An "alt" that's there - but ignored, in essence all but actually deleted, serves no further harm / foul than if you actually took the time to click delete and confirm via name-typing...
Said "ignored" Alt could present future value as Bank, DOffing Mule, spare character to run an event on, give your main a break day, whatnot.
For example, during DR, I was glad that I hung onto my Feddie Engie & Tac, along with my Rommie Tac & Sci, because combined with my main and recruit, I "soloed" the T2 Dil Mine Upgrade. Once in a blue moon, I'll pull my Engie or tac out of mothballs to take advantage of an event like this (I can "stomach" 3x runs/day of CC, so I could have 1500 marks just in "final reward" alone, nevermind daily boxes and the 250 box at the end...) even though I have like 12 characters...
My KDF Tac - the most polar opposite of my general playstyle, has been stagnating the longest, I barely log into him ever...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Don't delete them, spend 10 minutes a day logging into them, doffing them then dumping all the doff rewards into your account bank, and trading their dil for zen. They will eventually level up slowly, but in the meanwhile at a cost of a few minutes a day you can have a lot more resources available to your main character.
It sounds like this is a psychological problem. As many have explained, you gain nothing from deleting them(unless you need the slot). Keeping them doesn't harm you, or have any negative influence on the characters you DO play, in any way. However, if it "bothers" you to see them, then do what you think will make you happy. But just consider the fact that at some future point you may regret having deleted them(for any number of reasons mentioned in this thread).
I would say never delete a character unless you are out of Character slots and really don't like the character you are considering axing. I have 10 characters and I love all of them. Not in a weird they are my children way, but in an all of them are at least level 40, I put time into creating them and I want to keep them kind of way. I love it when events like CC come around because it gives me a bigger reason to play my alts.
The truth is I think at least 90% of us who focus on one character have that one alt (or maybe more) that we really want to get around to playing again, upgrading all his/her gear and so on. We keep saying to ourselves we will get around to it eventually. For me it is my level 60 Gorn . The problem is all my resources go towards my Fed char and mainly the Fleet that he is in.
I personally just don't bother trying to upgrade everything to max. I collect resources that I can use for it, but I don't focus on blinging out characters.
It is definitely a good thing to have several characters both Fed-side and KDF-side. Be it straight faction or Romulan allies, a little variety is a good thing in a game like this. The down side (at least in my case) is that having many alts makes me want to constantly build them up. I had 42 characters at one time and recently had to force myself to delete down to a more manageable number (currently at 31). There was just too much work involved in maintaining that many characters and my OCD was kicking in and not letting me simply let them sit there... Lol.
Yes, keep several alts for events like Crystalline Catastrophe. Just don't over-extend yourself with more than you can handle. You don't want to turn your game time into a book keeping session.
Play to have fun
-AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- ProjectPhoenix Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I've deleted two toons over the course of my STO time:
--My Delta Recruit was a reroll of a Fed Engineer I didn't really get right the first time. The deletion was a replacement.
--I got rid of my KDF and went down to only Feds and Reman-Fed. I despised the KDF story and I was certain I would never play it again. I have not regretted it.
If you DO delete a toon, make sure that you take the time, even if it takes you a few weeks, to take any items that you can transfer and make use of on other toons, and sell or vendor off anything you cannot. I had a long process I went through that even included making sure I had gotten EC or dilithium out of every single DOFF that toon owned.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
In a short summary, you do NOT need more than one per career. So with one of each on Starfleet side, and one of each on KDF side, that makes a total of six (6) characters, MAXIMUM.
Also, please note that Romulans are NOT a faction. You need to ally with one side or the other. This means they count toward that limit of one per career, per side.
I have 12 toons levelled to 60, all up to date in terms of story lines and rep trees. My original intent was to have one toon per faction per profession for a total of 9 toons but DR came along and so for symmetry's sake I ran up 3 more. Apart from the DRs all my toons have 15+ in research trees and all commendation trees except Recruitment maxed.
I also have one bank toon. I have deleted 2 KDF toons whose progressions were blocked by bugs.
Yes, I am super grindy. Being a completionist with a dash of OCD is a bad combination when playing an MMO. When there no events or interminable missions with multiple rewards requiring repeated playthroughs I use a RNG to pick a toon to play for a session. In the recent dial weekend I made 1million dilithium across my toons.
If you look hard enough, you can find creative ways to play multiple toons which are rewarding and entertaining.
But yes, playing Broken Circle 37 times made me want scratch my eyes out.
Hi. Just wondering if I am not alone in this. I have like 8+ toons. One female human that is level 60. The rest are 4 toons that are level 54-56. They have stayed in this rank like forever since I rarely play with them. I have another that is level 30 and I think 2-3 more at level 4 or something. I have t leveled them yet. I am really considering cutting of some toons if. Of all and just keep one. But I am hesitating .. It's a lot of work. Just one too on has played all missions the others have basically been leveled by doffing.
My main is fed. She is leveled and well equipped. Done all story missions..
I also have one ferengi with lockbox ship .. Really would like to avoid deleting him.
My third toon is KDF alien. She doesn't have anything special than perhaps some costume unlock. But I really dislike her name I once changed it into..
I guess I am asking if I am insane for considering deleting so many of my toons??? It's just so much work .. And I still don't have a Vulcan toon or a rom toon ::// what should I do?
