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how fleet gear is sold needs to change

they need to make it so anyone can buy fleet gear when someone is in a fleet.here is my experience with fleets not letting you buy gear when you join.i left one fleet because you had to donate so much before they would let you start buying fleet gear. the problem was they would kick people soon has they donated enough so basically using people to level fleet. now i am in one where i have spent 100k dil and 30mil in credits and anyone that is able to advance me so i can buy gear is never on its very frustrating.look i get it fleets don't want you to join then buy something then take off.the problem with that does it even matter they have to dontate to get enough fleet credits to even buy so its not like the fleet isn't getting anything out of it and in some cases some people leave one fleet because its not high enough to get what they want so leave join another buy what they want then leave. heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems


  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Sounds like your fleet sucks. The admins who handle promotions don't NEED to do it while you're logged in. they can just look up your name in the member list and BOOM!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,643 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems

    Even if you are a leech who has contributed nothing to the fleet? Bad idea.

    What might work better is a Yelp for STO fleets, off the forums so people are allowed to say not nice things. Hmm, if I start this I can rake in the Yelp "promotional fees" to hide the bad reviews! :goatee:

    Edit: have you tried sending a polite email to the officers to request your promotion? Don't forget paragraphs, they might not be willing to parse a wall of text.
  • whistlerdavidwhistlerdavid Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems

    Even if you are a leech who has contributed nothing to the fleet? Bad idea.

    What might work better is a Yelp for STO fleets, off the forums so people are allowed to say not nice things. Hmm, if I start this I can rake in the Yelp "promotional fees" to hide the bad reviews! :goatee:

    Edit: have you tried sending a polite email to the officers to request your promotion? Don't forget paragraphs, they might not be willing to parse a wall of text.
    ok i see your point. how about this make it so the fleet gear you buy only works while your in that fleet.if you quit you can trade the gear in for the same amount of fleet credits and dil you spent on the gear

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,643 Arc User
    heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems

    Even if you are a leech who has contributed nothing to the fleet? Bad idea.

    What might work better is a Yelp for STO fleets, off the forums so people are allowed to say not nice things. Hmm, if I start this I can rake in the Yelp "promotional fees" to hide the bad reviews! :goatee:

    Edit: have you tried sending a polite email to the officers to request your promotion? Don't forget paragraphs, they might not be willing to parse a wall of text.
    ok i see your point. how about this make it so the fleet gear you buy only works while your in that fleet.if you quit you can trade the gear in for the same amount of fleet credits and dil you spent on the gear

    Nope, that breaks the public channels offering free access to tier 5 starbases so you can buy things using provisions from your low-level fleet.

    Do send that polite email. Your officers might work full time in a different time zone from you, and life might be keeping them from scanning all fleet members to see who should be promoted. Ask nicely and see what happens.
  • tempus64tempus64 Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    Sounds like that first fleet are a bunch of scammers just TRIBBLE over players.

    After having gone through a couple fleets myself, I came up with a bit of a rule for myself concerning them needing people to donate before they can buy anything. 50k in credits. If they want more than that, they're not worth being in. I felt that as a new player at the time, that was a reasonable number as it's about 1000 marks. I also set myself a rule for when I've joined a new fleet and donated that much, I then won't donate any more until I've stocked back up to my 1000 marks and I make sure I never hold less than that.
  • scarlingscarling Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    200k credits sounds like a lot but is reasonable to me. The only fleet I ever joined had that and I'v been happy about sticking it out ever since. Now, it's the fleets that make each alt do 200k that is a definite "nope" to me.
  • xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    My fleet has a policy like that. 50k and infinite buying power.

    If your fleet kicks people once they hit a certain donation amount then there is no reason for you to be in it. As for the overall proposition, I do not think that it needs to change. Someone has to fill the provisioning projects for fleet gear and if you join a fleet, buy stuff, then leave, you are taking the provisions which is stealing as far as I'm concerned.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    scarling wrote: »
    200k credits sounds like a lot but is reasonable to me. The only fleet I ever joined had that and I'v been happy about sticking it out ever since. Now, it's the fleets that make each alt do 200k that is a definite "nope" to me.
    Heh, I have millions in fleet credit. I can buy pretty much whatever I want from fleet stores... But I don't buy that much.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems

    So you are saying that you want the said fleet leaders to just let you sit for 29 or less days before they kick you?

