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Why must it be so expensive to obtain a Jem'Hadar attack ship hanger pet?



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    navar#3536 navar Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    If you bought 15 dollars of zen every month you played sto, as a kind of analogue to an old school mmo subscription, woul you have any trouble getting the stuff you wanted, provided you went about it in a smart way?

    Not really the point. I don't mind a market per-say...as long as the market is fluff only. However, the market in this game is NOT fluff only since the ships you buy come with consoles that also have procs that come with those consoles. I don't like lock boxes and I don't like markets that have anything other than fluff items. I will not spend money on lock boxes no matter how much zen they throw at me per month. I do not gamble. Those boxes are gambling. They could send me 2K Zen a month instead of 500 (which 500 zen will not get you anything worth having) and I STILL would not buy a lock box. I have yet to use my free lock box key they sent me. It sits in my bank and it stays there....or where ever I put it. I don't even know where I put it because once I moved it out of my inventory, I stopped caring where it was. I might have actually deleted it for all I know.

    Somebody once said, "Well with the 500 a month you get for free, you should have everything in the market by now..." Hahaha...okay! That is hogwash. Plain and simple.
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    navar#3536 navar Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    If you bought 15 dollars of zen every month you played sto, as a kind of analogue to an old school mmo subscription, woul you have any trouble getting the stuff you wanted, provided you went about it in a smart way?

    Not really the point. I don't mind a market per-say...as long as the market is fluff only. However, the market in this game is NOT fluff only since the ships you buy come with consoles that also have procs that come with those consoles. I don't like lock boxes and I don't like markets that have anything other than fluff items. I will not spend money on lock boxes no matter how much zen they throw at me per month. I do not gamble. Those boxes are gambling. They could send me 2K Zen a month instead of 500 (which 500 zen will not get you anything worth having) and I STILL would not buy a lock box. I have yet to use my free lock box key they sent me. It sits in my bank and it stays there....or where ever I put it. I don't even know where I put it because once I moved it out of my inventory, I stopped caring where it was. I might have actually deleted it for all I know.

    Somebody once said, "Well with the 500 a month you get for free, you should have everything in the market by now..." Hahaha...okay! That is hogwash. Plain and simple.

    You can get dil in game and trade it to people for zen, and use that zen to get everything you want on the c-store.

    You dont need to open lockboxes to get almost all the lockbox loot, it can almost all be sold on the exchange and you can get it there for in-game currency.

    The exception is lobi, but if you're smart and just figure 'lobi gear is expensive gear,' and open boxes with that in mind, you can get it that way.

    Meh, it's more of a personal standard thing with me. I won't buy anything on the exchange that came from a lock box. Now I will break down from time to time and buy a nice ship from the market even though it is more than just fluff. However, I also know exactly what I am getting and exactly how much it will cost me to buy it...so I make a personal exception there. When it comes to lock boxes, I refuse to support them in any way whatsoever. That is my personal choice and that is how I take a stand against them, by not condoning them or buying in to them. I know my personal stance will never make a difference, but at least I know that system is not there because of me, and that is good enough for me.

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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,886 Arc User
    I gave up on it. as much as i'd like the bugs for Sword of Barsoom and or Shangri-La, I'm actually quite happy with elite scorpions. it would be nice if i could use frigate class pets like the weavers but C'est la Vie. with the t-6 JH ships out are the t5 bugs still commanding stupid prices?
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