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I just lost 200 dollars trying to get the timeship, I'm not mad, but I have a suggestion.

rothnangrothnang Member Posts: 18 Arc User
So, I just opened Delta packs worth about 200 bucks and didn't get the timeship, which was the only reason I bought them. At this point I feel foolish for gambling my money away. I'm not mad about the promotion, I knew what I was buying, and I knew there was a risk I wouldn't get it. (This is one of my all time favourite ships in StarTrek, and it's a science ship, which is my favourite ship type in STO, so I couldn't resist) The thing is, my misfortune with this ship has gotten me vow to myself that I will never again spend a single dollar on an item that isn't a sure thing. If I had gotten my Annorax, who knows, I might have dropped another 200 bucks the next time I see something like this. So, yes, you have made a pretty solid profit off me with this promo, but you could be making more in the future if I didn't feel like an idiot for gambling with my money.

So here is my suggestion: You guys can make more money in the long term and have a greater degree of customer satisfaction by changing the way these promos work. How about every time you open one of these packs and don't get the thing you want you earn claim tickets instead that can be redeemed for the special item once you get enough of them. So, let's say there is a 1% chance to get the ship, but every time you don't get one you instead get 1 ticket. 100 tickets can be redeemed for the ship. (That's an extremely simplified example, every pack could contain something like 1-100 tickets as well and it takes 5000 to buy the ship if a higher degree of randomness is desired) Once a player receives the ship (If they got it by chance) the system could delete all the tickets they have, or they could retain the tickets to entice them to keep buying for a second ship. (The latter option would increase the total number of ships in the game a bit)

If I was sitting at, let's say, 78 tickets after spending 200 bucks, guess what, you just earned another 100 bucks and retained a customer who's willing to spend big rather than turning someone away from ever buying promo packs again. Instead of relying on gambler's folly to kick in and make the player keep spending because they feel like they have to to justify their initial investment, you introduce a second, predictable way to to get what they want without actually reducing the number of packs being sold from a statistical standpoint.

It's more fair to the customers, and it's going to make you guys more money. You can tune the ticket reward in such a way that pretty much the exact same number of promo packs get sold per ship earned, but more people are going to buy them because it won't be so random, and people are going to buy more of them because nobody is going to say "Ok, I cut my losses and wash my hands of this", instead they are going to see "87 tickets, just 13 more packs and my bad luck won't matter".

I really hope this will be taken up, because I think everyone can win here. There is no reason for people like me to walk away heartbroken after not getting something they really wanted, and there is more money to be made in giving people something that gives them the confidence to keep buying instead of cutting their losses or avoiding random rewards all together.


  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Excellent suggestion, I'd like to see that or a guarantee windfall (Open 50 boxes and you're guaranteed a ship!). I've never once gone after a lockbox ship for the exact reason that you have no guarantees, even if you spend an enormous amount of money. I've spent 1890$ in Star Citizen, because I get what I buy, end of story. Lock boxes? Well, isn't there a saying, something like "Gambling is a tax on people who are bad at math"?
  • torduvidetorduvide Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    The main issue with lockboxes in this game is that it really is gambling, the only issue is you never get anything of monetary value in return, ever. So you're not just gambling, you're gambling on a machine that's rigged to throw out little sympathy prizes to try to appease you and make you keep gambling, but not actually payout anything of in-game or irl value. The way this company, and so many others, do these lockboxes, packs, and w/e else is just outright wrong and is the primary reason I only ever buy keys to sell when I don't feel like grinding a couple mil for something. You're gambling away your hard-earned money and getting sweet FA in return, and more often than not you'll not even get anything near what you actually want.
  • rothnangrothnang Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Well, to me a virtual spaceship does have value in the same way that seeing a movie has value. I'm perfectly willing to spend money, even large sums of money on buying gaming experiences. But yea, it was this one particular ship that I wanted so badly that I had a lapse in judgement, I normally never buy anything that isn't a sure thing either. That's exactly why I wrote this, because I know that I'm not the only person that would be willing to spend more money if they had any guarantee of getting what they want. It just never particularly occurred to me just how screwed up this gambling thing really was until I got sucked into it by a reward that just absolutely struck my fancy.

    It's perfectly possible for everyone to win here, both Cryptic and the users.
  • rothnangrothnang Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    As a little addendum to this: I had a mail from a gold seller sitting in my mailbox ingame today that listed the prices for EC, and also advertised having ships for sale. I didn't go to their website to see what they had for sale exactly, but purely the price on energy credits came out to a point where I could have bought the Annorax for about $140 and gotten it for sure if I had gone with illegal gold sellers instead of actually paying for the legit way to get it.

    So that's another way in which Cryptic is losing money by selling these items the way they currently are. If it's actually cheaper and more reliable to go with illegal gold sellers to get your promo ships than it is to go through Cryptic I don't doubt for one second that a bunch of people do it that way.
  • rekurzionrekurzion Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    Here's the problem I see with buying digital content connected to a game...if Cryptic goes out of business tomorrow you get nothing. Every dollar you ever spent disappears when they turn the server off. You won't even be able to play the game solo. All you will have left is a screenshot of a fancy ship with the subtitle "remember when" that costs $200.

    Ironic, because I'm the kind of person that has no problems paying for the production of a game to play it and even a yearly fee if the game is maintained and new items are added - but that's with the expectation that I can acquire everything that is created without restriction.

    $200 for a 1% chance at a collection of 1's and 0's that's existence is dependent on a company's remote server to use and enjoy? And you didn't even get it? You just got conned.
  • rothnangrothnang Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Everything I do in the game is for the experience and the memories, if owning a really cool ship gives me good experiences and memories I'm willing to pay for it.

    I didn't get conned, I knew exactly what I was buying and the risk I was taking. I got extremely disappointed and a bit annoyed with a business model that could actually be more successful if it treated the buyers better.
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