    What you are describing is a symptom of bad leadership, not a flaw in the fleet system.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2015
    As a fleet leader of an almost 4 year fleet I understand the frustration members go through when they tell they've been in a previous bad fleet.

    In my case in order to use our stores you have to be level 3( fleet rank) this unlocks unlimited store access, but to be that rank our members have to be at least active and have something donated, 5k 10k etc.

    This shows to me that such member who needs store access is willing to be help out, not only the fleet but himself as well.

    Of course for security reasons no fleet should allow instant access to store when someone joins, after all, the fleet worked hard on getting it leveled and to have provisions.

    But also, no fleet should have heavy requirements for store access, something simple and easy to do should suffice!

    Edit: also what @davefenestrator said is true, a polite mail requesting store access is always, always good.

    ^ if my rambling makes sense.

    BTW, y Fleet is ' The 1st Fleet'

  • admiralkogaradmiralkogar Member Posts: 875 Arc User
    I get what the OP is saying but ... not all Fleets are the same. I allow people in my Fleets to buy as soon as they are rank 2, and till recently, I didn't expect any donations to projects from anyone before that. I actually had the donations disabled for the lowest rank. I only leave people in the lowest rank till I have a chance to get a feel for them. New members wanted to contribute anyway, so now everyone can.

    Before I even recruit anyone, I spend time chattng with them, basically it's an interview. I pick them based on how much I see them helping noobs, or trying to help one of my people they randomly encounter. If they are good to others online, they show what we are looking for. I ask them what they expect from a Fleet. I describe the ups and downs of our group. Sometimes we are really slow, and sometimes we are manic. I try to spend the first hour we are online as common Fleet members finding out how they act inside the Fleet, how they team, and how the talk to people.

    Usually in a short while, less than two hours, I promote them, and they can contribute, and buy like anyone else. Rank 2! I have only regreted it once, and not very much, to be honest. I AM proud of my people, and they give more than they take, because they choose to be that way. The KDF faction is much slower, and less well off being only level 2, but the Fed Faction Fleet at level 22 has a generous surplus, and lock box ships in the bank just sitting there. Three weeks ago I gave Fleet modules to a member who didn't have enough for a Fleet ship we had available. He didn't want to take them because he wasn't sure how to pay it back and told him just to pay it forward. This member isn't always online, but is always friendly, and willing to help others. I know it will be ok. :)

    I guess my position is this. Don't spam invites, and don't accept spam invites with any great expectations. Choose your friends and Fleet mates well. Then you won't have these negative experiences very often ( I won't say never ... ) We do have some people leave, and sometimes you can't make everyone happy. You need to work at it. Thats it :)

    For the record, this IS NOT a spam invite, but say hi anyway, when you are out there. :)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Yeah, for ours the only thing the lowest rank can do is donate. But that's just the lowest rank.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    The reason access to provisioned stores is limited in most fleets is quite simple. Those provisions cost recourses to get, and to get access to something, most fleets feel it is a fair deal you first showed you are willing to help get these provisions or otherwise advance the fleet.

    However, many fleets out there place the border too dang high.
    Take my fleets for example. Originally, I wanted a 50k border, my co-leader 100k so we settled for 75k. It didn't work, so we dropped to 50k. After a while, we dropped again to 25k, as an experiment to see if 25k would work as well. And it was one of the best decisions we made.

    So to the OP, either send out a polite mail to your Fleet leader and inform them you think you made the requirements for your next promotion, or try to find a fleet that better fits your view of a fleet. But one thing is sure: if you don't take action, you're just gonna get bad blood and waste a potentially great experience with the fleet system.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    The fleet system is flawed, but that's basically because it's copypasted from every other MMORPG's similar systems. It's a relic from the times when such systems were just used for organizing raids and stuff and doesn't work all that well in a setting in which the members are expected to pay for things. Leading to shameful things like scammers inviting people to pay for their starbase and then kicking them.

