it IS a odyssey uniform, look at the cut, I switched the black and the division color fields in the character creation to pay homage to the older near full color redshirts from TOS
ktamradio If you are looking for some nice music while playing clicky clicky click!
I don't think it will be destroyed... But it's going to be one hell of a refit... Maybe Quin finally dies and gets sucked out into space, and then you get his office?
that's one way to gain the "admirality" hurr hurr hurr or maybe he finally flips throws his hands up and yells I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS X/§(/$!! YOU! your fleet admiral you do it!!! XD
ktamradio If you are looking for some nice music while playing clicky clicky click!
it IS a odyssey uniform, look at the cut, I switched the black and the division color fields in the character creation to pay homage to the older near full color redshirts from TOS
it IS a odyssey uniform, look at the cut, I switched the black and the division color fields in the character creation to pay homage to the older near full color redshirts from TOS
I don't think it will be destroyed... But it's going to be one hell of a refit... Maybe Quin finally dies and gets sucked out into space, and then you get his office?
Now YOU command Starfleet....
Don't forget to come back every seven days to pick up your listener cut and to listen to the Night Mother to send the borthers and sisters out on missions
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
I don't wanna say I TOLD YOU SO! buuut~ yeah.. that happened :P
Great. First the Undine blew it up and now Iconians?
Please don't blow up ESD until all trolls are gathered in it first . Some innocent civilians will be lost, but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. (This is just a joke. )
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
leave the klingons alone, without the spacecoffeine of raktajino trendy and co's progress on updates will grind to a halt as they all fall asleep for years!
ktamradio If you are looking for some nice music while playing clicky clicky click!
Does Earth rotate ?
No . We're not ready !
But I get the funnies with the pic .
(and sorry for the tangent)
ESD dies. And your solution? Give it a redshirt?!?
Well, I know I'll be converting some desolate region on Earth to a big graveyard for ESD.
(seriously, I laughed)
Join the Deltas today!
No. This is the up-to-date uniform that Cryptic officially released, and someone was nice enough to post it on the wiki
it IS a odyssey uniform, look at the cut, I switched the black and the division color fields in the character creation to pay homage to the older near full color redshirts from TOS
But, isn't the official color scheme of Starfleet, as told by Cryptic.
Don't mind me. I'm just teasing you a little.
Now YOU command Starfleet....
Don't forget to come back every seven days to pick up your listener cut and to listen to the Night Mother to send the borthers and sisters out on missions
Great. First the Undine blew it up and now Iconians?
Please don't blow up ESD until all trolls are gathered in it first