Several days ago, I searched for "trade" in the chat interface and joined the channel that was found. It soon became apparent that I had not joined a Star Trek Online channel; the items people are offering to buy and sell are not STO items, and the channel name appears in my chat window selection list as:
Example of an item for sale: wts [Constitution Enhancement 7]200g pm me plz
I've since been informed that this is a Champions Online channel.
I can't leave the channel. It appears in my list of special channels, but the "Leave" button has no effect other than to offer the confirmation dialog. Using the commands:
/channel_leave trade
/channel_leave [UNTRANSLATED]ChatConfig_MessageType_Trade
...has no effect. And the channel does not appear in the checkbox list for chat tabs, so I can't disable it, either. At present, my only option seems to be to put everyone who talks in the channel on my ignore list, which is a significant nuisance and feels kind of rude — especially if some of them also play STO!
Tried opening a support ticket, but was told they don't support the chat system. They suggested filing a bug report, but it doesn't seem like a bug, per se. Tried peer to peer support forum, but one suggestion is unworkable (I can't install CO and leave the channel from there because there's no CO Mac client) and the other hasn't panned out. Tried Twitter, but no response. I've tried finding an admin for the chat channel to remove me — but as I can't talk in the channel, can only direct message individual accounts, that's very slow going and I haven't had any luck.
I even grepped my config directory for references to channels in hopes that I could remove the channel from a join-on-login list, to no avail.
Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
The channel is not listed in the chat tab options, so I can't deselect it.
Installing Champions Online is not an option, as unlike STO, there is no Mac client.
Currently, the only option I seem to have is to put everyone who talks in that channel on my ignore list, which is both really inconvenient and feels kind of mean.
The solution listed above is your ONLY solution. The ONLY fix is to install CO and remove yourself out of their Trade.
Blame PWE/Cryptic on this bug. This came around a VERY long time ago when they put in a System Channel for Trade in STO and NW (or was it just NW...I dunno), and called it the exact same name as the player made Trade channel in CO. It basically broke everything and nobody cared about it then.
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Thank you all for your replies.