    I'd like to see holding contributions treated as investments rather than donations. It should not be possible to just kick off the players who paid for the development of the fleet.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    Time to find a new fleets that gives you access regardless of your contribution.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • scarlingscarling Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    scarling wrote: »
    200k credits sounds like a lot but is reasonable to me. The only fleet I ever joined had that and I'v been happy about sticking it out ever since. Now, it's the fleets that make each alt do 200k that is a definite "nope" to me.
    Heh, I have millions in fleet credit. I can buy pretty much whatever I want from fleet stores... But I don't buy that much.

    I wasn't exactly writing that for people like you or me who dont have a problem with credits atm.
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    There is a good reason why fleets have a promotion system or you have to spent X fleet credits to access their stores. In a previous fleet people were given immediate access to stores on joining, and it pretty much got abused by people getting what they wanted from the stores and then immediately leaving the fleet. Gear stores require provisions to make the item available for purchase, which requires slotting provisions missions, which it in turn requires resources from members to complete. So it is not fair if a new person joins and can immediately access the stores which other people have contributed towards while the new member has not contributed anything yet. Worse still is if that person gets everything they want and then leaves the fleet. This effectively means other fleet members paid for it, but the fleet got nothing in return.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    The current provisioning system is pretty terrible, I can't bother with it at all.

    They should make it in a way that once you contribute a certain amount of resources on a provision task you automatically earn some "personal" provisions, and the rest goes into the fleet pool when the task is done. Stores would be unlocked by default, but access to fleet provisions would be still locked.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    We do a 50k donation threshold to open up stores. We're a Tier 5 fleet, and Tier 2 Research labs. Large fleet.
    EDIT: While I think 200k is excessive, it's still not that bad, when you consider you need like 50k fleet cred to buy a fleet warpcore anyway.

    If someone has earned it, and has not been promoted, all they need to do is ask in our fleet channel, and someone will always be happy to promote that person.

    We have 3 FA's myself included, and about 8 VA's capable of promoting.

    Don't be shy, ask politely, and you should get a speedy response. You earned it.
    If you find that's not the case in your fleet, or nobody is ever on, or not answering your email...well then, you probably should leave that fleet asap tbh.

  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    i dont think 50k, 75k, or even 200k are too much to ask. and it sounds to me like your issues are more with your fleets leadership than the underlying mechanics, although the mechanics could certainly be altered to address your complaint... one thing that would be great were if there was a system to facilitate automated rank promotion. it would be pretty great if i could set it up so that anyone in rank 1 that donated 75k was automatically promoted to rank 4. think of how many of these kinds of complaints would simply vanish.​​
    Post edited by tehbubbaloo on
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,805 Community Moderator
    they need to make it so anyone can buy fleet gear when someone is in a fleet.here is my experience with fleets not letting you buy gear when you join.i left one fleet because you had to donate so much before they would let you start buying fleet gear. the problem was they would kick people soon has they donated enough so basically using people to level fleet. now i am in one where i have spent 100k dil and 30mil in credits and anyone that is able to advance me so i can buy gear is never on its very frustrating.look i get it fleets don't want you to join then buy something then take off.the problem with that does it even matter they have to dontate to get enough fleet credits to even buy so its not like the fleet isn't getting anything out of it and in some cases some people leave one fleet because its not high enough to get what they want so leave join another buy what they want then leave. heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems

    The system is fine the way it is. You good sir just got in with scammers in that first fleet. In both fleets that I run KDF side and Fed side we have restrictions in place for a reason. As others have said it takes time and resources to generate those provisions. For example to generate 10 provisions for my Fed fleet's spire requires a decent amount of resources. the biggest things being 383 fleet marks and 22,688 dilithium. This doesn't take into account the duty officers or the other replicated materials as well. Once you fill up the project you don't get those provisions right away either, it takes 20 hours for the projects to come off cooldown. If you do a quick provisioning that doesn't take as long to cooldown then it eats 90,000+ dilithium for almost half of the provisions. The resources of fleets aren't infinite as much as we wish they were.

