Then the special item should have been a rare or unique warp core rather than a console. Something like:
Warp Core Taken From a Ship in the Smithsonian Orbital Annex Mk XII
One of the great things I like about STO is the back story etc. I loved this one I also agree with the group it would be amazing if the powers that be would place all of this in game as well. It could be in your ready room desk computer so you can access all of this back history for the enjoyment of it being there.
Keep doing these little episode type things going forward, please. I really liked this one, but tech nerd - also, I'm amused Starfleet's best solution to the problem is 'make it run worse, but give it an outlet so it explodes when we want it to'.
Agreed. As a self-identified Starfleet Engineer I vibe with this.
I just built stronger shield generators but this is a good solution.
Seriously? I've written it wrong for what - 10 to 15 years now?
It probably will help to know that it actually means a low plain. Utopia Plains, sounds like an overpriced housing development, Utopia Planitia sounds like a shipyard.
I agree, keep these stories going. Also, in modern automotive technology this is similar to how diesel emissions are handled. Make it dirtier so it can then be cleaner. Of course the best solution for the ship would have been to totally redesign the EPS system from scratch but deadlines often push a lesser product to market.
So are we calling this "The Volkswagen Solution"? Because it sounds like a Volkswagen solution to me.
At least we had someone calling out Humans' bizarre insistence on making everything a pre-spaceflight analogy.
'Like the forums on the old Earth Internet, where everything was reduced to a single issue'.
Well...I mean... The Federation Starfleet is grown out of the United Earth Starfleet, which was built on almost literal naval tradition. They're starships not starplanes. Even calling the commanding officer captain.
Everything about Starfleet is Navy. Starfleet officers are literally indoctrinated into old Earth naval traditions. The only reason every non-human isn't is because they have their own world's culture to offset it.
Then the special item should have been a rare or unique warp core rather than a console. Something like:
Warp Core Taken From a Ship in the Smithsonian Orbital Annex Mk XII
I'm not sure about that. The problem in this chapter here, is that the "Another blown plasma manifold in the Hestia’s engine assembly!" that's the EPS grid, the ship's electrical conduits. The warp core itself is fine. Like when the Defiant first came out, the engine is too powerful for the rest of the ship. In biological terms the heart is pumping so hard the blood vessels keep bursting. Don't continue that analogy; for your own good.
That said, it would probably would've been best to make it a special EPS console, so the ship also has enhanced power transfer as well if that's the idea. But I haven't looked at the console myself yet.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
In the future all circuits have no fuses and saftey valves. Stuffs just blow up all the time. oh boy ate too much chilli I must go vent some hot plasma now...
A growl of frustration echoed through the translucent walls of the design project room. Lieutenant Whetu’s PADD clattered off the table as she flung it with annoyance.
A growl of frustration echoed through the translucent forum users at yet another..... What is it were reading. Is this a game, or book?
Was getting tingles when they said design your own ship. But cryptic by name cryptic by nature. What they really meant was , here are a list of shockingly poor designs, go make one from the garbage we strewn together one weekend. Seriously going down hill fast in the not so perfect star trek world of entertainment.
Those pictures are nothing but early concepts. Compared to a complete ship design, of course they are "shockingly poor". What, you expected them to throw already complete ships in our faces with every bell and whistle already in place?
"Dear Captains, we've been working on these for a few months now. Which one would you like to see in game?"
We'll see more detailed designs, but first the community needs to settle on what the new ship's general outline should be like.
Careful, you might actually like the carrier we get in the end.
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
These story blogs need to be placed in-game if they are going to be substituting or complementing new content/episodes. Trendy, can you at least convey that to the Devs or the people higher up about that. Thankies.
I second this one. It would not cost nothing, it could function like advertising (there is a new ship to buy) and it would enrich STO immensely. Trendy please do convey our request to the devs.