I used to be a huge alt-o-hollic...these days I'm just limiting myself to three of each career and ship...still keep all my other characters in case I do change my all my 50+'s come in handy for events like CC for grinding a little extra dilithium!
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I mentioned before I cut myself down to 12 toons, more than that doffing becomes tiresome. But for events like CC, it gives me a chance to use ships I'm not usually using, as I dislike using the same ship on more than 1 character.
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I have 14 toons. 2 KDF that I never play, 2 feds that I use as storage space, and to keep an old fleet open because of the full access bank tabs. 3 deltas that I play mainly when I get bored of the grind of the new missions. I really have 1 MAIN Engineer Fed that is fairly well equipped. 1 main sci that im still tweaking, 1 main tact that is pretty good. The others are more for experimentation and a bit of variety ship wise.
I honestly have never considered deleting any of them,, even the 4 I log into once a month I wont delete. They can be used for Storage space. If you park one or two at the academy you can run the " get new officers" Doff missions every few days. As stated by many,, there is really no reason to delete and underused character. Look at it this way, if you ever get to the point you are bored with the endgame content,, just log into one of your lower rank toons and play some of the older story missions. I honestly find my Delta's are a bit of a challenge because they DONT have the rep system buffs, or the " epic shiny" new gear. The Cardi mission are a complete pain the rear around level 55 because the baddies have a TON of HP, but the gear just isn't up to par unless you invest in the " epic shiny" stuff.
Well that's my two cents,, as with many others my advice is Don't delete. You don't gain anything.
*************************** Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon Fighting 5th Attack Squadron The Devils Henchman
What a waste of a post? Aren't you old enough to make a simple decision like that OP. C'mon dude delete if you must...or NOT...who cares. No need to know your hesitation on decision making or the lack of it
An "alt" that's there - but ignored, in essence all but actually deleted, serves no further harm / foul than if you actually took the time to click delete and confirm via name-typing...
Said "ignored" Alt could present future value as Bank, DOffing Mule, spare character to run an event on, give your main a break day, whatnot.
For example, during DR, I was glad that I hung onto my Feddie Engie & Tac, along with my Rommie Tac & Sci, because combined with my main and recruit, I "soloed" the T2 Dil Mine Upgrade. Once in a blue moon, I'll pull my Engie or tac out of mothballs to take advantage of an event like this (I can "stomach" 3x runs/day of CC, so I could have 1500 marks just in "final reward" alone, nevermind daily boxes and the 250 box at the end...) even though I have like 12 characters...
My KDF Tac - the most polar opposite of my general playstyle, has been stagnating the longest, I barely log into him ever...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Join Date: Sep 2008
The truth is I think at least 90% of us who focus on one character have that one alt (or maybe more) that we really want to get around to playing again, upgrading all his/her gear and so on. We keep saying to ourselves we will get around to it eventually. For me it is my level 60 Gorn . The problem is all my resources go towards my Fed char and mainly the Fleet that he is in.
My character Tsin'xing
Yes, keep several alts for events like Crystalline Catastrophe. Just don't over-extend yourself with more than you can handle. You don't want to turn your game time into a book keeping session.
Play to have fun
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
--My Delta Recruit was a reroll of a Fed Engineer I didn't really get right the first time. The deletion was a replacement.
--I got rid of my KDF and went down to only Feds and Reman-Fed. I despised the KDF story and I was certain I would never play it again. I have not regretted it.
If you DO delete a toon, make sure that you take the time, even if it takes you a few weeks, to take any items that you can transfer and make use of on other toons, and sell or vendor off anything you cannot. I had a long process I went through that even included making sure I had gotten EC or dilithium out of every single DOFF that toon owned.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Also, please note that Romulans are NOT a faction. You need to ally with one side or the other. This means they count toward that limit of one per career, per side.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
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I also have one bank toon. I have deleted 2 KDF toons whose progressions were blocked by bugs.
Yes, I am super grindy. Being a completionist with a dash of OCD is a bad combination when playing an MMO. When there no events or interminable missions with multiple rewards requiring repeated playthroughs I use a RNG to pick a toon to play for a session. In the recent dial weekend I made 1million dilithium across my toons.
If you look hard enough, you can find creative ways to play multiple toons which are rewarding and entertaining.
But yes, playing Broken Circle 37 times made me want scratch my eyes out.
I used to be a huge alt-o-hollic...these days I'm just limiting myself to three of each career and ship...still keep all my other characters in case I do change my all my 50+'s come in handy for events like CC for grinding a little extra dilithium!
I honestly have never considered deleting any of them,, even the 4 I log into once a month I wont delete. They can be used for Storage space. If you park one or two at the academy you can run the " get new officers" Doff missions every few days. As stated by many,, there is really no reason to delete and underused character. Look at it this way, if you ever get to the point you are bored with the endgame content,, just log into one of your lower rank toons and play some of the older story missions. I honestly find my Delta's are a bit of a challenge because they DONT have the rep system buffs, or the " epic shiny" new gear. The Cardi mission are a complete pain the rear around level 55 because the baddies have a TON of HP, but the gear just isn't up to par unless you invest in the " epic shiny" stuff.
Well that's my two cents,, as with many others my advice is Don't delete. You don't gain anything.
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman
Original STO beta tester.