Could you be the one to talk too, to take care of those damned EC sellers in game ?
Yesterday I was bugged 18 times with friend requests while playing very annoying if it pops up every time and I block them but they might have more then one account. also a lot of Private Messages come in my chat trying to sell me EC. And I have been warned not to respond because you can't trust them but still it's been very annoying the whole time. Could you please look into this matter to prevent this or make a tool to prevent this.... ??? I bed if I ask around I'm not the only one that's being bugged by them !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
To be honest though, At best all she can do is let them know, but I imagine just looking at the spam reports, they already know about it.
That being said, I support ya here. Damn they are annoying.
I suppose I'll just have to start blocking, and if they want to get ahold of me, then use the mail system.
Selling contraband and one of the players that brought it had a name that really looked like a bot or EC seller to me. Not 100% sure but it set off some red flags. What should I do?
From what I have seen in my years of playing STO, they don't really care much about what is said in game so I wouldn't count on anything being done. STO has absolutely no rules at all, at least none that are enforced so I don't see anything really coming of this.
You should however, bring up your social panel (Default is O) and look at your friends list. If you have a bunch of pending requests, go through and deny all of them so that they can't send you tells anymore. As far as Zone Chat, not much anyone can do. If they block/ban a user they'll just make a new account and do it again.
It's been happening far longer than that, it's just in the last month or so it's become more wide spread. I remember when the system first went in, people used this as a tool for griefing with unsolisted PvP invites. Which resulted in the filter being installed, (also making it a pain for PvE queue invites).
But I'm not confident Trendy or any of the Devs really care about combating goldfarmers anymore. I know of a couple of people who go out of their way to tell the Dev Team about their tactics or loopholes, but nothing has been addressed. Even the simplist ones. And to make matters worse, new goldfarmer "companies" have moved in and adding to the annoyance.
You pull this 'Friend-Unfriend trick, with the sales message? BAMM! you get reported! Your on my ignore list! You make that stupid pop-up appear, and I see your stupid sales pitch, and faster than you can say 'DAH!' I have turned you in.
I support all channels of communication in this community, but this current Unfriend 'thing' should be punished via General Order 24!!! Seriously
Still I don't know how to stop it before that, (stupid pop-up window) but be brave. I'm sure there will turn out to be a way.
I cannot begin to imagine how something like that could be accomplished.
I have not been accosted by a gold spammer in a long time though. I'd like to think there are things going on out of sight of the players which are doing this. I'd also like to think these methods or techniques will remain obscured. Since this makes it harder for the gold spammers to get in.
Heh, you beat me to it, but it does bear repeating.
Exactly, exactly, exactly! Too heavy handed and they throw out the innocent with the guilty, or mostly since the new players don't realize what not to do as well as the spammers/scammers, just throwing out more innocent even than the guilty.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Exactly she is comunity leader she read the forums the Developers do not very often thats why I ask Trendy to patch it thru to them to let them know.... It's mostly if you start a new char or come as a new player they start bugging you because higher then captain they don't trouble you so much so there is an auto system out there keeping tabs !!!
But you realy think people would be so stupid to believe this TRIBBLE they are selling. Also this post can be seen as a warning to those not to go for these PM's
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
If people didn't use these 'services' then I have to think they would have given up a long time ago. The fact that these spammers are still here in full force as they have been for years leads me to believe that they're getting someone to bite on their 'offers.'
I have also heard plenty of stories about people getting their Credit Card numbers stolen, people getting their account hijacked, any number of different horror stories. I don't know how much of it's true, but personally, I'll never bother to find out.
The prices they offer are significantly lower then going through Cryptic, so yes.. I think some people probably use them. To me, it's just too big of a risk.
Which then leads, logically if not controversially, to the other method of closing down the system - deprive the sellers of their market.
Since the purchase of in-game goods for RL cash outside of Cryptic-approved channels is prohibited via ToS, highly publicized and "harsh" penalties against the purchasers of these "services" would eventually dry up the "black" market to the point that they don't advertise anymore.
By "harsh" penalty I'm starting with the complete and utter removal of all ill-gotten gains, whether through selective inventory/asset deletion or hitting the account with a rollback to the "most recent savepoint" prior to the consummation of the trade. Repeat offenders can be visited with complete inventory wipes, loss of ships, maybe even character/account suspensions / bans... Things that get the playerbase's attention to the point that even the most insulated of players will "rethink" any purchase from a "gold seller", no matter how much the deal is skewed in the player's favor (I'm thinking the inevitable $5 for an Annorax price they'll fall to as the market dries up...)
And, it's not like they'll need a highly labor intensive system to perpetrate this - if the system's not already logging every trade transaction into a filterable database that can then be scanned for one-way trades / "trade-backs" (ie, give item X, then trade item X back to originator so that the actual item purchase gets past the filter) / "improbable value" trades (white common vendortrash for 1 mil?) / any trade that messes with an "advertised special's" values (right now, popular deal I keep seeing is 100 mil EC + 10% "bonus", so any 110 / 220 / 330 ballpark EC trade or series of trades would immediately be flagged as questionable) etc. The "labor intensive" part then comes as they "track" the series of events that led to the acquisition of said good - was some fleet running a channel promo, then the recipient of the prize according to chat logs is off the hook. It a fleetie to fleetie "twink" / father helping son? Okay. Player X suddenly has an Annorax, and said ship came from a character that perpetrates numerous trades and/or had the Annorax in question passed through an account with tremendously high trade activity (aka "the seller's warehouse")? Time to break out the hammer...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I get them but not to the point of being annoyed. ESD and Drozana are like the slums of a third world country. I don't even use zone chat for anything in there. You can also tweak your "social" settings to make you "anynomous" or invisible to others so they dont spam you. Better yte there are other social settings you can tewak in there to not receive invites/tells from other people but friends. Those are better tools than anything Devs can create or re-invent the wheel.
How do you track that though? In a game where the Doff/R&D ships can go for more than the maximum limit of what the exchange allows...if bigger games like WoW and ToR can't work like that how do you think STO is gonna fair?
It would be labor intensive though...because they'd need to get devs to design the system, test it, and get it in working order...which we all know is a hard task in this game
Then they'd need to hire personnel to man the monitor these questionable transactions.
If one of the best (Not best in quality per se, but one of the biggest money makers) MMO in the business can't pull that off what makes you think that Cryptic can do it?
Second I read was about unwanted fleet invites, annoying yes can you block it yes you can !! There is in the game a system that can block unwanted fleet invites, couple years back it was even more annoying then it is now. People asked the Developers to make a system to block unwanted fleet invites, This way they can't send you unwanted Fleet Invites.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."