How about being able to get a PADD-item after completing a short side-mission at the acadamy or ESD, which can be used to access these stories (maybe as cutscene, maybe not). They would be accessible in your readyroom as well, once the mission has been completed. The mission would be fun for captains interested in the stories, without bothering others too much.
ok so from what i understand we are either going to get a low-power-level-efficient ship which means BO is completely useless and that puts me on the idea that specifically this one is going to be a science ship or we gonna get a plasma-barfing-factory which can be other-than, but better built science ship...
ok so from what i understand we are either going to get a low-power-level-efficient ship which means BO is completely useless and that puts me on the idea that specifically this one is going to be a science ship or we gonna get a plasma-barfing-factory which can be other-than, but better built science ship...
It's the Hestia, it already released. Just a bit of backstory on the Hestia's special console.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
...A growl of frustration echoed through the translucent walls of the design project room. Lieutenant Whetu’s PADD clattered off the table as she flung it with annoyance...
...Elyos sighed and said, “I may only be an ensign, but this is my problem too. You need to figure out a way to fix the overpressure – yours and the EPS grid’s.” He dropped the PADD back to the table with a gesture of indifference...
I have not yet read the entire post from that page but when I got down to about where Elyos tells Whetu she needs to "Fix the Overpressure" my mind jumped to the fact that, in real life, there is a sort of device that is used to 'fix an overpressure' situation. The mechanical device I'm talking about here is named an "Accumulator".
An accumulator takes a little bit of the system's pressure over time. Eventually this 'metal balloon', this so called Accumulator, has enough pressure, and maintains that pressure, so that the machine the accumulator is installed on has an emergency pressure 'boost' ready to fire off at the moment the machine calls for such a boost as that. Just like an electrical capacitor, the Accumulator stores a charge of air, or perhaps even hydraulic fluid that would be motivated by that same charge of air.
When the machine needs that turbo boost, the solenoid valve that caps the accumulator is shifted open by an electrical signal from the machine and away it goes.
While I'm guessing that a lot of you folks out there reading this already know about accumulators and hydraulics and pneumatics. I wrote this for you guys, to HOPEFULLY put a smile on your face. I also wrote this all down with a slight aim at another set of folks who have no clue about these kinds of things, in my HOPE of making this bit somehow entertaining for you. Lastly, I wrote this too for myself, as an exercise in writing. I hope I stayed coherent for you. If not, click that button, and tell me so.
The Tales of the War series could be added to the Krenim research base's conference room in one of the story episodes. A console with mission reports, PADDs all over the place with logs.
-- or spread them out over multiple episodes where we visit the place
+ add an accolade for reading them all maybe? "Iconian War Historian"?
In a similar fashion, these logs about the ships could go to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for example.
-- ooor as reports on Quinn's desk ^^
Post edited by kelettes on
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Q knows I would kill for a Haka emote, since I have a Maori char.
Dear Cryptic Dev Unimatrix:
Being a NZ All Blacks rugby fan, these are grand suggestions, especially the haka emote.
Also there have been several mentions of the captain's ready room consoles being utilised as sources of in-game Tales of War libraries and/or sources of Trek lore.
I second the vote for these suggestions
Cheers... RRF Admiral Cybyl (resistance is futile... if less than one ohm)
Thus spake Admiral Cybyl: Alea iacta est. Ibis redibis,numquam per bello peribis. Ergo, per aspera ad astra!
Just burns more components from all the time it spends in the shipyards. :P
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Warp Core Taken From a Ship in the Smithsonian Orbital Annex Mk XII
The Kremlin? Probably in Russian.
Agreed. As a self-identified Starfleet Engineer I vibe with this.
I just built stronger shield generators but this is a good solution. It probably will help to know that it actually means a low plain. Utopia Plains, sounds like an overpriced housing development, Utopia Planitia sounds like a shipyard.
So are we calling this "The Volkswagen Solution"? Because it sounds like a Volkswagen solution to me.
Well...I mean... The Federation Starfleet is grown out of the United Earth Starfleet, which was built on almost literal naval tradition. They're starships not starplanes. Even calling the commanding officer captain.
Everything about Starfleet is Navy. Starfleet officers are literally indoctrinated into old Earth naval traditions. The only reason every non-human isn't is because they have their own world's culture to offset it.