    In my Fed fleet we have store access unlock at rank 3 with a person eligible for that rank after they've donated 175k worth of fleet credits to the fleet. The logic behind this is if they stick around long enough to do that then they're probably going to stick around for a little while at least. At 175k fleet credits as well you'll be able to buy something from the store at least. This is done to prevent leeching of fleet resources. If what you're proposing was done you would have leeches coming out of the woodworks wanting to join the high level fleets and would drain them dry of provisions and so on without ever contributing to the fleet.

    If you need gear there's several fleets out there that don't care to let you access their stuff provided you contribute something to their fleet in exchange, or even free access if your fleet just isn't high enough level. There's no need to change system simply because of a few bad fleets. There are reasons most fleets have limited access until your prove yourself.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    Each fleet is run differently. My fleet for example gives you instant access, you are not required to donate. My fleet acts more of a collection of lone wolfs. Myself and 3 others leveled and maxed the holdings, and we love earning fleet credits. We have players who join us and do their own thing, which is fine, a once a year letting me know your alive is the only requirement. We have no power trips, no fleet drama. No e-pen or ego trips.
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
    95bced8038c91ec6f880d510e6fd302f366a776c4c5761e5f7931d491667a45e.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    they need to make it so anyone can buy fleet gear when someone is in a fleet.here is my experience with fleets not letting you buy gear when you join.i left one fleet because you had to donate so much before they would let you start buying fleet gear. the problem was they would kick people soon has they donated enough so basically using people to level fleet. now i am in one where i have spent 100k dil and 30mil in credits and anyone that is able to advance me so i can buy gear is never on its very frustrating.look i get it fleets don't want you to join then buy something then take off.the problem with that does it even matter they have to dontate to get enough fleet credits to even buy so its not like the fleet isn't getting anything out of it and in some cases some people leave one fleet because its not high enough to get what they want so leave join another buy what they want then leave. heres what i think needs to happen make being able to buy fleet gear automatically unlock after 30 days of joining a fleet so you will not have the above problems

    Sounds like you need to find a better Fleet, and stop accepting random Fleet invites. IMO - I think it's fine for a Fleet to require some amount of donation BEFORE opening up their stores because it takes time and material to both rank up holdings and stock provisions for you to purchase.

    Don't fault the system because you don't take an interest in researching an existing Fleet before accepting an invitation or putting in an app.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • hunteralpha84hunteralpha84 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    I'm a fleet leader but its a fleet of friends so we don't really have new members but I set it up so our lowest rank only has access to fleet chat incase we do recruit new members.

    It's purely to stop people joining and robbing our provisions/bank.

    However, I know the frustration of trying to join a fleet. I don't have a kdf fleet for my alts and I tried joining one but they required joining their web site, donating X amount of resources and required being online for X amount of time.

    I'm on almost every day but usually just to sort out my own fleet and dilithium grind. I didn't have the time or energy to jump through endless hoops.

    I just wanted a causal fleet *shrug*

    The only thing I wish wasn't locked behind a fleet is the fleet ships. I can make do without the fleet consoles but fleet ships are kind of necessary at the very end game.
  • sdkraustsdkraust Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    scarling wrote: »
    200k credits sounds like a lot but is reasonable to me. The only fleet I ever joined had that and I'v been happy about sticking it out ever since. Now, it's the fleets that make each alt do 200k that is a definite "nope" to me.

    We used to loosely follow this, and I've never seen anything wrong with it.

    I am only in my current fleet because I paid one of the older leaders ~20m to buy an old Fleet Ship, and the money was reimbursed to me once I had contributed 250K, which would have been the "requirement" to buy from fleet shops.

    I see small things (like buying gear) to be a "ask for permission" type of thing, and then getting full access rights after 200k contributed to buy some of the more expensive items (Ships) to be a decent alternative.

    Provisions cost money, and when you're the main person contributing and you've got a bunch of other people who won't even contribute 10 common doffs a day, you've gotta have a bit of sense to put in restraints to prevent "chew and ****" types of people form abusing the system.
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