I'm not sure about that. The problem in this chapter here, is that the "Another blown plasma manifold in the Hestia’s engine assembly!" that's the EPS grid, the ship's electrical conduits. The warp core itself is fine. Like when the Defiant first came out, the engine is too powerful for the rest of the ship. In biological terms the heart is pumping so hard the blood vessels keep bursting. Don't continue that analogy; for your own good.
That said, it would probably would've been best to make it a special EPS console, so the ship also has enhanced power transfer as well if that's the idea. But I haven't looked at the console myself yet.
so 2 requests, can Utopia Planitia be in the game permanently, and can it be the location of the annual spelling bee in the game?
A growl of frustration echoed through the translucent forum users at yet another..... What is it were reading. Is this a game, or book?
Was getting tingles when they said design your own ship. But cryptic by name cryptic by nature. What they really meant was , here are a list of shockingly poor designs, go make one from the garbage we strewn together one weekend. Seriously going down hill fast in the not so perfect star trek world of entertainment.
"Dear Captains, we've been working on these for a few months now. Which one would you like to see in game?"
We'll see more detailed designs, but first the community needs to settle on what the new ship's general outline should be like.
Careful, you might actually like the carrier we get in the end.
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
I second this one. It would not cost nothing, it could function like advertising (there is a new ship to buy) and it would enrich STO immensely. Trendy please do convey our request to the devs.
Anyway funny story, keep them coming.
How about being able to get a PADD-item after completing a short side-mission at the acadamy or ESD, which can be used to access these stories (maybe as cutscene, maybe not). They would be accessible in your readyroom as well, once the mission has been completed. The mission would be fun for captains interested in the stories, without bothering others too much.
It's the Hestia, it already released. Just a bit of backstory on the Hestia's special console.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
I have not yet read the entire post from that page but when I got down to about where Elyos tells Whetu she needs to "Fix the Overpressure" my mind jumped to the fact that, in real life, there is a sort of device that is used to 'fix an overpressure' situation. The mechanical device I'm talking about here is named an "Accumulator".
An accumulator takes a little bit of the system's pressure over time. Eventually this 'metal balloon', this so called Accumulator, has enough pressure, and maintains that pressure, so that the machine the accumulator is installed on has an emergency pressure 'boost' ready to fire off at the moment the machine calls for such a boost as that. Just like an electrical capacitor, the Accumulator stores a charge of air, or perhaps even hydraulic fluid that would be motivated by that same charge of air.
When the machine needs that turbo boost, the solenoid valve that caps the accumulator is shifted open by an electrical signal from the machine and away it goes.
While I'm guessing that a lot of you folks out there reading this already know about accumulators and hydraulics and pneumatics. I wrote this for you guys, to HOPEFULLY put a smile on your face. I also wrote this all down with a slight aim at another set of folks who have no clue about these kinds of things, in my HOPE of making this bit somehow entertaining for you. Lastly, I wrote this too for myself, as an exercise in writing. I hope I stayed coherent for you. If not, click that button, and tell me so.
Best regards,
BWAHAHAAH!!!! It's been a while since I translated something like this.
I took this.
I was at first going to just randomly rearrange things, but I noticed a pattern in the letters and one thing lead to another, and BOOM!
My character Tsin'xing
+1 Vote that this sort of info/story/lore needs to be available somewhere in the game.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
The Tales of the War series could be added to the Krenim research base's conference room in one of the story episodes. A console with mission reports, PADDs all over the place with logs.
-- or spread them out over multiple episodes where we visit the place
+ add an accolade for reading them all maybe?
In a similar fashion, these logs about the ships could go to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for example.
-- ooor as reports on Quinn's desk ^^
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Dear Cryptic Dev Unimatrix:
Being a NZ All Blacks rugby fan, these are grand suggestions, especially the haka emote.
Also there have been several mentions of the captain's ready room consoles being utilised as sources of in-game Tales of War libraries and/or sources of Trek lore.
I second the vote for these suggestions
Cheers... RRF Admiral Cybyl (resistance is futile... if less than one ohm)